Overview of additions to Unity's scripting API in each version.
4.6.0 4.5.0 4.3.0 4.2.0 4.1.0 4.0.1 4.0.0 3.5.7 3.5.6 3.5.5 3.5.3 3.5.2 3.5.1 3.5.0 3.4.0 3.3.0 3.2.0 3.0.0 2.x.x 1.x.xName | Type | Namespace |
BaseHierarchySort | Class | UnityEditor |
DecoratorDrawer | Class | UnityEditor |
GUIDrawer | Class | UnityEditor |
PS3 | Class | UnityEditor |
SamsungTV | Class | UnityEditor |
PopupWindow | Class | UnityEditor |
PopupWindowContent | Class | UnityEditor |
TransformSort | Class | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.textArea | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorUserBuildSettings.metroGenerateReferenceProjects | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorUserBuildSettings.psp2BuildSubtarget | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorUserBuildSettings.sceBuildSubtarget | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.centerColor | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.inverseMatrix | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.secondaryColor | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.selectedColor | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.xAxisColor | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.yAxisColor | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.zAxisColor | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.extraExposedTransformPaths | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.optimizeGameObjects | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2BackgroundPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2DLCConfigPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2NPCommsID | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2NPCommsPassphrase | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2NPCommsSig | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2NPTrophyPackPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2PackagePassword | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2ParamSfxPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2SoundPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2ThumbnailPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2TrophyCommId | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.psp2TrophyPackagePath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.stereoscopic3D | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.Metro.enableIndependentInputSource | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.Metro.enableLowLatencyPresentationAPI | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._largeTile | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._largeTile140 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._largeTile180 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._largeTile80 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._smallTile | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._smallTile140 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._smallTile180 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._smallTile80 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._splashScreenImageScale140 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._splashScreenImageScale180 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._tileLogo140 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._tileLogo180 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._tileLogo80 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._tileSmallLogo140 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._tileSmallLogo180 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._tileSmallLogo80 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._tileWideLogo140 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._tileWideLogo180 | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Metro._tileWideLogo80 | Property | UnityEditor |
Selection.assetGUIDs | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.vector4Value | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.spriteBorder | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterSettings.spriteBorder | Property | UnityEditor |
Tools.hidden | Property | UnityEditor |
SpriteMetaData.border | Field | UnityEditor |
AssemblyHelper.FindLoadedAssemblyWithName | Method | UnityEditor |
AssemblyHelper.IsTypeInEditorAssembly | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.FindAssets | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.IconContent | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.NaturalCompare | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.DrawDottedLine | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.GetMainGameViewSize | Method | UnityEditor |
MeshUtility.GetMeshCompression | Method | UnityEditor |
MeshUtility.SetMeshCompression | Method | UnityEditor |
SubstanceImporter.GetGenerateMipMaps | Method | UnityEditor |
SubstanceImporter.SetGenerateMipMaps | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MobileTextureSubtarget | Enum | UnityEditor |
PSP2BuildSubtarget | Enum | UnityEditor |
SCEBuildSubtarget | Enum | UnityEditor |
XboxOneRunMethod | Enum | UnityEditor |
AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel18 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel19 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.BlackBerry | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.PS4 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.PSM | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.PSP2 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.SamsungTV | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.XboxOne | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTargetGroup.PS4 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTargetGroup.PSM | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTargetGroup.PSP2 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTargetGroup.SamsungTV | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTargetGroup.XboxOne | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_7_0 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.Vector4 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AnimBool | Class | UnityEditor.AnimatedValues |
AnimFloat | Class | UnityEditor.AnimatedValues |
AnimQuaternion | Class | UnityEditor.AnimatedValues |
AnimVector3 | Class | UnityEditor.AnimatedValues |
BaseAnimValue<T0> | Class | UnityEditor.AnimatedValues |
UnityEventTools | Class | UnityEditor.Events |
AnchoredJoint2D | Class | UnityEngine |
AssemblyIsEditorAssembly | Class | UnityEngine |
Canvas | Class | UnityEngine |
ContextMenuItemAttribute | Class | UnityEngine |
DisallowMultipleComponent | Class | UnityEngine |
HeaderAttribute | Class | UnityEngine |
RectTransform | Class | UnityEngine |
SpaceAttribute | Class | UnityEngine |
TextAreaAttribute | Class | UnityEngine |
TextGenerator | Class | UnityEngine |
TooltipAttribute | Class | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.UIRenderer | Class | UnityEngine |
WheelJoint2D | Class | UnityEngine |
JointSuspension2D | Struct | UnityEngine |
TextGenerationSettings | Struct | UnityEngine |
UICharInfo | Struct | UnityEngine |
UILineInfo | Struct | UnityEngine |
UIVertex | Struct | UnityEngine |
ISerializationCallbackReceiver | Interface | UnityEngine |
AddComponentMenu.componentOrder | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.allCamerasCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.stereoConvergence | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.stereoEnabled | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.stereoSeparation | Property | UnityEngine |
Collider2D.bounds | Property | UnityEngine |
Compass.headingAccuracy | Property | UnityEngine |
DistanceJoint2D.maxDistanceOnly | Property | UnityEngine |
Font.dynamic | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint2D.jointAngle | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint2D.jointSpeed | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint2D.limitState | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint2D.referenceAngle | Property | UnityEngine |
Joint.enableCollision | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.angularSleepTolerance | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.baumgarteScale | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.baumgarteTOIScale | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.linearSleepTolerance | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.maxAngularCorrection | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.maxLinearCorrection | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.maxRotationSpeed | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.maxTranslationSpeed | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.timeToSleep | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.velocityThreshold | Property | UnityEngine |
ProceduralMaterial.isCachedDataAvailable | Property | UnityEngine |
ProceduralTexture.format | Property | UnityEngine |
ProceduralTexture.hasAlpha | Property | UnityEngine |
PropertyAttribute.order | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.max | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.min | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.position | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.size | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.centerOfMass | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.inertia | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.position | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.rotation | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.worldCenterOfMass | Property | UnityEngine |
SliderJoint2D.jointSpeed | Property | UnityEngine |
SliderJoint2D.jointTranslation | Property | UnityEngine |
SliderJoint2D.limitState | Property | UnityEngine |
SliderJoint2D.referenceAngle | Property | UnityEngine |
Sprite.border | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.unscaledDeltaTime | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.unscaledTime | Property | UnityEngine |
ProceduralPropertyDescription.componentLabels | Field | UnityEngine |
Animator.Rebind | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.GetAllCameras | Method | UnityEngine |
DistanceJoint2D.GetReactionForce | Method | UnityEngine |
DistanceJoint2D.GetReactionTorque | Method | UnityEngine |
Event.PopEvent | Method | UnityEngine |
Font.GetMaxVertsForString | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.GetComponentInParent | Method | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint2D.GetMotorTorque | Method | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint2D.GetReactionForce | Method | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint2D.GetReactionTorque | Method | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.GetIgnoreCollision | Method | UnityEngine |
Physics2D.IgnoreCollision | Method | UnityEngine |
Rect.NormalizedToPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Rect.PointToNormalized | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.AddRelativeForce | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.GetPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.GetPointVelocity | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.GetRelativePoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.GetRelativePointVelocity | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.GetRelativeVector | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.GetVector | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.MovePosition | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody2D.MoveRotation | Method | UnityEngine |
SliderJoint2D.GetMotorForce | Method | UnityEngine |
SpringJoint2D.GetReactionForce | Method | UnityEngine |
SpringJoint2D.GetReactionTorque | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.EncodeToJPG | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.GetSiblingIndex | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.SetAsFirstSibling | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.SetAsLastSibling | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.SetSiblingIndex | Method | UnityEngine |
ForceMode2D | Enum | UnityEngine |
JointLimitState2D | Enum | UnityEngine |
RenderMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
AudioType.VAG | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexDistal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexIntermediate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexProximal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleDistal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleIntermediate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleProximal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleDistal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleIntermediate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleProximal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftRingDistal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftRingIntermediate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftRingProximal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbDistal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbIntermediate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbProximal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightIndexDistal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightIndexIntermediate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightIndexProximal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightLittleDistal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightLittleIntermediate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightLittleProximal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleDistal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleIntermediate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleProximal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightRingDistal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightRingIntermediate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightRingProximal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightThumbDistal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightThumbIntermediate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HumanBodyBones.RightThumbProximal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPad5Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPadMini2Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ProceduralLoadingBehavior.DoNothingAndCache | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.PS4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.PSMPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.PSP2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.SamsungTVPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.XboxOne | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEvent | Class | UnityEngine.Events |
UnityEvent<T0> | Class | UnityEngine.Events |
UnityEvent<T0,T1> | Class | UnityEngine.Events |
UnityEvent<T0,T1,T2> | Class | UnityEngine.Events |
UnityEvent<T0,T1,T2,T3> | Class | UnityEngine.Events |
UnityEventBase | Class | UnityEngine.Events |
UnityAction | Delegate | UnityEngine.Events |
UnityAction<T0> | Delegate | UnityEngine.Events |
UnityAction<T0,T1> | Delegate | UnityEngine.Events |
UnityAction<T0,T1,T2> | Delegate | UnityEngine.Events |
UnityAction<T0,T1,T2,T3> | Delegate | UnityEngine.Events |
PersistentListenerMode | Enum | UnityEngine.Events |
DataUtility.GetInnerUV | Method | UnityEngine.Sprites |
DataUtility.GetMinSize | Method | UnityEngine.Sprites |
DataUtility.GetOuterUV | Method | UnityEngine.Sprites |
DataUtility.GetPadding | Method | UnityEngine.Sprites |
Name | Type | Namespace |
PrimitiveType.Quad | EnumValue | |
CallbackOrderAttribute | Class | UnityEditor |
BlackBerry | Class | UnityEditor |
EditorUserBuildSettings.blackberryBuildSubtarget | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorUserBuildSettings.blackberryBuildType | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.maximized | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.importAnimation | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.PlayerSettings._forceSingleInstance | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.gpuSkinning | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3NpCommunicationPassphrase | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerControlID | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerObject | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.ShowObjectPicker | Method | UnityEditor |
SubstanceImporter.GetPlatformTextureSettings | Method | UnityEditor |
SubstanceImporter.SetPlatformTextureSettings | Method | UnityEditor |
BlackBerryBuildSubtarget | Enum | UnityEditor |
BlackBerryBuildType | Enum | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXIntel64 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.WP8Player | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.BB10 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTargetGroup.WP8 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TargetGlesGraphics.OpenGLES_3_0 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
OnOpenAssetAttribute | Class | UnityEditor.Callbacks |
Asset | Class | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
AssetList | Class | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
ChangeSet | Class | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
ChangeSets | Class | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
ConfigField | Class | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
Message | Class | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
Plugin | Class | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
Provider | Class | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
Task | Class | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States | Enum | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message.Severity | Enum | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
CompletionAction | Enum | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
OnlineState | Enum | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
RevertMode | Enum | UnityEditor.VersionControl |
AndroidJavaProxy | Class | UnityEngine |
AvatarBuilder | Class | UnityEngine |
CrashReport | Class | UnityEngine |
HumanTrait | Class | UnityEngine |
HumanBone | Struct | UnityEngine |
HumanDescription | Struct | UnityEngine |
HumanLimit | Struct | UnityEngine |
CollisionEvent | Struct | UnityEngine |
SkeletonBone | Struct | UnityEngine |
Gradient.alphaKeys | Property | UnityEngine |
Gradient.colorKeys | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIText.color | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.simulateMouseWithTouches | Property | UnityEngine |
iPhone.advertisingIdentifier | Property | UnityEngine |
iPhone.vendorIdentifier | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.alreadyLightmapped | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.safeCollisionEventSize | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.simulationSpace | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.antiAliasing | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.supportsStencil | Property | UnityEngine |
TextMesh.color | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.isReadable | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.videoVerticallyMirrored | Property | UnityEngine |
AndroidJNIHelper.CreateJavaProxy | Method | UnityEngine |
Animator.Update | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.GetCollisionEvents | Method | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.MarkRestoreExpected | Method | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.SupportsStencil | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.CreateExternalTexture | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.UpdateExternalTexture | Method | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.MarkNonReadable | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemSimulationSpace | Enum | UnityEngine |
HideFlags.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PrimitiveType.Quad | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.RuntimePlatform.BB10Player | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.WP8Player | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
Name | Type | Namespace |
MaterialEditor | Class | UnityEditor |
ShaderUtil | Class | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.OnDisable | Delegate | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.OnEnable | Delegate | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.isVisible | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.xboxDeployKinectHeadOrientation | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.xboxDeployKinectHeadPosition | Property | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.Awake | Method | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.ColorProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.FloatProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetColor | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetFloat | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetTexture | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetTextureOffset | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetTextureScale | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetVector | Method | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.PropertiesChanged | Method | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.PropertiesGUI | Method | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.RangeProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.RegisterPropertyChangeUndo | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetColor | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetFloat | Method | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.SetShader | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetTexture | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetTextureOffset | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetTextureScale | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetVector | Method | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.TextureProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
MaterialEditor.VectorProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount | Method | UnityEditor |
ShaderUtil.GetPropertyDescription | Method | UnityEditor |
ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName | Method | UnityEditor |
ShaderUtil.GetPropertyType | Method | UnityEditor |
ShaderUtil.GetRangeLimits | Method | UnityEditor |
ShaderUtil.GetTexDim | Method | UnityEditor |
ShaderUtil.IsShaderPropertyHidden | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXPPC | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXUniversal | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
DidReloadScripts | Class | UnityEditor.Callbacks |
DidReloadScripts.DidReloadScripts | Constructor | UnityEditor.Callbacks |
Display | Class | UnityEngine |
RuntimeAnimatorController | Class | UnityEngine |
Animator.leftFeetBottomHeight | Property | UnityEngine |
Animator.playbackTime | Property | UnityEngine |
Animator.recorderStartTime | Property | UnityEngine |
Animator.recorderStopTime | Property | UnityEngine |
Animator.rightFeetBottomHeight | Property | UnityEngine |
Animator.runtimeAnimatorController | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSettings.dspTime | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.ignoreListenerPause | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.eventMask | Property | UnityEngine |
Debug.developerConsoleVisible | Property | UnityEngine |
Display.main | Property | UnityEngine |
Material.shaderKeywords | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.autoBraking | Property | UnityEngine |
ProceduralMaterial.isReadable | Property | UnityEngine |
ProceduralMaterial.preset | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.npotSupport | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.hasChanged | Property | UnityEngine |
Display.displays | Field | UnityEngine |
ProceduralPropertyDescription.label | Field | UnityEngine |
AndroidJNIHelper.DeleteJNIArgArray | Method | UnityEngine |
Animator.StartPlayback | Method | UnityEngine |
Animator.StartRecording | Method | UnityEngine |
Animator.StopPlayback | Method | UnityEngine |
Animator.StopRecording | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.HasProLicense | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.PlayDelayed | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.PlayScheduled | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.SetScheduledEndTime | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.SetScheduledStartTime | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.SetTargetBuffers | Method | UnityEngine |
Debug.ClearDeveloperConsole | Method | UnityEngine |
Display.SetRenderingResolution | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.Warp | Method | UnityEngine |
ProceduralMaterial.GetGeneratedTexture | Method | UnityEngine |
ProceduralTexture.GetPixels32 | Method | UnityEngine |
NPOTSupport | Enum | UnityEngine |
NPOTSupport.Full | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NPOTSupport.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NPOTSupport.Restricted | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ProceduralLoadingBehavior.Cache | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
Name | Type | Namespace |
AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel17 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
Name | Type | Namespace |
iPhoneGeneration.iPad4Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPadMini1Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
Name | Type | Namespace |
AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel15 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel16 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_5_0 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_5_1 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_6_0 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
iPhoneGeneration.iPadUnknown | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPhone5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPhoneUnknown | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPodTouch5Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPodTouchUnknown | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
Name | Type | Namespace |
PlayerSettings.ps3BootCheckMaxSaveGameSizeKB | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3SaveGameSlots | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3TrialMode | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3TrophyCommSig | Property | UnityEditor |
Mesh.colors32 | Property | UnityEngine |
Name | Type | Namespace |
PlayerSettings.stripUnusedMeshComponents | Property | UnityEditor |
Camera.transparencySortMode | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.Clear | Method | UnityEngine |
TransparencySortMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
TransparencySortMode.Default | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TransparencySortMode.Orthographic | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TransparencySortMode.Perspective | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
Name | Type | Namespace |
UnityEditor.PostProcessAttribute | Class | UnityEditor |
FlashBuildSubtarget | Enum | UnityEditor |
FlashBuildSubtarget.Flash11dot2 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
PostProcessBuildAttribute | Class | UnityEditor.Callbacks |
PostProcessSceneAttribute | Class | UnityEditor.Callbacks |
Resources.UnloadAsset | Method | UnityEngine |
Name | Type | Namespace |
MeshUtility.Optimize | Method | UnityEditor |
NavMeshAgent.currentOffMeshLinkData | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.path | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.texture | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.textureNonReadable | Property | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPad3Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
Name | Type | Namespace |
IAchievement._completed | Property | |
IAchievement._hidden | Property | |
IAchievement._id | Property | |
IAchievement._lastReportedDate | Property | |
IAchievement._percentCompleted | Property | |
IAchievementDescription._achievedDescription | Property | |
IAchievementDescription._hidden | Property | |
IAchievementDescription._id | Property | |
IAchievementDescription._image | Property | |
IAchievementDescription._points | Property | |
IAchievementDescription._title | Property | |
IAchievementDescription._unachievedDescription | Property | |
ILeaderboard._id | Property | |
ILeaderboard._loading | Property | |
ILeaderboard._localUserScore | Property | |
ILeaderboard._maxRange | Property | |
ILeaderboard._range | Property | |
ILeaderboard._scores | Property | |
ILeaderboard._timeScope | Property | |
ILeaderboard._title | Property | |
ILeaderboard._userScope | Property | |
ILocalUser._authenticated | Property | |
ILocalUser._friends | Property | |
ILocalUser._underage | Property | |
IScore._date | Property | |
IScore._formattedValue | Property | |
IScore._leaderboardID | Property | |
IScore._rank | Property | |
IScore._userID | Property | |
IScore._value | Property | |
ISocialPlatform._localUser | Property | |
IUserProfile._image | Property | |
IUserProfile._isFriend | Property | |
IUserProfile._state | Property | |
IUserProfile._userID | Property | |
IUserProfile._userName | Property | |
ActionScript.Expression.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.Add.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.AddRange.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.ArrayEquals.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.Clear.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.Contains.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.Find.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.FindIndex.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.IndexOf.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.Insert.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.LastIndexOf.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.Remove.<T> | Method | |
ArrayUtility.RemoveAt.<T> | Method | |
AssetModificationProcessor.IsOpenForEdit | Method | |
AssetModificationProcessor.OnWillCreateAsset | Method | |
AssetModificationProcessor.OnWillDeleteAsset | Method | |
AssetModificationProcessor.OnWillMoveAsset | Method | |
AssetModificationProcessor.OnWillSaveAssets | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnAudioFilterRead | Method | |
SCEBuildSubtarget | Enum | |
ArrayUtility | Class | UnityEditor |
AssetModificationProcessor | Class | UnityEditor |
CanEditMultipleObjects | Class | UnityEditor |
GameObjectUtility | Class | UnityEditor |
LODUtility | Class | UnityEditor |
NavMeshBuilder | Class | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility | Class | UnityEditor |
PreferenceItem | Class | UnityEditor |
PropertyModification | Class | UnityEditor |
AudioImporter.loadType | Property | UnityEditor |
Editor.serializedObject | Property | UnityEditor |
Editor.targets | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.showMixedValue | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorUserBuildSettings.xboxBuildSubtarget | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorUserBuildSettings.xboxRunMethod | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.maxSize | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.minSize | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.title | Property | UnityEditor |
LightmapEditorSettings.padding | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.importMaterials | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.materialName | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.materialSearch | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.optimizeMesh | Property | UnityEditor |
MovieImporter.linearTexture | Property | UnityEditor |
NavMeshBuilder.isRunning | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.accelerometerFrequency | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.colorSpace | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3BackgroundPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3DLCConfigPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3SoundPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3ThumbnailPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3TitleConfigPath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3TrophyCommId | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.ps3TrophyPackagePath | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.statusBarHidden | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.use32BitDisplayBuffer | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.xboxEnableAvatar | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.xboxEnableKinect | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.xboxEnableKinectAutoTracking | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.xboxEnableSpeech | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.xboxSpeechDB | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.xboxSplashScreen | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.Android.preferredInstallLocation | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.Android.showActivityIndicatorOnLoading | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.Android.use24BitDepthBuffer | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.iOS.showActivityIndicatorOnLoading | Property | UnityEditor |
PlayerSettings.MTRendering | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject.targetObjects | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.arraySize | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.hasMultipleDifferentValues | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.isArray | Property | UnityEditor |
StaticOcclusionCulling.doesSceneHaveManualPortals | Property | UnityEditor |
StaticOcclusionCulling.umbraDataSize | Property | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization._occlusionCullingMode | Property | UnityEditor |
StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization.showPortals | Property | UnityEditor |
StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization.showVisibilityLines | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.generateMipsInLinearSpace | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.linearTexture | Property | UnityEditor |
TrueTypeFontImporter.customCharacters | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowChanged | Field | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.projectWindowChanged | Field | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.searchChanged | Field | UnityEditor |
PropertyModification.objectReference | Field | UnityEditor |
PropertyModification.propertyPath | Field | UnityEditor |
PropertyModification.target | Field | UnityEditor |
PropertyModification.value | Field | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.GetAssetOrScenePath | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.IsOpenForEdit | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.IsSubAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.WriteImportSettingsIfDirty | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetPostprocessor.GetVersion | Method | UnityEditor |
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle | Method | UnityEditor |
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames | Method | UnityEditor |
Editor.GetPreviewTitle | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.SaveScene | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.BeginProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.EndProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.EnumMaskField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.HelpBox | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.LabelField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.MaskField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.PropertyField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.EnumMaskField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.LabelField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.MaskField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.Toggle | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.DrawRegionSwatch | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.GetIconSize | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.CompressTexture | Method | UnityEditor |
GameObjectUtility.AreStaticEditorFlagsSet | Method | UnityEditor |
GameObjectUtility.GetNavMeshLayer | Method | UnityEditor |
GameObjectUtility.GetNavMeshLayerFromName | Method | UnityEditor |
GameObjectUtility.GetNavMeshLayerNames | Method | UnityEditor |
GameObjectUtility.GetStaticEditorFlags | Method | UnityEditor |
GameObjectUtility.SetNavMeshLayer | Method | UnityEditor |
GameObjectUtility.SetStaticEditorFlags | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.SelectionFrame | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.Slider2D | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.DistancePointToLine | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.DistancePointToLineSegment | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.DistanceToRectangle | Method | UnityEditor |
Lightmapping.BakeLightProbesOnly | Method | UnityEditor |
Lightmapping.BakeLightProbesOnlyAsync | Method | UnityEditor |
Lightmapping.Tetrahedralize | Method | UnityEditor |
LODUtility.CalculateLODGroupBoundingBox | Method | UnityEditor |
NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMesh | Method | UnityEditor |
NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMeshAsync | Method | UnityEditor |
NavMeshBuilder.Cancel | Method | UnityEditor |
NavMeshBuilder.ClearAllNavMeshes | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.DisconnectPrefabInstance | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.FindPrefabRoot | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.FindRootGameObjectWithSameParentPrefab | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.FindValidUploadPrefabInstanceRoot | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.GetPrefabObject | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.GetPropertyModifications | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.InstantiateAttachedAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.MergeAllPrefabInstances | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.ReconnectToLastPrefab | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.RecordPrefabInstancePropertyModifications | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.ResetToPrefabState | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.RevertPrefabInstance | Method | UnityEditor |
PrefabUtility.SetPropertyModifications | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject.SetIsDifferentCacheDirty | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject.UpdateIfDirtyOrScript | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.ClearArray | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.CountInProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.FindPropertyRelative | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.GetEndProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.GetEnumerator | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.InsertArrayElementAtIndex | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.MoveArrayElement | Method | UnityEditor |
StaticOcclusionCulling.Compute | Method | UnityEditor |
StaticOcclusionCulling.GenerateInBackground | Method | UnityEditor |
SubstanceImporter.GetAnimationUpdateRate | Method | UnityEditor |
SubstanceImporter.GetGenerateAllOutputs | Method | UnityEditor |
SubstanceImporter.SetAnimationUpdateRate | Method | UnityEditor |
SubstanceImporter.SetGenerateAllOutputs | Method | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.DoesSourceTextureHaveColor | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterSetTransformParentUndo | Method | UnityEditor |
PreferenceItem.PreferenceItem | Constructor | UnityEditor |
AndroidPreferredInstallLocation | Enum | UnityEditor |
AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading | Enum | UnityEditor |
iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading | Enum | UnityEditor |
MessageType | Enum | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMaterialName | Enum | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMaterialSearch | Enum | UnityEditor |
StaticEditorFlags | Enum | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCullingMode | Enum | UnityEditor |
XboxBuildSubtarget | Enum | UnityEditor |
XboxRunMethod | Enum | UnityEditor |
AndroidBuildSubtarget.ETC | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidPreferredInstallLocation.Auto | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidPreferredInstallLocation.ForceInternal | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidPreferredInstallLocation.PreferExternal | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel13 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel14 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.DontShow | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.InversedLarge | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.InversedSmall | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.Large | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.Small | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildOptions.DeployOnline | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildOptions.UncompressedAssetBundle | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.FlashPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
FontTextureCase.CustomSet | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.DontShow | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.Gray | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.White | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.WhiteLarge | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MessageType.Error | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MessageType.Info | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MessageType.None | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MessageType.Warning | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMaterialName.BasedOnMaterialName | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMaterialName.BasedOnModelNameAndMaterialName | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMaterialName.BasedOnTextureName | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMaterialSearch.Everywhere | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMaterialSearch.Local | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMaterialSearch.RecursiveUp | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
StaticEditorFlags.BatchingStatic | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
StaticEditorFlags.LightmapStatic | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
StaticEditorFlags.NavigationStatic | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
StaticEditorFlags.OccludeeStatic | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
StaticEditorFlags.OccluderStatic | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
StaticEditorFlags.OffMeshLinkGeneration | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.ATF_RGB_DXT1 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.ATF_RGB_JPG | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.ATF_RGBA_JPG | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
XboxBuildSubtarget.Debug | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
XboxBuildSubtarget.Development | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
XboxBuildSubtarget.Master | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
XboxRunMethod.DiscEmuAccurate | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
XboxRunMethod.DiscEmuFast | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
XboxRunMethod.HDD | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ADBannerView | Class | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADError | Class | UnityEngine |
ADInterstitialAd | Class | UnityEngine |
Compass | Class | UnityEngine |
Handheld | Class | UnityEngine |
ImageEffectOpaque | Class | UnityEngine |
ImageEffectTransformsToLDR | Class | UnityEngine |
iPhone | Class | UnityEngine |
LightProbeGroup | Class | UnityEngine |
LightProbes | Class | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification | Class | UnityEngine |
LODGroup | Class | UnityEngine |
Microphone | Class | UnityEngine |
NavMesh | Class | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent | Class | UnityEngine |
NavMeshPath | Class | UnityEngine |
NotConvertedAttribute | Class | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices | Class | UnityEngine |
NotRenamedAttribute | Class | UnityEngine |
OcclusionPortal | Class | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLink | Class | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem | Class | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderer | Class | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings | Class | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotification | Class | UnityEngine |
SleepTimeout | Class | UnityEngine |
Social | Class | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboard | Class | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture | Class | UnityEngine |
LocationInfo | Struct | UnityEngine |
NavMeshHit | Struct | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkData | Struct | UnityEngine |
Particle | Struct | UnityEngine |
RenderBuffer | Struct | UnityEngine |
WebCamDevice | Struct | UnityEngine |
PCMReaderCallback | Delegate | UnityEngine |
PCMSetPositionCallback | Delegate | UnityEngine |
WindowFunction | Delegate | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADBannerView._actionInProgress | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADBannerView._autoPosition | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADBannerView._autoSize | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADBannerView._currentSizeIdentifier | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADBannerView._error | Property | UnityEngine |
ADBannerView.loaded | Property | UnityEngine |
ADBannerView.position | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADBannerView._requiredSizeIdentifiers | Property | UnityEngine |
ADBannerView.visible | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADError._code | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADError._description | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADError._reason | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADInterstitialAd._actionInProgress | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADInterstitialAd._error | Property | UnityEngine |
ADInterstitialAd.loaded | Property | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADInterstitialAd._visible | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.genuine | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.genuineCheckAvailable | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.streamingAssetsPath | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.hdr | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.layerCullSpherical | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.useOcclusionCulling | Property | UnityEngine |
Compass.enabled | Property | UnityEngine |
Compass.magneticHeading | Property | UnityEngine |
Compass.rawVector | Property | UnityEngine |
Compass.timestamp | Property | UnityEngine |
Compass.trueHeading | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.particleSystem | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.swapBodies | Property | UnityEngine |
Graphics.activeColorBuffer | Property | UnityEngine |
Graphics.activeDepthBuffer | Property | UnityEngine |
Handheld.use32BitDisplayBuffer | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.compass | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.compositionCursorPos | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.compositionString | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.imeCompositionMode | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.imeIsSelected | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.location | Property | UnityEngine |
iPhone.generation | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.areaSize | Property | UnityEngine |
LightmapSettings.bakedColorSpace | Property | UnityEngine |
LightmapSettings.lightProbes | Property | UnityEngine |
LightProbeGroup.probePositions | Property | UnityEngine |
LightProbes.cellCount | Property | UnityEngine |
LightProbes.coefficients | Property | UnityEngine |
LightProbes.count | Property | UnityEngine |
LightProbes.positions | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.alertAction | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.alertBody | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.alertLaunchImage | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.applicationIconBadgeNumber | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.defaultSoundName | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.fireDate | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.hasAction | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.repeatCalendar | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.repeatInterval | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.soundName | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.timeZone | Property | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.userInfo | Property | UnityEngine |
LocationInfo.altitude | Property | UnityEngine |
LocationInfo.horizontalAccuracy | Property | UnityEngine |
LocationInfo.latitude | Property | UnityEngine |
LocationInfo.longitude | Property | UnityEngine |
LocationInfo.timestamp | Property | UnityEngine |
LocationInfo.verticalAccuracy | Property | UnityEngine |
LocationService.isEnabledByUser | Property | UnityEngine |
LocationService.lastData | Property | UnityEngine |
LocationService.status | Property | UnityEngine |
LODGroup.localReferencePoint | Property | UnityEngine |
LODGroup.lodCount | Property | UnityEngine |
LODGroup.size | Property | UnityEngine |
Microphone.devices | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.acceleration | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.angularSpeed | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.autoRepath | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.autoTraverseOffMeshLink | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.baseOffset | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.desiredVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.destination | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.hasPath | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.height | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.isOnOffMeshLink | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.isPathStale | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.nextPosition | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.obstacleAvoidanceType | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.pathPending | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.pathStatus | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.radius | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.remainingDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.speed | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.steeringTarget | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.stoppingDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.updatePosition | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.updateRotation | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.velocity | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.walkableMask | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshHit.distance | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshHit.hit | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshHit.mask | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshHit.normal | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshHit.position | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshPath.corners | Property | UnityEngine |
NavMeshPath.status | Property | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.deviceToken | Property | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.enabledRemoteNotificationTypes | Property | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.localNotificationCount | Property | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.localNotifications | Property | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.registrationError | Property | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.remoteNotificationCount | Property | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.remoteNotifications | Property | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.scheduledLocalNotifications | Property | UnityEngine |
OcclusionPortal.open | Property | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLink.activated | Property | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLink.costOverride | Property | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLink.occupied | Property | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkData.activated | Property | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkData.endPos | Property | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkData.linkType | Property | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkData.offMeshLink | Property | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkData.startPos | Property | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkData.valid | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.duration | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.emissionRate | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.enableEmission | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.gravityModifier | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.isPlaying | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.loop | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.particleCount | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.playbackSpeed | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.playOnAwake | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.startColor | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.startDelay | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.startLifetime | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.startRotation | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.startSize | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.startSpeed | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.time | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Particle.angularVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Particle.color | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Particle.lifetime | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Particle.position | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Particle.rotation | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Particle.size | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Particle.startLifetime | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Particle.velocity | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderer.cameraVelocityScale | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderer.lengthScale | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderer.maxParticleSize | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderer.mesh | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderer.renderMode | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderer.velocityScale | Property | UnityEngine |
ProceduralMaterial.animationUpdateRate | Property | UnityEngine |
Profiler.enableBinaryLog | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.activeColorSpace | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.blendWeights | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.desiredColorSpace | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.lodBias | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.maximumLODLevel | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.names | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.center | Property | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotification.alertBody | Property | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotification.applicationIconBadgeNumber | Property | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotification.hasAction | Property | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotification.soundName | Property | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotification.userInfo | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.lightProbeAnchor | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.useLightProbes | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.colorBuffer | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.depthBuffer | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.sRGB | Property | UnityEngine |
Screen.dpi | Property | UnityEngine |
Screen.sleepTimeout | Property | UnityEngine |
Social.localUser | Property | UnityEngine |
Social.Active | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.supportedRenderTargetCount | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.supportsLocationService | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.supportsVibration | Property | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboard.active | Property | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboard.area | Property | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboard.done | Property | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput | Property | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboard.text | Property | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboard.visible | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamDevice.isFrontFacing | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamDevice.name | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.deviceName | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.devices | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.didUpdateThisFrame | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.isPlaying | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.requestedFPS | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.requestedHeight | Property | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.requestedWidth | Property | UnityEngine |
ProceduralPropertyDescription.group | Field | UnityEngine |
SleepTimeout.NeverSleep | Field | UnityEngine |
SleepTimeout.SystemSetting | Field | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADBannerView.CancelAction | Method | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADBannerView.GetSizeFromSizeIdentifier | Method | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADBannerView.Hide | Method | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADBannerView.Show | Method | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADInterstitialAd.CancelAction | Method | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADInterstitialAd.Present | Method | UnityEngine |
AndroidJNIHelper.CreateJavaRunnable | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.CaptureScreenshot | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.HasUserAuthorization | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.RequestUserAuthorization | Method | UnityEngine |
AssetBundle.CreateFromFile | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioClip.Create | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioClip.GetData | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioClip.SetData | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSettings.GetDSPBufferSize | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSettings.SetDSPBufferSize | Method | UnityEngine |
Debug.DrawLine | Method | UnityEngine |
Debug.DrawRay | Method | UnityEngine |
Gizmos.DrawIcon | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.IssuePluginEvent | Method | UnityEngine |
Graphics.Blit | Method | UnityEngine |
Graphics.SetRenderTarget | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords | Method | UnityEngine |
Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie | Method | UnityEngine |
Handheld.Vibrate | Method | UnityEngine |
iPhone.ResetNoBackupFlag | Method | UnityEngine |
iPhone.SetNoBackupFlag | Method | UnityEngine |
LightProbes.GetInterpolatedLightProbe | Method | UnityEngine |
LocationService.Start | Method | UnityEngine |
LocationService.Stop | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.GammaToLinearSpace | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.LinearToGammaSpace | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.PerlinNoise | Method | UnityEngine |
Microphone.End | Method | UnityEngine |
Microphone.GetDeviceCaps | Method | UnityEngine |
Microphone.GetPosition | Method | UnityEngine |
Microphone.IsRecording | Method | UnityEngine |
Microphone.Start | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMesh.CalculatePath | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMesh.FindClosestEdge | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMesh.GetLayerCost | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMesh.GetNavMeshLayerFromName | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMesh.Raycast | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMesh.SamplePosition | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMesh.SetLayerCost | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.ActivateCurrentOffMeshLink | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.CalculatePath | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.CompleteOffMeshLink | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.FindClosestEdge | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.GetLayerCost | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.Move | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.Raycast | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.ResetPath | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.Resume | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.SamplePathPosition | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.SetDestination | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.SetLayerCost | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.SetPath | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshAgent.Stop | Method | UnityEngine |
NavMeshPath.ClearCorners | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.TestConnectionNAT | Method | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.CancelAllLocalNotifications | Method | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.CancelLocalNotification | Method | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.ClearLocalNotifications | Method | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.ClearRemoteNotifications | Method | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.GetLocalNotification | Method | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.GetRemoteNotification | Method | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.PresentLocalNotificationNow | Method | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.RegisterForRemoteNotificationTypes | Method | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.ScheduleLocalNotification | Method | UnityEngine |
NotificationServices.UnregisterForRemoteNotifications | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Clear | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.GetParticles | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.IsAlive | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Pause | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Play | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.SetParticles | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Simulate | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystem.Stop | Method | UnityEngine |
Profiler.AddFramesFromFile | Method | UnityEngine |
Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySize | Method | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.DecreaseLevel | Method | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.GetQualityLevel | Method | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.IncreaseLevel | Method | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.SetQualityLevel | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.Set | Method | UnityEngine |
Rect.Set | Method | UnityEngine |
Renderer.SetPropertyBlock | Method | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.GetTemporary | Method | UnityEngine |
Social.CreateAchievement | Method | UnityEngine |
Social.CreateLeaderboard | Method | UnityEngine |
Social.LoadAchievementDescriptions | Method | UnityEngine |
Social.LoadAchievements | Method | UnityEngine |
Social.LoadScores | Method | UnityEngine |
Social.LoadUsers | Method | UnityEngine |
Social.ReportProgress | Method | UnityEngine |
Social.ReportScore | Method | UnityEngine |
Social.ShowAchievementsUI | Method | UnityEngine |
Social.ShowLeaderboardUI | Method | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboard.Open | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector2.Set | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Set | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector4.Set | Method | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.GetPixel | Method | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.GetPixels | Method | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.GetPixels32 | Method | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.Pause | Method | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.Play | Method | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.Stop | Method | UnityEngine |
ADBannerView.ADBannerView | Constructor | UnityEngine |
ADInterstitialAd.ADInterstitialAd | Constructor | UnityEngine |
LocalNotification.LocalNotification | Constructor | UnityEngine |
NavMeshPath.NavMeshPath | Constructor | UnityEngine |
WebCamTexture.WebCamTexture | Constructor | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADErrorCode | Enum | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADPosition | Enum | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADSizeIdentifier | Enum | UnityEngine |
AudioType | Enum | UnityEngine |
BlendWeights | Enum | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier | Enum | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit | Enum | UnityEngine |
ColorSpace | Enum | UnityEngine |
FullScreenMovieControlMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
FullScreenMovieScalingMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
IMECompositionMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration | Enum | UnityEngine |
LocationServiceStatus | Enum | UnityEngine |
NavMeshPathStatus | Enum | UnityEngine |
ObstacleAvoidanceType | Enum | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkType | Enum | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotificationType | Enum | UnityEngine |
RenderTextureReadWrite | Enum | UnityEngine |
TextureCompressionQuality | Enum | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboardType | Enum | UnityEngine |
UserAuthorization | Enum | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADErrorCode.ApplicationInactive | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADErrorCode.BannerVisibleWithoutContent | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADErrorCode.ConfigurationError | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADErrorCode.InventoryUnavailable | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADErrorCode.LoadingThrottled | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADErrorCode.ServerFailure | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADErrorCode.Unknown | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADPosition.Bottom | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADPosition.Manual | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADPosition.Top | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADSizeIdentifier.Landscape | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADSizeIdentifier.Portrait | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UnityEngine.ADSizeIdentifier.Unknown | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.ACC | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.AIFF | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.AUDIOQUEUE | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.IT | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.MOD | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.MPEG | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.OGGVORBIS | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.S3M | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.UNKNOWN | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.WAV | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.XM | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioType.XMA | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
BlendWeights.FourBones | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
BlendWeights.OneBone | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
BlendWeights.TwoBones | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.BuddhistCalendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.ChineseCalendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.GregorianCalendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.HebrewCalendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.IndianCalendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.IslamicCalendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.IslamicCivilCalendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.ISO8601Calendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.JapaneseCalendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.PersianCalendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarIdentifier.RepublicOfChinaCalendar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.Day | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.Era | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.Hour | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.Minute | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.Month | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.Quarter | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.Second | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.Week | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.Weekday | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.WeekdayOrdinal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CalendarUnit.Year | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ColorSpace.Gamma | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ColorSpace.Linear | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ColorSpace.Uninitialized | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FullScreenMovieControlMode.CancelOnInput | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FullScreenMovieControlMode.Full | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FullScreenMovieControlMode.Hidden | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FullScreenMovieControlMode.Minimal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FullScreenMovieScalingMode.AspectFill | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FullScreenMovieScalingMode.AspectFit | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FullScreenMovieScalingMode.Fill | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FullScreenMovieScalingMode.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
IMECompositionMode.Auto | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
IMECompositionMode.Off | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
IMECompositionMode.On | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPad1Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPad2Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPhone | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPhone3G | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPhone3GS | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPhone4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPhone4S | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPodTouch1Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPodTouch2Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPodTouch3Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
iPhoneGeneration.iPodTouch4Gen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button0 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button10 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button11 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button12 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button13 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button14 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button15 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button16 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button17 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button18 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button19 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button3 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button6 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button7 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button8 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick4Button9 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightmapsMode.Directional | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightType.Area | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LocationServiceStatus.Failed | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LocationServiceStatus.Initializing | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LocationServiceStatus.Running | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LocationServiceStatus.Stopped | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NavMeshPathStatus.PathInvalid | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NavMeshPathStatus.PathPartial | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ObstacleAvoidanceType.GoodQualityObstacleAvoidance | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ObstacleAvoidanceType.HighQualityObstacleAvoidance | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ObstacleAvoidanceType.LowQualityObstacleAvoidance | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ObstacleAvoidanceType.MedQualityObstacleAvoidance | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ObstacleAvoidanceType.NoObstacleAvoidance | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkType.LinkTypeDropDown | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkType.LinkTypeJumpAcross | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
OffMeshLinkType.LinkTypeManual | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderMode.Billboard | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderMode.HorizontalBillboard | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderMode.Mesh | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderMode.Stretch | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ParticleSystemRenderMode.VerticalBillboard | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ProceduralCacheSize.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotificationType.Alert | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotificationType.Badge | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotificationType.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RemoteNotificationType.Sound | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RenderTextureFormat.DefaultHDR | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RenderTextureReadWrite.sRGB | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RenderTextureReadWrite.Default | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.FlashPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureCompressionQuality.Best | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureCompressionQuality.Fast | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureCompressionQuality.Normal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.ATF_RGB_DXT1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.ATF_RGB_JPG | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.ATF_RGBA_JPG | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.BGRA32 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboardType.ASCIICapable | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboardType.EmailAddress | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboardType.NamePhonePad | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboardType.NumberPad | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboardType.NumbersAndPunctuation | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboardType.PhonePad | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TouchScreenKeyboardType.URL | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UserAuthorization.Microphone | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
UserAuthorization.WebCam | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ActionScript | Class | UnityEngine.Flash |
ActionScript.Import | Method | UnityEngine.Flash |
ActionScript.Statement | Method | UnityEngine.Flash |
Range | Struct | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
IAchievement | Interface | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
IAchievementDescription | Interface | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ILeaderboard | Interface | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ILocalUser | Interface | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
IScore | Interface | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform | Interface | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
IUserProfile | Interface | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
IAchievement.ReportProgress | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ILeaderboard.LoadScores | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ILeaderboard.SetUserFilter | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ILocalUser.Authenticate | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ILocalUser.LoadFriends | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
IScore.ReportScore | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform.CreateAchievement | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform.CreateLeaderboard | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform.LoadAchievementDescriptions | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform.LoadAchievements | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform.LoadScores | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform.LoadUsers | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform.ReportProgress | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform.ReportScore | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform.ShowAchievementsUI | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
ISocialPlatform.ShowLeaderboardUI | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
Range.Range | Constructor | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
TimeScope | Enum | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
UserScope | Enum | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
UserState | Enum | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
UserState.Offline | EnumValue | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
UserState.Online | EnumValue | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
UserState.OnlineAndAway | EnumValue | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
UserState.OnlineAndBusy | EnumValue | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
UserState.Playing | EnumValue | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms |
GameCenterPlatform | Class | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter |
GameCenterPlatform.ResetAllAchievements | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter |
GameCenterPlatform.ShowDefaultAchievementCompletionBanner | Method | UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter |
Name | Type | Namespace |
AndroidJavaObject.Call.<ReturnType> | Method | |
AndroidJavaObject.CallStatic.<ReturnType> | Method | |
AndroidJavaObject.Get.<FieldType> | Method | |
AndroidJavaObject.GetStatic.<FieldType> | Method | |
AndroidJavaObject.Set.<FieldType> | Method | |
AndroidJavaObject.SetStatic.<FieldType> | Method | |
AndroidJNIHelper.ConvertFromJNIArray.<ArrayType> | Method | |
AndroidJNIHelper.GetFieldID.<FieldType> | Method | |
AndroidJNIHelper.GetMethodID.<ReturnType> | Method | |
AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature.<ReturnType> | Method | |
Component.GetComponent.<T> | Method | |
Component.GetComponentInChildren.<T> | Method | |
Component.GetComponents.<T> | Method | |
Component.GetComponentsInChildren.<T> | Method | |
EditorWindow.FocusWindowIfItsOpen.<T> | Method | |
EditorWindow.GetWindow.<T> | Method | |
EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect.<T> | Method | |
GameObject.AddComponent.<T> | Method | |
GameObject.GetComponent.<T> | Method | |
GameObject.GetComponentInChildren.<T> | Method | |
GameObject.GetComponents.<T> | Method | |
GameObject.GetComponentsInChildren.<T> | Method | |
Object.Instantiate.<T> | Method | |
ScriptableObject.CreateInstance.<T> | Method | |
ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard.<T> | Method | |
PlayerSettings.Android.minSdkVersion | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.anisoLevel | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.filterMode | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.mipMapBias | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.wrapMode | Property | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.ExportPackage | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.ImportPackage | Method | UnityEditor |
AndroidSdkVersions | Enum | UnityEditor |
AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel9 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AndroidInput | Class | UnityEngine |
AndroidInput.secondaryTouchEnabled | Property | UnityEngine |
AndroidInput.secondaryTouchHeight | Property | UnityEngine |
AndroidInput.secondaryTouchWidth | Property | UnityEngine |
AndroidInput.touchCountSecondary | Property | UnityEngine |
AndroidInput.GetSecondaryTouch | Method | UnityEngine |
AndroidJNI.GetIntField | Method | UnityEngine |
Name | Type | Namespace |
NonSerialized | Class | |
Path | Class | |
Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar | Property | |
Path.DirectorySeparatorChar | Property | |
AssetPostprocessor.OnAssignMaterialModel | Method | |
AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessAllAssets | Method | |
AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessAudio | Method | |
AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties | Method | |
AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessModel | Method | |
AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessTexture | Method | |
AssetPostprocessor.OnPreprocessAudio | Method | |
AssetPostprocessor.OnPreprocessModel | Method | |
AssetPostprocessor.OnPreprocessTexture | Method | |
Camera.OnWillRenderObject | Method | |
Editor.OnSceneGUI | Method | |
EditorWindow.OnDestroy | Method | |
EditorWindow.OnFocus | Method | |
EditorWindow.OnGUI | Method | |
EditorWindow.OnHierarchyChange | Method | |
EditorWindow.OnInspectorUpdate | Method | |
EditorWindow.OnLostFocus | Method | |
EditorWindow.OnProjectChange | Method | |
EditorWindow.OnSelectionChange | Method | |
EditorWindow.Update | Method | |
Joint.OnJointBreak | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnConnectedToServer | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnControllerColliderHit | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnDisconnectedFromServer | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnFailedToConnect | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnGUI | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnJointBreak | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnMasterServerEvent | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnNetworkInstantiate | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnPlayerConnected | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnPlayerDisconnected | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnSerializeNetworkView | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnServerInitialized | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnWillRenderObject | Method | |
Network.OnConnectedToServer | Method | |
Network.OnDisconnectedFromServer | Method | |
Network.OnFailedToConnect | Method | |
Network.OnNetworkInstantiate | Method | |
Network.OnPlayerConnected | Method | |
Network.OnPlayerDisconnected | Method | |
Network.OnSerializeNetworkView | Method | |
Network.OnServerInitialized | Method | |
Path.Combine | Method | |
Path.GetDirectoryName | Method | |
Path.GetExtension | Method | |
Path.GetFileName | Method | |
Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension | Method | |
ScriptableObject.OnDisable | Method | |
ScriptableObject.OnEnable | Method | |
AnimationClipCurveData | Class | UnityEditor |
AnimationUtility | Class | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase | Class | UnityEditor |
AssetImporter | Class | UnityEditor |
AssetPostprocessor | Class | UnityEditor |
AudioImporter | Class | UnityEditor |
BuildPipeline | Class | UnityEditor |
CustomEditor | Class | UnityEditor |
DragAndDrop | Class | UnityEditor |
Editor | Class | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication | Class | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI | Class | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout | Class | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility | Class | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs | Class | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles | Class | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow | Class | UnityEditor |
FileUtil | Class | UnityEditor |
Handles | Class | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility | Class | UnityEditor |
Help | Class | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter | Class | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterClipAnimation | Class | UnityEditor |
MonoScript | Class | UnityEditor |
MovieImporter | Class | UnityEditor |
ObjectNames | Class | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject | Class | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty | Class | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter | Class | UnityEditor |
TrueTypeFontImporter | Class | UnityEditor |
Undo | Class | UnityEditor |
Editor.OnInspectorGUI | Delegate | UnityEditor |
CallbackFunction | Delegate | UnityEditor |
DrawCapFunction | Delegate | UnityEditor |
AssetImporter.assetPath | Property | UnityEditor |
AssetPostprocessor.assetImporter | Property | UnityEditor |
AssetPostprocessor.assetPath | Property | UnityEditor |
AudioImporter.forceToMono | Property | UnityEditor |
AudioImporter.format | Property | UnityEditor |
AudioImporter.threeD | Property | UnityEditor |
DragAndDrop.activeControlID | Property | UnityEditor |
DragAndDrop.objectReferences | Property | UnityEditor |
DragAndDrop.paths | Property | UnityEditor |
DragAndDrop.visualMode | Property | UnityEditor |
Editor.target | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.applicationPath | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.currentScene | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.isCompiling | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.isPaused | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.isPlaying | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.actionKey | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.indentLevel | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.boldFont | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.boldLabel | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.colorField | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.foldout | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.label | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.largeLabel | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.layerMaskField | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.miniButton | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.miniButtonMid | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.miniButtonRight | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.miniLabel | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.miniTextField | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.numberField | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.objectField | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.objectFieldThumb | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.popup | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.standardFont | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.textField | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.toggle | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.toggleGroup | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.toolbar | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.toolbarButton | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.toolbarPopup | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.toolbarTextField | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.whiteBoldLabel | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.whiteLabel | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.whiteLargeLabel | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.whiteMiniLabel | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.autoRepaintOnSceneChange | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.focusedWindow | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.position | Property | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.wantsMouseMove | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.color | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.currentCamera | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.lighting | Property | UnityEditor |
Handles.matrix | Property | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.acceleration | Property | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.niceMouseDelta | Property | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.niceMouseDeltaZoom | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.addCollider | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.animationCompression | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.animationWrapMode | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.bakeIK | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.generateAnimations | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.globalScale | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.meshCompression | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.normalSmoothingAngle | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.splitTangentsAcrossSeams | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporter.swapUVChannels | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterClipAnimation.loop | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterClipAnimation.name | Property | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterClipAnimation.wrapMode | Property | UnityEditor |
MovieImporter.duration | Property | UnityEditor |
MovieImporter.quality | Property | UnityEditor |
Selection.activeInstanceID | Property | UnityEditor |
Selection.instanceIDs | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject.targetObject | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.boolValue | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.colorValue | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.depth | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.editable | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.enumNames | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.enumValueIndex | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.floatValue | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.hasChildren | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.hasVisibleChildren | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.intValue | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.isExpanded | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.isInstantiatedPrefab | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.name | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.objectReferenceValue | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.prefabOverride | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.propertyPath | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.propertyType | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.rectValue | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.serializedObject | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.stringValue | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.tooltip | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.type | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.vector2Value | Property | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.vector3Value | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.borderMipmap | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.convertToNormalmap | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.fadeout | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.generateCubemap | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.grayscaleToAlpha | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.heightmapScale | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.isReadable | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.maxTextureSize | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.mipmapEnabled | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.mipmapFadeDistanceEnd | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.mipmapFadeDistanceStart | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.mipmapFilter | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.normalmapFilter | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.npotScale | Property | UnityEditor |
TextureImporter.textureFormat | Property | UnityEditor |
TrueTypeFontImporter.fontSize | Property | UnityEditor |
TrueTypeFontImporter.fontTextureCase | Property | UnityEditor |
AnimationClipCurveData.curve | Field | UnityEditor |
AnimationClipCurveData.path | Field | UnityEditor |
AnimationClipCurveData.propertyName | Field | UnityEditor |
AnimationClipCurveData.type | Field | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.modifierKeysChanged | Field | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged | Field | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.update | Field | UnityEditor |
MenuCommand.userData | Field | UnityEditor |
AnimationUtility.CalculateTransformPath | Method | UnityEditor |
AnimationUtility.GetAllCurves | Method | UnityEditor |
AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips | Method | UnityEditor |
AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents | Method | UnityEditor |
AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve | Method | UnityEditor |
AnimationUtility.GetFloatValue | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.InAnimationMode | Method | UnityEditor |
AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClips | Method | UnityEditor |
AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents | Method | UnityEditor |
AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.StartAnimationMode | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.StopAnimationMode | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.Contains | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.CopyAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.IsMainAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.MoveAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.MoveAssetToTrash | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.OpenAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.Refresh | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.RenameAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.StopAssetEditing | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetDatabase.ValidateMoveAsset | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetImporter.GetAtPath | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetPostprocessor.GetPostprocessOrder | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetPostprocessor.LogError | Method | UnityEditor |
AssetPostprocessor.LogWarning | Method | UnityEditor |
BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer | Method | UnityEditor |
BuildPipeline.PopAssetDependencies | Method | UnityEditor |
BuildPipeline.PushAssetDependencies | Method | UnityEditor |
DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag | Method | UnityEditor |
DragAndDrop.GetGenericData | Method | UnityEditor |
DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag | Method | UnityEditor |
DragAndDrop.SetGenericData | Method | UnityEditor |
DragAndDrop.StartDrag | Method | UnityEditor |
Editor.DrawDefaultInspector | Method | UnityEditor |
Editor.Repaint | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.Beep | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.Exit | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.LockReloadAssemblies | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.NewScene | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.OpenScene | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.OpenSceneAdditive | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.SaveAssets | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.Step | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorApplication.UnlockReloadAssemblies | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.ColorField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.DrawTextureAlpha | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.EnumPopup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.FloatField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.Foldout | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.InspectorTitlebar | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.IntField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.IntPopup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.IntSlider | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.LayerField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.PasswordField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.Popup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.PrefixLabel | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.RectField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.Slider | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.TagField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.TextArea | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.TextField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.Toggle | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.Vector2Field | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.Vector3Field | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUI.Vector4Field | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.ColorField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.EndToggleGroup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.EndVertical | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.FloatField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.Foldout | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.InspectorTitlebar | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.IntField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.IntPopup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.IntSlider | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.LayerField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.PasswordField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.Popup | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.RectField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.Slider | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.Space | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.TagField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.TextArea | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.TextField | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.HasObjectThumbnail | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.HSVToRGB | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.Load | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.LoadRequired | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.ObjectContent | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.PingObject | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.QueueGameViewInputEvent | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.RenderGameViewCameras | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorGUIUtility.RGBToHSV | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.DeleteAll | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.DeleteKey | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.GetBool | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.GetFloat | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.GetInt | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.GetString | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.HasKey | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.SetBool | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.SetFloat | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.SetInt | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorPrefs.SetString | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.CollectDeepHierarchy | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.CollectDependencies | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.CopySerialized | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.DisplayPopupMenu | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.ExtractOggFile | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.FocusProjectWindow | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.FormatBytes | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.GetObjectEnabled | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.IsPersistent | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.SetDirty | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.SetObjectEnabled | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.BeginWindows | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.Close | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.EndWindows | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.Focus | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.GetWindow | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.RemoveNotification | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.Repaint | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.SendEvent | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.Show | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.ShowNotification | Method | UnityEditor |
EditorWindow.ShowUtility | Method | UnityEditor |
FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory | Method | UnityEditor |
FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectoryFollowSymlinks | Method | UnityEditor |
FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory | Method | UnityEditor |
FileUtil.GetUniqueTempPathInProject | Method | UnityEditor |
FileUtil.MoveFileOrDirectory | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.ArrowCap | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.BeginGUI | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.Button | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.ClearCamera | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.ConeCap | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.CubeCap | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.CylinderCap | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.Disc | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.DotCap | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.DrawLine | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.DrawPolyLine | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.DrawSolidArc | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.DrawSolidDisc | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.DrawWireArc | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.DrawWireDisc | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.EndGUI | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.FreeMoveHandle | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.FreeRotateHandle | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.Label | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.PositionHandle | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.RotationHandle | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.ScaleHandle | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.ScaleSlider | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.ScaleValueHandle | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.SetCamera | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.Slider | Method | UnityEditor |
Handles.SphereCap | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.AddControl | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.AddDefaultControl | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.CalcLineTranslation | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.ClosestPointToArc | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.ClosestPointToDisc | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.ClosestPointToPolyLine | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.DistancePointLine | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.DistanceToArc | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.DistanceToDisc | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.DistanceToLine | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.DistanceToPolyLine | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.GetHandleSize | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.PopCamera | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.ProjectPointLine | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.PushCamera | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.RaySnap | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.Repaint | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.WorldPointToSizedRect | Method | UnityEditor |
HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint | Method | UnityEditor |
Help.BrowseURL | Method | UnityEditor |
Help.HasHelpForObject | Method | UnityEditor |
Help.ShowHelpForObject | Method | UnityEditor |
Help.ShowHelpPage | Method | UnityEditor |
MonoScript.GetClass | Method | UnityEditor |
ObjectNames.GetClassName | Method | UnityEditor |
ObjectNames.GetDragAndDropTitle | Method | UnityEditor |
ObjectNames.GetInspectorTitle | Method | UnityEditor |
ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName | Method | UnityEditor |
ObjectNames.SetNameSmart | Method | UnityEditor |
Selection.Contains | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject.FindProperty | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject.GetIterator | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject.Update | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.Copy | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.CountRemaining | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.Next | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.NextVisible | Method | UnityEditor |
SerializedProperty.Reset | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.Undo.ClearSnapshotTarget | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.Undo.CreateSnapshot | Method | UnityEditor |
Undo.PerformRedo | Method | UnityEditor |
Undo.PerformUndo | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterSceneUndo | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterSnapshot | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterUndo | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.Undo.RestoreSnapshot | Method | UnityEditor |
UnityEditor.Undo.SetSnapshotTarget | Method | UnityEditor |
CustomEditor.CustomEditor | Constructor | UnityEditor |
MenuCommand.MenuCommand | Constructor | UnityEditor |
SerializedObject.SerializedObject | Constructor | UnityEditor |
AudioImporterFormat | Enum | UnityEditor |
BuildAssetBundleOptions | Enum | UnityEditor |
BuildOptions | Enum | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget | Enum | UnityEditor |
DragAndDropVisualMode | Enum | UnityEditor |
FontTextureCase | Enum | UnityEditor |
ImportAssetOptions | Enum | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterAnimationCompression | Enum | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterGenerateAnimations | Enum | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMeshCompression | Enum | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterTangentSpaceMode | Enum | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor | Enum | UnityEditor |
PrefabType | Enum | UnityEditor |
ReplacePrefabOptions | Enum | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType | Enum | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat | Enum | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterGenerateCubemap | Enum | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterMipFilter | Enum | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterNormalFilter | Enum | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterNPOTScale | Enum | UnityEditor |
AudioImporterFormat.Compressed | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AudioImporterFormat.Native | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildAssetBundleOptions.CompleteAssets | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildAssetBundleOptions.DeterministicAssetBundle | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildOptions.AutoRunPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildOptions.BuildAdditionalStreamedScenes | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildOptions.Development | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildOptions.ShowBuiltPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXIntel | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.WebPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
BuildTarget.WebPlayerStreamed | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
DragAndDropVisualMode.Generic | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
DragAndDropVisualMode.Link | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
DragAndDropVisualMode.Move | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
DragAndDropVisualMode.None | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
FontTextureCase.ASCII | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
FontTextureCase.ASCIILowerCase | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
FontTextureCase.ASCIIUpperCase | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
FontTextureCase.Unicode | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ImportAssetOptions.Default | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ImportAssetOptions.ImportRecursive | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterAnimationCompression.KeyframeReduction | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterAnimationCompression.KeyframeReductionAndCompression | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterAnimationCompression.Off | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterGenerateAnimations.InNodes | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterGenerateAnimations.InOriginalRoots | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterGenerateAnimations.InRoot | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterGenerateAnimations.None | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMeshCompression.High | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMeshCompression.Low | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMeshCompression.Medium | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterMeshCompression.Off | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ModelImporterTangentSpaceMode.None | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.Arrow | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.Link | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.MoveArrow | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.ResizeUpLeft | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.ResizeUpRight | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.ResizeVertical | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.RotateArrow | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.ScaleArrow | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.SlideArrow | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
MouseCursor.Text | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
PrefabType.DisconnectedModelPrefabInstance | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
PrefabType.DisconnectedPrefabInstance | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
PrefabType.MissingPrefabInstance | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
PrefabType.ModelPrefab | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
PrefabType.ModelPrefabInstance | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
PrefabType.None | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
PrefabType.Prefab | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
PrefabType.PrefabInstance | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ReplacePrefabOptions.Default | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
ReplacePrefabOptions.ReplaceNameBased | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SelectionMode.Assets | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SelectionMode.DeepAssets | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.ArraySize | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.Boolean | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.Character | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.Color | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.Enum | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.Float | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.Integer | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.LayerMask | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.Rect | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.String | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.Vector2 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SerializedPropertyType.Vector3 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.Alpha8 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.ARGB16 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.ARGB32 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.DXT1 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.DXT5 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGB2 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGB4 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGBA2 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGBA4 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.RGB16 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterFormat.RGB24 | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterGenerateCubemap.Cylindrical | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterGenerateCubemap.NiceSpheremap | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterGenerateCubemap.None | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterGenerateCubemap.SimpleSpheremap | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterGenerateCubemap.Spheremap | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterMipFilter.BoxFilter | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterMipFilter.KaiserFilter | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterNormalFilter.Sobel | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterNormalFilter.Standard | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterNPOTScale.None | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterNPOTScale.ToLarger | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterNPOTScale.ToNearest | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
TextureImporterNPOTScale.ToSmaller | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AnimationCurve | Class | UnityEngine |
AnimationEvent | Class | UnityEngine |
AssetBundle | Class | UnityEngine |
AssetBundleRequest | Class | UnityEngine |
AsyncOperation | Class | UnityEngine |
BitStream | Class | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint | Class | UnityEngine |
Cubemap | Class | UnityEngine |
Event | Class | UnityEngine |
ExecuteInEditMode | Class | UnityEngine |
FixedJoint | Class | UnityEngine |
GeometryUtility | Class | UnityEngine |
GUI | Class | UnityEngine |
GUIContent | Class | UnityEngine |
GUILayout | Class | UnityEngine |
GUILayoutOption | Class | UnityEngine |
GUILayoutUtility | Class | UnityEngine |
GUISettings | Class | UnityEngine |
GUISkin | Class | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle | Class | UnityEngine |
GUIStyleState | Class | UnityEngine |
GUIUtility | Class | UnityEngine |
HideInInspector | Class | UnityEngine |
HostData | Class | UnityEngine |
LightmapData | Class | UnityEngine |
LightmapSettings | Class | UnityEngine |
MasterServer | Class | UnityEngine |
MaterialPropertyBlock | Class | UnityEngine |
MovieTexture | Class | UnityEngine |
Network | Class | UnityEngine |
NetworkView | Class | UnityEngine |
Ping | Class | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefsException | Class | UnityEngine |
Profiler | Class | UnityEngine |
RectOffset | Class | UnityEngine |
RPC | Class | UnityEngine |
SerializeField | Class | UnityEngine |
SkinnedMeshRenderer | Class | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo | Class | UnityEngine |
Terrain | Class | UnityEngine |
TerrainCollider | Class | UnityEngine |
TerrainData | Class | UnityEngine |
TextAsset | Class | UnityEngine |
WaitForEndOfFrame | Class | UnityEngine |
WWWForm | Class | UnityEngine |
BoneWeight | Struct | UnityEngine |
CombineInstance | Struct | UnityEngine |
JointDrive | Struct | UnityEngine |
Keyframe | Struct | UnityEngine |
NetworkMessageInfo | Struct | UnityEngine |
NetworkPlayer | Struct | UnityEngine |
NetworkViewID | Struct | UnityEngine |
Plane | Struct | UnityEngine |
LogCallback | Delegate | UnityEngine |
Animation.animatePhysics | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationClip.wrapMode | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.keys | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.length | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.postWrapMode | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.preWrapMode | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.this[int] | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationEvent.animationState | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationEvent.floatParameter | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationEvent.functionName | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationEvent.messageOptions | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationEvent.objectReferenceParameter | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationEvent.stringParameter | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationEvent.time | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.backgroundLoadingPriority | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.isLoadingLevel | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.streamedBytes | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.systemLanguage | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.targetFrameRate | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.unityVersion | Property | UnityEngine |
AssetBundle.mainAsset | Property | UnityEngine |
AssetBundleRequest.asset | Property | UnityEngine |
AsyncOperation.isDone | Property | UnityEngine |
AsyncOperation.priority | Property | UnityEngine |
AsyncOperation.progress | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioClip.channels | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioClip.frequency | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioClip.isReadyToPlay | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioClip.samples | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.playOnAwake | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.time | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.timeSamples | Property | UnityEngine |
BitStream.isReading | Property | UnityEngine |
BitStream.isWriting | Property | UnityEngine |
BoneWeight.boneIndex0 | Property | UnityEngine |
BoneWeight.boneIndex1 | Property | UnityEngine |
BoneWeight.boneIndex2 | Property | UnityEngine |
BoneWeight.boneIndex3 | Property | UnityEngine |
BoneWeight.weight0 | Property | UnityEngine |
BoneWeight.weight1 | Property | UnityEngine |
BoneWeight.weight2 | Property | UnityEngine |
BoneWeight.weight3 | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.depthTextureMode | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.layerCullDistances | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.orthographic | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.detectCollisions | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.slopeLimit | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.stepOffset | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.this[int] | Property | UnityEngine |
CombineInstance.mesh | Property | UnityEngine |
CombineInstance.subMeshIndex | Property | UnityEngine |
CombineInstance.transform | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.networkView | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.angularXDrive | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.angularXMotion | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.angularYLimit | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.angularYMotion | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.angularYZDrive | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.angularZLimit | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.angularZMotion | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.configuredInWorldSpace | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.highAngularXLimit | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.linearLimit | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.lowAngularXLimit | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.projectionAngle | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.projectionDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.projectionMode | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.rotationDriveMode | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.slerpDrive | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.targetAngularVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.targetPosition | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.targetRotation | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.targetVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.xDrive | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.xMotion | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.yDrive | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.yMotion | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.zDrive | Property | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJoint.zMotion | Property | UnityEngine |
Cubemap.format | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.alt | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.button | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.capsLock | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.character | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.clickCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.command | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.commandName | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.control | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.current | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.delta | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.functionKey | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.isKey | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.isMouse | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.keyCode | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.mousePosition | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.numeric | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.shift | Property | UnityEngine |
Event.type | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.networkView | Property | UnityEngine |
Gizmos.matrix | Property | UnityEngine |
GUI.backgroundColor | Property | UnityEngine |
GUI.changed | Property | UnityEngine |
GUI.color | Property | UnityEngine |
GUI.contentColor | Property | UnityEngine |
GUI.depth | Property | UnityEngine |
GUI.enabled | Property | UnityEngine |
GUI.matrix | Property | UnityEngine |
GUI.skin | Property | UnityEngine |
GUI.tooltip | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIContent.image | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIContent.text | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIContent.tooltip | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISettings.cursorColor | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISettings.cursorFlashSpeed | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISettings.doubleClickSelectsWord | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISettings.selectionColor | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISettings.tripleClickSelectsLine | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.box | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.button | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.customStyles | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.font | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.horizontalScrollbar | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.horizontalScrollbarLeftButton | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.horizontalScrollbarRightButton | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.horizontalScrollbarThumb | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.horizontalSlider | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.horizontalSliderThumb | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.label | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.scrollView | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.settings | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.textArea | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.textField | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.toggle | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.verticalScrollbar | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.verticalScrollbarDownButton | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.verticalScrollbarThumb | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.verticalScrollbarUpButton | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.verticalSlider | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.verticalSliderThumb | Property | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.window | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.active | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.alignment | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.border | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.clipping | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.contentOffset | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.fixedHeight | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.fixedWidth | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.focused | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.font | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.hover | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.imagePosition | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.lineHeight | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.margin | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.name | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.normal | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.onActive | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.onFocused | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.onHover | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.onNormal | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.overflow | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.padding | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.stretchHeight | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.stretchWidth | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.wordWrap | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyleState.background | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIStyleState.textColor | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIUtility.hotControl | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIUtility.keyboardControl | Property | UnityEngine |
HostData.comment | Property | UnityEngine |
HostData.connectedPlayers | Property | UnityEngine |
HostData.gameName | Property | UnityEngine |
HostData.gameType | Property | UnityEngine |
HostData.ip | Property | UnityEngine |
HostData.passwordProtected | Property | UnityEngine |
HostData.playerLimit | Property | UnityEngine |
HostData.port | Property | UnityEngine |
HostData.useNat | Property | UnityEngine |
JointDrive.maximumForce | Property | UnityEngine |
JointDrive.mode | Property | UnityEngine |
JointDrive.positionDamper | Property | UnityEngine |
JointDrive.positionSpring | Property | UnityEngine |
Keyframe.inTangent | Property | UnityEngine |
Keyframe.outTangent | Property | UnityEngine |
Keyframe.time | Property | UnityEngine |
Keyframe.value | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.intensity | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.shadows | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.shadowStrength | Property | UnityEngine |
LightmapSettings.lightmaps | Property | UnityEngine |
LineRenderer.useWorldSpace | Property | UnityEngine |
MasterServer.dedicatedServer | Property | UnityEngine |
MasterServer.ipAddress | Property | UnityEngine |
MasterServer.port | Property | UnityEngine |
MasterServer.updateRate | Property | UnityEngine |
Material.renderQueue | Property | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.isIdentity | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.bindposes | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.boneWeights | Property | UnityEngine |
MeshCollider.convex | Property | UnityEngine |
MeshCollider.smoothSphereCollisions | Property | UnityEngine |
MovieTexture.audioClip | Property | UnityEngine |
MovieTexture.isPlaying | Property | UnityEngine |
MovieTexture.isReadyToPlay | Property | UnityEngine |
MovieTexture.loop | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.connections | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.connectionTesterIP | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.connectionTesterPort | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.incomingPassword | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.isClient | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.isMessageQueueRunning | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.isServer | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.maxConnections | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.minimumAllocatableViewIDs | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.natFacilitatorIP | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.natFacilitatorPort | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.peerType | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.player | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.proxyIP | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.proxyPassword | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.proxyPort | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.sendRate | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.time | Property | UnityEngine |
Network.useProxy | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkMessageInfo.sender | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkMessageInfo.timestamp | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkPlayer.externalIP | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkPlayer.externalPort | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkPlayer.ipAddress | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkPlayer.port | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkView.group | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkView.isMine | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkView.observed | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkView.owner | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkView.stateSynchronization | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkView.viewID | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkViewID.isMine | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkViewID.owner | Property | UnityEngine |
NetworkViewID.unassigned | Property | UnityEngine |
Object.hideFlags | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleAnimator.colorAnimation | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.enabled | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics.bounceThreshold | Property | UnityEngine |
Ping.ip | Property | UnityEngine |
Ping.isDone | Property | UnityEngine |
Ping.time | Property | UnityEngine |
Plane.distance | Property | UnityEngine |
Plane.normal | Property | UnityEngine |
Profiler.enabled | Property | UnityEngine |
Profiler.logFile | Property | UnityEngine |
Projector.orthographic | Property | UnityEngine |
Projector.orthographicSize | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.anisotropicFiltering | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.pixelLightCount | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.shadowCascades | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.shadowDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
QualitySettings.softVegetation | Property | UnityEngine |
Random.insideUnitCircle | Property | UnityEngine |
Random.seed | Property | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit.barycentricCoordinate | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.x | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.y | Property | UnityEngine |
RectOffset.bottom | Property | UnityEngine |
RectOffset.horizontal | Property | UnityEngine |
RectOffset.left | Property | UnityEngine |
RectOffset.right | Property | UnityEngine |
RectOffset.top | Property | UnityEngine |
RectOffset.vertical | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.castShadows | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.isVisible | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.lightmapIndex | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.lightmapTilingOffset | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.materials | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.receiveShadows | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderSettings.skybox | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.format | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.isCubemap | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.useMipMap | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.useConeFriction | Property | UnityEngine |
Shader.globalMaximumLOD | Property | UnityEngine |
Shader.maximumLOD | Property | UnityEngine |
Shader.renderQueue | Property | UnityEngine |
SkinnedMeshRenderer.bones | Property | UnityEngine |
SkinnedMeshRenderer.quality | Property | UnityEngine |
SkinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh | Property | UnityEngine |
SkinnedMeshRenderer.updateWhenOffscreen | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.operatingSystem | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.processorCount | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.processorType | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.supportsShadows | Property | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.systemMemorySize | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.activeTerrain | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.basemapDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.castShadows | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.detailObjectDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.heightmapMaximumLOD | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.heightmapPixelError | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.terrainData | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.treeBillboardDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.treeCrossFadeLength | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.treeDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
Terrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount | Property | UnityEngine |
TerrainCollider.terrainData | Property | UnityEngine |
TerrainData.heightmapHeight | Property | UnityEngine |
TerrainData.heightmapWidth | Property | UnityEngine |
TerrainData.size | Property | UnityEngine |
TextAsset.bytes | Property | UnityEngine |
TextAsset.text | Property | UnityEngine |
Texture.mipMapBias | Property | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.format | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector2.magnitude | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector2.right | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector2.sqrMagnitude | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector2.up | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector2.zero | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.assetBundle | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.movie | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.threadPriority | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.uploadProgress | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.url | Property | UnityEngine |
WWWForm.data | Property | UnityEngine |
WWWForm.headers | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIContent.none | Field | UnityEngine |
Animation.GetClipCount | Method | UnityEngine |
Animation.RemoveClip | Method | UnityEngine |
Animation.Sample | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationClip.AddEvent | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationClip.ClearCurves | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationClip.SetCurve | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.AddKey | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.EaseInOut | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.Evaluate | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.Linear | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.MoveKey | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.RemoveKey | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.SmoothTangents | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.GetStreamProgressForLevel | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.LoadLevelAdditive | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.LoadLevelAdditiveAsync | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.LoadLevelAsync | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.RegisterLogCallback | Method | UnityEngine |
AssetBundle.Contains | Method | UnityEngine |
AssetBundle.Load | Method | UnityEngine |
AssetBundle.LoadAll | Method | UnityEngine |
AssetBundle.LoadAsync | Method | UnityEngine |
AssetBundle.Unload | Method | UnityEngine |
BitStream.Serialize | Method | UnityEngine |
Bounds.Encapsulate | Method | UnityEngine |
Bounds.Expand | Method | UnityEngine |
Bounds.IntersectRay | Method | UnityEngine |
Bounds.SqrDistance | Method | UnityEngine |
Bounds.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.CopyFrom | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.Render | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.RenderToCubemap | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.RenderWithShader | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.ResetAspect | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.ResetReplacementShader | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.SetReplacementShader | Method | UnityEngine |
Collider.Raycast | Method | UnityEngine |
Component.GetComponentsInChildren | Method | UnityEngine |
Cubemap.Apply | Method | UnityEngine |
Cubemap.GetPixel | Method | UnityEngine |
Cubemap.GetPixels | Method | UnityEngine |
Cubemap.SetPixel | Method | UnityEngine |
Cubemap.SetPixels | Method | UnityEngine |
Debug.LogError | Method | UnityEngine |
Debug.LogWarning | Method | UnityEngine |
Event.GetTypeForControl | Method | UnityEngine |
Event.KeyboardEvent | Method | UnityEngine |
Event.Use | Method | UnityEngine |
Font.HasCharacter | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.GetComponentsInChildren | Method | UnityEngine |
GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes | Method | UnityEngine |
GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB | Method | UnityEngine |
Gizmos.DrawGUITexture | Method | UnityEngine |
Gizmos.DrawRay | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.Clear | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.LoadPixelMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.MultiTexCoord | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.MultiTexCoord2 | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.MultiTexCoord3 | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.Viewport | Method | UnityEngine |
Graphics.BlitMultiTap | Method | UnityEngine |
Graphics.DrawMesh | Method | UnityEngine |
Graphics.DrawMeshNow | Method | UnityEngine |
Graphics.DrawTexture | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.BeginGroup | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.BeginScrollView | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.Box | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.BringWindowToBack | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.BringWindowToFront | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.Button | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.DragWindow | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.DrawTexture | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.EndGroup | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.EndScrollView | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.FocusControl | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.FocusWindow | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.HorizontalScrollbar | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.HorizontalSlider | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.Label | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.PasswordField | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.RepeatButton | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.ScrollTo | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.SelectionGrid | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.SetNextControlName | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.TextArea | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.TextField | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.Toggle | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.Toolbar | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.UnfocusWindow | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.VerticalSlider | Method | UnityEngine |
GUI.Window | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.BeginArea | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.BeginScrollView | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.Box | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.Button | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.EndArea | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.EndHorizontal | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.EndScrollView | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.EndVertical | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.ExpandHeight | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.ExpandWidth | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.FlexibleSpace | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.Height | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.HorizontalScrollbar | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.HorizontalSlider | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.Label | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.MaxHeight | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.MaxWidth | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.MinHeight | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.MinWidth | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.PasswordField | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.RepeatButton | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.SelectionGrid | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.Space | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.TextArea | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.TextField | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.Toggle | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.Toolbar | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.VerticalScrollbar | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.VerticalSlider | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.Width | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayout.Window | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayoutUtility.GetAspectRect | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayoutUtility.GetRect | Method | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.FindStyle | Method | UnityEngine |
GUISkin.GetStyle | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.CalcHeight | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.CalcMinMaxWidth | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.CalcScreenSize | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.CalcSize | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.Draw | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.DrawCursor | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.DrawWithTextSelection | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.GetCursorPixelPosition | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.GetCursorStringIndex | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIUtility.GetControlID | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIUtility.GetStateObject | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIUtility.QueryStateObject | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetJoystickNames | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetKey | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetKeyDown | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetKeyUp | Method | UnityEngine |
LayerMask.LayerToName | Method | UnityEngine |
LayerMask.NameToLayer | Method | UnityEngine |
MasterServer.ClearHostList | Method | UnityEngine |
MasterServer.PollHostList | Method | UnityEngine |
MasterServer.RegisterHost | Method | UnityEngine |
MasterServer.RequestHostList | Method | UnityEngine |
MasterServer.UnregisterHost | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.HasProperty | Method | UnityEngine |
MaterialPropertyBlock.AddColor | Method | UnityEngine |
MaterialPropertyBlock.AddFloat | Method | UnityEngine |
MaterialPropertyBlock.AddMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
MaterialPropertyBlock.AddVector | Method | UnityEngine |
MaterialPropertyBlock.Clear | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.CeilToInt | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.DeltaAngle | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.FloorToInt | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.RoundToInt | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.SmoothStep | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.Perspective | Method | UnityEngine |
Mesh.CombineMeshes | Method | UnityEngine |
MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine | Method | UnityEngine |
MovieTexture.Pause | Method | UnityEngine |
MovieTexture.Play | Method | UnityEngine |
MovieTexture.Stop | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.AllocateViewID | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.CloseConnection | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.Destroy | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.DestroyPlayerObjects | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.Disconnect | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.GetAveragePing | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.GetLastPing | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.HavePublicAddress | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.InitializeSecurity | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.Instantiate | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.RemoveRPCs | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.RemoveRPCsInGroup | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.SetLevelPrefix | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.SetReceivingEnabled | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.SetSendingEnabled | Method | UnityEngine |
Network.TestConnection | Method | UnityEngine |
NetworkPlayer.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
NetworkView.Find | Method | UnityEngine |
NetworkView.RPC | Method | UnityEngine |
NetworkView.SetScope | Method | UnityEngine |
NetworkViewID.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.Simulate | Method | UnityEngine |
Physics.CheckSphere | Method | UnityEngine |
Physics.RaycastAll | Method | UnityEngine |
Plane.GetDistanceToPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Plane.GetSide | Method | UnityEngine |
Plane.Raycast | Method | UnityEngine |
Plane.SameSide | Method | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll | Method | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey | Method | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefs.HasKey | Method | UnityEngine |
Profiler.BeginSample | Method | UnityEngine |
Profiler.EndSample | Method | UnityEngine |
Ray.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
Rect.Contains | Method | UnityEngine |
Rect.MinMaxRect | Method | UnityEngine |
RectOffset.Add | Method | UnityEngine |
RectOffset.Remove | Method | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.Release | Method | UnityEngine |
Resources.LoadAssetAtPath | Method | UnityEngine |
Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.MovePosition | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.MoveRotation | Method | UnityEngine |
Shader.PropertyToID | Method | UnityEngine |
Shader.SetGlobalMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
Shader.SetGlobalVector | Method | UnityEngine |
SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat | Method | UnityEngine |
Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject | Method | UnityEngine |
Terrain.SampleHeight | Method | UnityEngine |
Terrain.SetNeighbors | Method | UnityEngine |
TerrainData.GetHeights | Method | UnityEngine |
TerrainData.GetInterpolatedNormal | Method | UnityEngine |
TerrainData.SetHeights | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.Compress | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.EncodeToPNG | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.GetPixelBilinear | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.LoadImage | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.ReadPixels | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.Resize | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector2.Distance | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector2.Dot | Method | UnityEngine |
WWWForm.AddBinaryData | Method | UnityEngine |
WWWForm.AddField | Method | UnityEngine |
NetworkPlayer.operator == | Operator | UnityEngine |
NetworkPlayer.operator != | Operator | UnityEngine |
NetworkViewID.operator == | Operator | UnityEngine |
NetworkViewID.operator != | Operator | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.operator == | Operator | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.operator != | Operator | UnityEngine |
Rect.operator == | Operator | UnityEngine |
Rect.operator != | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector2.operator == | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector2.operator != | Operator | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.GUIStyle | ImplOperator | UnityEngine |
AnimationClip.AnimationClip | Constructor | UnityEngine |
AnimationCurve.AnimationCurve | Constructor | UnityEngine |
AnimationEvent.AnimationEvent | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Cubemap.Cubemap | Constructor | UnityEngine |
GUIContent.GUIContent | Constructor | UnityEngine |
GUIStyle.GUIStyle | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Keyframe.Keyframe | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Material.Material | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Ping.Ping | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Plane.Plane | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Rect.Rect | Constructor | UnityEngine |
WWWForm.WWWForm | Constructor | UnityEngine |
AnisotropicFiltering | Enum | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJointMotion | Enum | UnityEngine |
ConnectionTesterStatus | Enum | UnityEngine |
CubemapFace | Enum | UnityEngine |
DepthTextureMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
EventType | Enum | UnityEngine |
FocusType | Enum | UnityEngine |
HideFlags | Enum | UnityEngine |
ImagePosition | Enum | UnityEngine |
JointDriveMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
JointProjectionMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
KeyCode | Enum | UnityEngine |
LightShadows | Enum | UnityEngine |
LogType | Enum | UnityEngine |
MasterServerEvent | Enum | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError | Enum | UnityEngine |
NetworkDisconnection | Enum | UnityEngine |
NetworkPeerType | Enum | UnityEngine |
NetworkStateSynchronization | Enum | UnityEngine |
RenderTextureFormat | Enum | UnityEngine |
RotationDriveMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
RPCMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
ScaleMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
SkinQuality | Enum | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage | Enum | UnityEngine |
TextClipping | Enum | UnityEngine |
ThreadPriority | Enum | UnityEngine |
AnisotropicFiltering.Disable | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AnisotropicFiltering.Enable | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AnisotropicFiltering.ForceEnable | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CameraClearFlags.SolidColor | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJointMotion.Free | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ConnectionTesterStatus.Error | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ConnectionTesterStatus.PublicIPIsConnectable | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ConnectionTesterStatus.PublicIPNoServerStarted | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ConnectionTesterStatus.PublicIPPortBlocked | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ConnectionTesterStatus.Undetermined | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CubemapFace.NegativeX | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CubemapFace.NegativeY | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CubemapFace.NegativeZ | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CubemapFace.PositiveX | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CubemapFace.PositiveY | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CubemapFace.PositiveZ | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
DepthTextureMode.Depth | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
DepthTextureMode.DepthNormals | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
DepthTextureMode.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.ContextClick | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.DragExited | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.DragPerform | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.DragUpdated | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.ExecuteCommand | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.Ignore | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.KeyDown | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.KeyUp | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.Layout | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.MouseDown | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.MouseDrag | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.MouseMove | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.MouseUp | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.Repaint | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.ScrollWheel | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.Used | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
EventType.ValidateCommand | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FocusType.Keyboard | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FocusType.Native | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FocusType.Passive | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HideFlags.DontSave | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HideFlags.HideAndDontSave | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HideFlags.HideInInspector | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
HideFlags.NotEditable | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ImagePosition.ImageAbove | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ImagePosition.ImageLeft | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ImagePosition.ImageOnly | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ImagePosition.TextOnly | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
JointDriveMode.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
JointDriveMode.Position | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
JointDriveMode.PositionAndVelocity | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
JointDriveMode.Velocity | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
JointProjectionMode.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
JointProjectionMode.PositionAndRotation | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
JointProjectionMode.PositionOnly | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.A | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Alpha0 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Alpha1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Alpha2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Alpha3 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Alpha4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Alpha5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Alpha6 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Alpha7 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Alpha8 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Alpha9 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.AltGr | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Ampersand | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Asterisk | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.At | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.B | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.BackQuote | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Backslash | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Backspace | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Break | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.C | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.CapsLock | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Caret | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Clear | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Colon | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Comma | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.D | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Delete | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Dollar | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.DoubleQuote | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.DownArrow | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.E | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.End | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Equals | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Escape | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Exclaim | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F10 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F11 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F12 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F13 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F14 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F15 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F3 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F6 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F7 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F8 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.F9 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.G | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Greater | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.H | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Hash | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Help | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Home | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.I | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Insert | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.J | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button0 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button10 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button11 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button12 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button13 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button14 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button15 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button16 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button17 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button18 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button19 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button3 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button6 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button7 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button8 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick1Button9 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button0 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button10 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button11 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button12 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button13 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button14 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button15 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button16 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button17 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button18 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button19 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button3 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button6 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button7 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button8 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick2Button9 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button0 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button10 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button11 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button12 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button13 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button14 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button15 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button16 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button17 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button18 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button19 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button3 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button6 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button7 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button8 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Joystick3Button9 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton0 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton10 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton11 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton12 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton13 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton14 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton15 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton16 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton17 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton18 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton19 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton3 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton6 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton7 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton8 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.JoystickButton9 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.K | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Keypad0 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Keypad1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Keypad2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Keypad3 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Keypad4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Keypad5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Keypad6 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Keypad7 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Keypad8 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Keypad9 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.KeypadDivide | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.KeypadEnter | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.KeypadEquals | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.KeypadMinus | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.KeypadMultiply | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.KeypadPeriod | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.KeypadPlus | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.L | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.LeftAlt | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.LeftApple | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.LeftArrow | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.LeftBracket | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.LeftControl | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.LeftParen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.LeftShift | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.LeftWindows | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Less | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.M | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Minus | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Mouse0 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Mouse1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Mouse2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Mouse3 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Mouse4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Mouse5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Mouse6 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.N | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Numlock | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.O | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.P | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.PageDown | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.PageUp | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Pause | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Period | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Plus | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Print | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Q | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Question | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Quote | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.R | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Return | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.RightAlt | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.RightApple | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.RightArrow | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.RightBracket | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.RightControl | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.RightParen | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.RightShift | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.RightWindows | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.S | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.ScrollLock | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Semicolon | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Slash | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Space | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.SysReq | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.T | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Tab | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.U | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Underscore | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.UpArrow | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.V | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.W | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.X | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Y | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
KeyCode.Z | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightShadows.Hard | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightShadows.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightShadows.Soft | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LogType.Assert | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LogType.Error | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LogType.Exception | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LogType.Log | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LogType.Warning | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
MasterServerEvent.HostListReceived | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
MasterServerEvent.RegistrationFailedGameName | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
MasterServerEvent.RegistrationFailedGameType | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
MasterServerEvent.RegistrationFailedNoServer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
MasterServerEvent.RegistrationSucceeded | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.AlreadyConnectedToAnotherServer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.ConnectionBanned | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.ConnectionFailed | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.CreateSocketOrThreadFailure | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.EmptyConnectTarget | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.IncorrectParameters | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.InternalDirectConnectFailed | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.InvalidPassword | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.NATTargetConnectionLost | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.NATTargetNotConnected | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.NoError | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.RSAPublicKeyMismatch | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkConnectionError.TooManyConnectedPlayers | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkDisconnection.Disconnected | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkDisconnection.LostConnection | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkPeerType.Client | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkPeerType.Connecting | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkPeerType.Disconnected | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkPeerType.Server | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkStateSynchronization.Off | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkStateSynchronization.ReliableDeltaCompressed | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
NetworkStateSynchronization.Unreliable | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderMode.HorizontalBillboard | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderMode.VerticalBillboard | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RenderTextureFormat.Depth | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RotationDriveMode.Slerp | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RotationDriveMode.XYAndZ | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RPCMode.All | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RPCMode.AllBuffered | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RPCMode.Others | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RPCMode.OthersBuffered | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RPCMode.Server | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ScaleMode.ScaleAndCrop | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ScaleMode.ScaleToFit | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ScaleMode.StretchToFill | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SkinQuality.Auto | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SkinQuality.Bone1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SkinQuality.Bone2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SkinQuality.Bone4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Afrikaans | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Arabic | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Basque | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Belarusian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Bulgarian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Catalan | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Chinese | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Czech | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Danish | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Dutch | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.English | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Estonian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Faroese | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Finnish | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.French | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.German | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Greek | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Hebrew | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Icelandic | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Indonesian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Italian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Japanese | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Korean | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Latvian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Lithuanian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Norwegian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Polish | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Portuguese | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Romanian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Russian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.SerboCroatian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Slovak | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Slovenian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Spanish | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Swedish | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Thai | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Turkish | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Ukrainian | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Unknown | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SystemLanguage.Vietnamese | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextClipping.Clip | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextClipping.Overflow | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.DXT1 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.DXT5 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGB2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGB4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGBA2 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGBA4 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ThreadPriority.BelowNormal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ThreadPriority.High | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ThreadPriority.Low | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ThreadPriority.Normal | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
Name | Type | Namespace |
Array | Class | |
Hashtable | Class | |
Serializable | Class | |
String | Class | |
Array._length | Property | |
Hashtable.Count | Property | |
String._string | Property | |
String.Length | Property | |
Array.Add | Method | |
Array.Clear | Method | |
Array.Concat | Method | |
Array.Join | Method | |
Array.Pop | Method | |
Array.Push | Method | |
Array.RemoveAt | Method | |
Array.Reverse | Method | |
Array.Shift | Method | |
Array.Sort | Method | |
Array.Unshift | Method | |
Camera.OnPostRender | Method | |
Camera.OnPreCull | Method | |
Camera.OnPreRender | Method | |
Camera.OnRenderImage | Method | |
CharacterController.OnControllerColliderHit | Method | |
Collider.OnCollisionEnter | Method | |
Collider.OnCollisionExit | Method | |
Collider.OnCollisionStay | Method | |
Collider.OnTriggerEnter | Method | |
Collider.OnTriggerExit | Method | |
Collider.OnTriggerStay | Method | |
Hashtable.Add | Method | |
Hashtable.Clear | Method | |
Hashtable.Contains | Method | |
Hashtable.ContainsKey | Method | |
Hashtable.ContainsValue | Method | |
Hashtable.Remove | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.Awake | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.LateUpdate | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnApplicationPause | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnApplicationQuit | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnBecameInvisible | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnBecameVisible | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionEnter | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionExit | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionStay | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnDisable | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnDrawGizmos | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnDrawGizmosSelected | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnEnable | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnLevelWasLoaded | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnMouseDown | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnMouseDrag | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnMouseEnter | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnMouseExit | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnMouseOver | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnMouseUp | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnParticleCollision | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnPostRender | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnPreCull | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnPreRender | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnRenderImage | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnTriggerEnter | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnTriggerExit | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.OnTriggerStay | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.Reset | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.Start | Method | |
MonoBehaviour.Update | Method | |
Renderer.OnBecameInvisible | Method | |
Renderer.OnBecameVisible | Method | |
Rigidbody.OnCollisionEnter | Method | |
Rigidbody.OnCollisionExit | Method | |
Rigidbody.OnCollisionStay | Method | |
ScriptableWizard.OnDrawGizmos | Method | |
ScriptableWizard.OnWizardCreate | Method | |
ScriptableWizard.OnWizardOtherButton | Method | |
ScriptableWizard.OnWizardUpdate | Method | |
DrawGizmo | Class | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility | Class | UnityEditor |
MenuCommand | Class | UnityEditor |
MenuItem | Class | UnityEditor |
ScriptableWizard | Class | UnityEditor |
Selection | Class | UnityEditor |
ScriptableWizard.errorString | Property | UnityEditor |
ScriptableWizard.helpString | Property | UnityEditor |
ScriptableWizard.isValid | Property | UnityEditor |
Selection.activeGameObject | Property | UnityEditor |
Selection.activeObject | Property | UnityEditor |
Selection.activeTransform | Property | UnityEditor |
Selection.gameObjects | Property | UnityEditor |
Selection.objects | Property | UnityEditor |
Selection.transforms | Property | UnityEditor |
MenuCommand.context | Field | UnityEditor |
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog | Method | UnityEditor |
ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard | Method | UnityEditor |
Selection.GetFiltered | Method | UnityEditor |
Selection.GetTransforms | Method | UnityEditor |
DrawGizmo.DrawGizmo | Constructor | UnityEditor |
MenuItem.MenuItem | Constructor | UnityEditor |
GizmoType | Enum | UnityEditor |
SelectionMode | Enum | UnityEditor |
GizmoType.Active | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
GizmoType.NotSelected | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
GizmoType.Pickable | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
GizmoType.Selected | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
GizmoType.SelectedOrChild | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SelectionMode.Deep | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SelectionMode.Editable | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SelectionMode.ExcludePrefab | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SelectionMode.TopLevel | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
SelectionMode.Unfiltered | EnumValue | UnityEditor |
AddComponentMenu | Class | UnityEngine |
Animation | Class | UnityEngine |
AnimationClip | Class | UnityEngine |
AnimationState | Class | UnityEngine |
Application | Class | UnityEngine |
AudioClip | Class | UnityEngine |
AudioListener | Class | UnityEngine |
AudioSource | Class | UnityEngine |
Behaviour | Class | UnityEngine |
BoxCollider | Class | UnityEngine |
Camera | Class | UnityEngine |
CapsuleCollider | Class | UnityEngine |
CharacterController | Class | UnityEngine |
CharacterJoint | Class | UnityEngine |
Collider | Class | UnityEngine |
Collision | Class | UnityEngine |
Component | Class | UnityEngine |
ConstantForce | Class | UnityEngine |
ContextMenu | Class | UnityEngine |
ControllerColliderHit | Class | UnityEngine |
Coroutine | Class | UnityEngine |
Debug | Class | UnityEngine |
Flare | Class | UnityEngine |
Font | Class | UnityEngine |
GameObject | Class | UnityEngine |
Gizmos | Class | UnityEngine |
GL | Class | UnityEngine |
Graphics | Class | UnityEngine |
GUIElement | Class | UnityEngine |
GUILayer | Class | UnityEngine |
GUIText | Class | UnityEngine |
GUITexture | Class | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint | Class | UnityEngine |
Input | Class | UnityEngine |
Joint | Class | UnityEngine |
LensFlare | Class | UnityEngine |
Light | Class | UnityEngine |
LineRenderer | Class | UnityEngine |
Material | Class | UnityEngine |
Mesh | Class | UnityEngine |
MeshCollider | Class | UnityEngine |
MeshFilter | Class | UnityEngine |
MeshRenderer | Class | UnityEngine |
MonoBehaviour | Class | UnityEngine |
Object | Class | UnityEngine |
ParticleAnimator | Class | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter | Class | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderer | Class | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterial | Class | UnityEngine |
Physics | Class | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefs | Class | UnityEngine |
Projector | Class | UnityEngine |
Random | Class | UnityEngine |
Renderer | Class | UnityEngine |
RenderSettings | Class | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture | Class | UnityEngine |
RequireComponent | Class | UnityEngine |
Resources | Class | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody | Class | UnityEngine |
Screen | Class | UnityEngine |
ScriptableObject | Class | UnityEngine |
Shader | Class | UnityEngine |
Skybox | Class | UnityEngine |
SphereCollider | Class | UnityEngine |
SpringJoint | Class | UnityEngine |
TextMesh | Class | UnityEngine |
Texture | Class | UnityEngine |
Texture2D | Class | UnityEngine |
Time | Class | UnityEngine |
TrailRenderer | Class | UnityEngine |
Transform | Class | UnityEngine |
WaitForFixedUpdate | Class | UnityEngine |
WaitForSeconds | Class | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider | Class | UnityEngine |
WWW | Class | UnityEngine |
YieldInstruction | Class | UnityEngine |
Bounds | Struct | UnityEngine |
Color | Struct | UnityEngine |
ContactPoint | Struct | UnityEngine |
JointLimits | Struct | UnityEngine |
JointMotor | Struct | UnityEngine |
JointSpring | Struct | UnityEngine |
LayerMask | Struct | UnityEngine |
Mathf | Struct | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4 | Struct | UnityEngine |
Particle | Struct | UnityEngine |
Quaternion | Struct | UnityEngine |
Ray | Struct | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit | Struct | UnityEngine |
Rect | Struct | UnityEngine |
Resolution | Struct | UnityEngine |
SoftJointLimit | Struct | UnityEngine |
Vector2 | Struct | UnityEngine |
Vector3 | Struct | UnityEngine |
Vector4 | Struct | UnityEngine |
WheelFrictionCurve | Struct | UnityEngine |
WheelHit | Struct | UnityEngine |
Animation.clip | Property | UnityEngine |
Animation.isPlaying | Property | UnityEngine |
Animation.playAutomatically | Property | UnityEngine |
Animation.wrapMode | Property | UnityEngine |
Animation.this[string] | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationClip.frameRate | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationClip.length | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.blendMode | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.clip | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.enabled | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.length | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.name | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.normalizedSpeed | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.normalizedTime | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.speed | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.time | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.weight | Property | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.wrapMode | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.absoluteURL | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.dataPath | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.isEditor | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.isPlaying | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.levelCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.loadedLevel | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.loadedLevelName | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.platform | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.runInBackground | Property | UnityEngine |
Application.srcValue | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioClip.length | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioListener.pause | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioListener.velocityUpdateMode | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioListener.volume | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.clip | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.isPlaying | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.loop | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.pitch | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.velocityUpdateMode | Property | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.volume | Property | UnityEngine |
Behaviour.enabled | Property | UnityEngine |
Bounds.center | Property | UnityEngine |
Bounds.extents | Property | UnityEngine |
Bounds.max | Property | UnityEngine |
Bounds.min | Property | UnityEngine |
Bounds.size | Property | UnityEngine |
BoxCollider.center | Property | UnityEngine |
BoxCollider.size | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.allCameras | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.aspect | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.backgroundColor | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.cameraToWorldMatrix | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.clearFlags | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.cullingMask | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.current | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.depth | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.farClipPlane | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.fieldOfView | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.main | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.nearClipPlane | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.orthographicSize | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.pixelHeight | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.pixelRect | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.pixelWidth | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.projectionMatrix | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.rect | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.targetTexture | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.velocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Camera.worldToCameraMatrix | Property | UnityEngine |
CapsuleCollider.center | Property | UnityEngine |
CapsuleCollider.direction | Property | UnityEngine |
CapsuleCollider.height | Property | UnityEngine |
CapsuleCollider.radius | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.center | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.collisionFlags | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.height | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.isGrounded | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.radius | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.velocity | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterJoint.highTwistLimit | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterJoint.lowTwistLimit | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterJoint.swing1Limit | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterJoint.swing2Limit | Property | UnityEngine |
CharacterJoint.swingAxis | Property | UnityEngine |
Collider.attachedRigidbody | Property | UnityEngine |
Collider.bounds | Property | UnityEngine |
Collider.isTrigger | Property | UnityEngine |
Collider.material | Property | UnityEngine |
Collider.sharedMaterial | Property | UnityEngine |
Collision.collider | Property | UnityEngine |
Collision.contacts | Property | UnityEngine |
Collision.gameObject | Property | UnityEngine |
Collision.relativeVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Collision.rigidbody | Property | UnityEngine |
Collision.transform | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.black | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.blue | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.clear | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.cyan | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.gray | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.grayscale | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.green | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.grey | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.magenta | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.red | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.white | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.yellow | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.animation | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.audio | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.camera | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.collider | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.constantForce | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.gameObject | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.guiText | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.guiTexture | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.hingeJoint | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.light | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.particleEmitter | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.renderer | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.rigidbody | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.tag | Property | UnityEngine |
Component.transform | Property | UnityEngine |
ConstantForce.force | Property | UnityEngine |
ConstantForce.relativeForce | Property | UnityEngine |
ConstantForce.relativeTorque | Property | UnityEngine |
ConstantForce.torque | Property | UnityEngine |
ContactPoint.normal | Property | UnityEngine |
ContactPoint.otherCollider | Property | UnityEngine |
ContactPoint.point | Property | UnityEngine |
ContactPoint.thisCollider | Property | UnityEngine |
ControllerColliderHit.collider | Property | UnityEngine |
ControllerColliderHit.controller | Property | UnityEngine |
ControllerColliderHit.gameObject | Property | UnityEngine |
ControllerColliderHit.moveDirection | Property | UnityEngine |
ControllerColliderHit.moveLength | Property | UnityEngine |
ControllerColliderHit.normal | Property | UnityEngine |
ControllerColliderHit.point | Property | UnityEngine |
ControllerColliderHit.rigidbody | Property | UnityEngine |
ControllerColliderHit.transform | Property | UnityEngine |
Debug.isDebugBuild | Property | UnityEngine |
Font.material | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.animation | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.audio | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.camera | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.collider | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.constantForce | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.guiText | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.guiTexture | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.hingeJoint | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.layer | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.light | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.particleEmitter | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.renderer | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.rigidbody | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.tag | Property | UnityEngine |
GameObject.transform | Property | UnityEngine |
Gizmos.color | Property | UnityEngine |
GL.modelview | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIText.alignment | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIText.anchor | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIText.font | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIText.lineSpacing | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIText.material | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIText.pixelOffset | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIText.tabSize | Property | UnityEngine |
GUIText.text | Property | UnityEngine |
GUITexture.color | Property | UnityEngine |
GUITexture.pixelInset | Property | UnityEngine |
GUITexture.texture | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint.angle | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint.limits | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint.motor | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint.spring | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint.useLimits | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint.useMotor | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint.useSpring | Property | UnityEngine |
HingeJoint.velocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.anyKey | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.anyKeyDown | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.inputString | Property | UnityEngine |
Input.mousePosition | Property | UnityEngine |
Joint.anchor | Property | UnityEngine |
Joint.axis | Property | UnityEngine |
Joint.breakForce | Property | UnityEngine |
Joint.breakTorque | Property | UnityEngine |
Joint.connectedBody | Property | UnityEngine |
JointLimits.max | Property | UnityEngine |
JointLimits.maxBounce | Property | UnityEngine |
JointLimits.min | Property | UnityEngine |
JointLimits.minBounce | Property | UnityEngine |
JointMotor.force | Property | UnityEngine |
JointMotor.freeSpin | Property | UnityEngine |
JointMotor.targetVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
LayerMask.value | Property | UnityEngine |
LensFlare.brightness | Property | UnityEngine |
LensFlare.color | Property | UnityEngine |
LensFlare.flare | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.color | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.cookie | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.cullingMask | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.flare | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.range | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.renderMode | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.spotAngle | Property | UnityEngine |
Light.type | Property | UnityEngine |
Material.color | Property | UnityEngine |
Material.mainTexture | Property | UnityEngine |
Material.mainTextureOffset | Property | UnityEngine |
Material.mainTextureScale | Property | UnityEngine |
Material.passCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Material.shader | Property | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.identity | Property | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.inverse | Property | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.transpose | Property | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.zero | Property | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.this[int,int] | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.bounds | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.colors | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.normals | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.subMeshCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.tangents | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.triangles | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.uv | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.uv2 | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.vertexCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Mesh.vertices | Property | UnityEngine |
MeshCollider.sharedMesh | Property | UnityEngine |
MeshFilter.mesh | Property | UnityEngine |
MeshFilter.sharedMesh | Property | UnityEngine |
Object.name | Property | UnityEngine |
Particle.color | Property | UnityEngine |
Particle.energy | Property | UnityEngine |
Particle.position | Property | UnityEngine |
Particle.size | Property | UnityEngine |
Particle.velocity | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleAnimator.autodestruct | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleAnimator.damping | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleAnimator.doesAnimateColor | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleAnimator.force | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleAnimator.localRotationAxis | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleAnimator.rndForce | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleAnimator.sizeGrow | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleAnimator.worldRotationAxis | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.emit | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.emitterVelocityScale | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.localVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.maxEmission | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.maxEnergy | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.maxSize | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.minEmission | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.minEnergy | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.minSize | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.particleCount | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.particles | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.rndVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.useWorldSpace | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.worldVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderer.cameraVelocityScale | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderer.lengthScale | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderer.maxParticleSize | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderer.particleRenderMode | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderer.uvAnimationCycles | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderer.uvAnimationXTile | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderer.uvAnimationYTile | Property | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderer.velocityScale | Property | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterial.bounceCombine | Property | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterial.bounciness | Property | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterial.dynamicFriction | Property | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterial.dynamicFriction2 | Property | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterial.frictionCombine | Property | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterial.frictionDirection2 | Property | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterial.staticFriction | Property | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterial.staticFriction2 | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics.gravity | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics.maxAngularVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics.minPenetrationForPenalty | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics.sleepAngularVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics.sleepVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Physics.solverIterationCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Projector.aspectRatio | Property | UnityEngine |
Projector.farClipPlane | Property | UnityEngine |
Projector.fieldOfView | Property | UnityEngine |
Projector.ignoreLayers | Property | UnityEngine |
Projector.material | Property | UnityEngine |
Projector.nearClipPlane | Property | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.eulerAngles | Property | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.identity | Property | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.this[int] | Property | UnityEngine |
Random.insideUnitSphere | Property | UnityEngine |
Random.onUnitSphere | Property | UnityEngine |
Random.rotation | Property | UnityEngine |
Random.value | Property | UnityEngine |
Ray.direction | Property | UnityEngine |
Ray.origin | Property | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit.collider | Property | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit.distance | Property | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit.normal | Property | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit.point | Property | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit.rigidbody | Property | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit.textureCoord | Property | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit.textureCoord2 | Property | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit.transform | Property | UnityEngine |
RaycastHit.triangleIndex | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.height | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.width | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.xMax | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.xMin | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.yMax | Property | UnityEngine |
Rect.yMin | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.bounds | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.enabled | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.material | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.sharedMaterial | Property | UnityEngine |
Renderer.sharedMaterials | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderSettings.ambientLight | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderSettings.flareStrength | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderSettings.fog | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderSettings.fogColor | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderSettings.fogDensity | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderSettings.haloStrength | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.active | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.depth | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.height | Property | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.width | Property | UnityEngine |
Resolution.height | Property | UnityEngine |
Resolution.refreshRate | Property | UnityEngine |
Resolution.width | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.angularDrag | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.angularVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.centerOfMass | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.detectCollisions | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.drag | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.freezeRotation | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.inertiaTensor | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.interpolation | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.isKinematic | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.mass | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.maxAngularVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.position | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.rotation | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.sleepAngularVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.sleepVelocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.solverIterationCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.useGravity | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.velocity | Property | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass | Property | UnityEngine |
Screen.currentResolution | Property | UnityEngine |
Screen.fullScreen | Property | UnityEngine |
Screen.height | Property | UnityEngine |
Screen.lockCursor | Property | UnityEngine |
Screen.resolutions | Property | UnityEngine |
Screen.showCursor | Property | UnityEngine |
Screen.width | Property | UnityEngine |
Shader.isSupported | Property | UnityEngine |
Skybox.material | Property | UnityEngine |
SoftJointLimit.bounciness | Property | UnityEngine |
SoftJointLimit.damper | Property | UnityEngine |
SoftJointLimit.limit | Property | UnityEngine |
SoftJointLimit.spring | Property | UnityEngine |
SphereCollider.center | Property | UnityEngine |
SphereCollider.radius | Property | UnityEngine |
SpringJoint.damper | Property | UnityEngine |
SpringJoint.maxDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
SpringJoint.minDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
SpringJoint.spring | Property | UnityEngine |
TextMesh.font | Property | UnityEngine |
TextMesh.text | Property | UnityEngine |
Texture.anisoLevel | Property | UnityEngine |
Texture.filterMode | Property | UnityEngine |
Texture.height | Property | UnityEngine |
Texture.width | Property | UnityEngine |
Texture.wrapMode | Property | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.mipmapCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.captureFramerate | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.deltaTime | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.fixedDeltaTime | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.fixedTime | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.frameCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.realtimeSinceStartup | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.smoothDeltaTime | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.time | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.timeScale | Property | UnityEngine |
Time.timeSinceLevelLoad | Property | UnityEngine |
TrailRenderer.autodestruct | Property | UnityEngine |
TrailRenderer.endWidth | Property | UnityEngine |
TrailRenderer.startWidth | Property | UnityEngine |
TrailRenderer.time | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.childCount | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.eulerAngles | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.forward | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.localEulerAngles | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.localPosition | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.localRotation | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.localScale | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.localToWorldMatrix | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.lossyScale | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.parent | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.position | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.right | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.root | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.rotation | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.up | Property | UnityEngine |
Transform.worldToLocalMatrix | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector2.this[int] | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector3.forward | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector3.magnitude | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector3.normalized | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector3.one | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector3.right | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector3.sqrMagnitude | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector3.up | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector3.zero | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector3.this[int] | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector4.magnitude | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector4.normalized | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector4.one | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector4.sqrMagnitude | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector4.zero | Property | UnityEngine |
Vector4.this[int] | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.brakeTorque | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.center | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.forwardFriction | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.isGrounded | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.mass | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.motorTorque | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.radius | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.rpm | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.sidewaysFriction | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.steerAngle | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.suspensionDistance | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.suspensionSpring | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelFrictionCurve.asymptoteSlip | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelFrictionCurve.asymptoteValue | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelFrictionCurve.extremumSlip | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelFrictionCurve.extremumValue | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelFrictionCurve.stiffness | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelHit.collider | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelHit.force | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelHit.forwardDir | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelHit.forwardSlip | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelHit.normal | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelHit.point | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelHit.sidewaysDir | Property | UnityEngine |
WheelHit.sidewaysSlip | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.bytes | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.error | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.isDone | Property | UnityEngine |
WWW.progress | Property | UnityEngine |
Color.a | Field | UnityEngine |
Color.b | Field | UnityEngine |
Color.g | Field | UnityEngine |
Color.r | Field | UnityEngine |
GL.LINES | Field | UnityEngine |
GL.QUADS | Field | UnityEngine |
GL.TRIANGLE_STRIP | Field | UnityEngine |
GL.TRIANGLES | Field | UnityEngine |
JointSpring.damper | Field | UnityEngine |
JointSpring.spring | Field | UnityEngine |
JointSpring.targetPosition | Field | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Deg2Rad | Field | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Epsilon | Field | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Infinity | Field | UnityEngine |
Mathf.NegativeInfinity | Field | UnityEngine |
Mathf.PI | Field | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Rad2Deg | Field | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.w | Field | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.x | Field | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.y | Field | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.z | Field | UnityEngine |
Vector2.x | Field | UnityEngine |
Vector2.y | Field | UnityEngine |
Vector3.x | Field | UnityEngine |
Vector3.y | Field | UnityEngine |
Vector3.z | Field | UnityEngine |
Vector4.w | Field | UnityEngine |
Vector4.x | Field | UnityEngine |
Vector4.y | Field | UnityEngine |
Vector4.z | Field | UnityEngine |
Animation.AddClip | Method | UnityEngine |
Animation.Blend | Method | UnityEngine |
Animation.CrossFade | Method | UnityEngine |
Animation.CrossFadeQueued | Method | UnityEngine |
Animation.IsPlaying | Method | UnityEngine |
Animation.Play | Method | UnityEngine |
Animation.PlayQueued | Method | UnityEngine |
Animation.Rewind | Method | UnityEngine |
Animation.Stop | Method | UnityEngine |
AnimationState.AddMixingTransform | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.CancelQuit | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.ExternalCall | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.ExternalEval | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.LoadLevel | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.OpenURL | Method | UnityEngine |
Application.Quit | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.Pause | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.Play | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.PlayOneShot | Method | UnityEngine |
AudioSource.Stop | Method | UnityEngine |
Bounds.Contains | Method | UnityEngine |
Bounds.SetMinMax | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.ResetProjectionMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.ScreenPointToRay | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.ScreenToViewportPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.ViewportPointToRay | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.ViewportToScreenPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.ViewportToWorldPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.WorldToScreenPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Camera.WorldToViewportPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.Move | Method | UnityEngine |
CharacterController.SimpleMove | Method | UnityEngine |
Collider.ClosestPointOnBounds | Method | UnityEngine |
Color.Lerp | Method | UnityEngine |
Color.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
Component.BroadcastMessage | Method | UnityEngine |
Component.CompareTag | Method | UnityEngine |
Component.GetComponent | Method | UnityEngine |
Component.GetComponentInChildren | Method | UnityEngine |
Component.GetComponents | Method | UnityEngine |
Component.SendMessage | Method | UnityEngine |
Component.SendMessageUpwards | Method | UnityEngine |
Debug.Break | Method | UnityEngine |
Debug.Log | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.AddComponent | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.BroadcastMessage | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.CompareTag | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.CreatePrimitive | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.Find | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.FindWithTag | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.GetComponent | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.GetComponentInChildren | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.GetComponents | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.SampleAnimation | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.SendMessage | Method | UnityEngine |
GameObject.SendMessageUpwards | Method | UnityEngine |
Gizmos.DrawCube | Method | UnityEngine |
Gizmos.DrawLine | Method | UnityEngine |
Gizmos.DrawSphere | Method | UnityEngine |
Gizmos.DrawWireCube | Method | UnityEngine |
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.Begin | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.Color | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.End | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.LoadIdentity | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.LoadOrtho | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.LoadProjectionMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.MultMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.PopMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.PushMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.SetRevertBackfacing | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.TexCoord | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.TexCoord2 | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.TexCoord3 | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.Vertex | Method | UnityEngine |
GL.Vertex3 | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIElement.GetScreenRect | Method | UnityEngine |
GUIElement.HitTest | Method | UnityEngine |
GUILayer.HitTest | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetAxis | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetAxisRaw | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetButton | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetButtonDown | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetButtonUp | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetMouseButton | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetMouseButtonDown | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.GetMouseButtonUp | Method | UnityEngine |
Input.ResetInputAxes | Method | UnityEngine |
LineRenderer.SetColors | Method | UnityEngine |
LineRenderer.SetPosition | Method | UnityEngine |
LineRenderer.SetVertexCount | Method | UnityEngine |
LineRenderer.SetWidth | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.GetColor | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.GetFloat | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.GetMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.GetTag | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.GetTexture | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.GetTextureOffset | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.GetTextureScale | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.GetVector | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.Lerp | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.SetColor | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.SetFloat | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.SetMatrix | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.SetPass | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.SetTexture | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.SetTextureOffset | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.SetTextureScale | Method | UnityEngine |
Material.SetVector | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Abs | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Acos | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Approximately | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Asin | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Atan | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Atan2 | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Ceil | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Clamp | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Clamp01 | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Cos | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Exp | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Floor | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.InverseLerp | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Lerp | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.LerpAngle | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Log | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Log10 | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Max | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Min | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.PingPong | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Pow | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Repeat | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Round | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Sign | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Sin | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.SmoothDamp | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.SmoothDampAngle | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Sqrt | Method | UnityEngine |
Mathf.Tan | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.GetColumn | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.GetRow | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.MultiplyPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.MultiplyPoint3x4 | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.MultiplyVector | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.Ortho | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.Scale | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.SetColumn | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.SetRow | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.SetTRS | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.TRS | Method | UnityEngine |
Mesh.GetTriangles | Method | UnityEngine |
Mesh.Optimize | Method | UnityEngine |
Mesh.RecalculateBounds | Method | UnityEngine |
Mesh.RecalculateNormals | Method | UnityEngine |
Mesh.SetTriangles | Method | UnityEngine |
MonoBehaviour.CancelInvoke | Method | UnityEngine |
MonoBehaviour.Invoke | Method | UnityEngine |
MonoBehaviour.InvokeRepeating | Method | UnityEngine |
MonoBehaviour.IsInvoking | Method | UnityEngine |
MonoBehaviour.StopAllCoroutines | Method | UnityEngine |
MonoBehaviour.StopCoroutine | Method | UnityEngine |
Object.Destroy | Method | UnityEngine |
Object.DestroyImmediate | Method | UnityEngine |
Object.DontDestroyOnLoad | Method | UnityEngine |
Object.FindObjectOfType | Method | UnityEngine |
Object.FindObjectsOfType | Method | UnityEngine |
Object.GetInstanceID | Method | UnityEngine |
Object.Instantiate | Method | UnityEngine |
Object.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.ClearParticles | Method | UnityEngine |
ParticleEmitter.Emit | Method | UnityEngine |
Physics.CheckCapsule | Method | UnityEngine |
Physics.IgnoreCollision | Method | UnityEngine |
Physics.Linecast | Method | UnityEngine |
Physics.OverlapSphere | Method | UnityEngine |
Physics.Raycast | Method | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefs.GetFloat | Method | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefs.GetInt | Method | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefs.GetString | Method | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat | Method | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefs.SetInt | Method | UnityEngine |
PlayerPrefs.SetString | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.Angle | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.AngleAxis | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.Dot | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.Euler | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.FromToRotation | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.Inverse | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.Lerp | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.LookRotation | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.SetFromToRotation | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.SetLookRotation | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.Slerp | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.ToAngleAxis | Method | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
Random.Range | Method | UnityEngine |
Ray.GetPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Rect.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.Create | Method | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.IsCreated | Method | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary | Method | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.SetGlobalShaderProperty | Method | UnityEngine |
Resources.Load | Method | UnityEngine |
Resources.LoadAll | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.AddExplosionForce | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.AddForce | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.AddRelativeForce | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.AddRelativeTorque | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.AddTorque | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.ClosestPointOnBounds | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.GetPointVelocity | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.GetRelativePointVelocity | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.IsSleeping | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.SetDensity | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.Sleep | Method | UnityEngine |
Rigidbody.WakeUp | Method | UnityEngine |
Screen.SetResolution | Method | UnityEngine |
Shader.Find | Method | UnityEngine |
Shader.SetGlobalColor | Method | UnityEngine |
Shader.SetGlobalFloat | Method | UnityEngine |
Shader.SetGlobalTexture | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.Apply | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.GetPixel | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.GetPixels | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.PackTextures | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.SetPixel | Method | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.SetPixels | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.DetachChildren | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.Find | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.InverseTransformDirection | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.InverseTransformPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.IsChildOf | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.LookAt | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.Rotate | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.RotateAround | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.TransformDirection | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.TransformPoint | Method | UnityEngine |
Transform.Translate | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector2.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Angle | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Cross | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Distance | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Dot | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Lerp | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Max | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Min | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Normalize | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.OrthoNormalize | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Project | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Reflect | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.RotateTowards | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Scale | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Slerp | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector3.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector4.Distance | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector4.Dot | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector4.Lerp | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector4.Normalize | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector4.Project | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector4.Scale | Method | UnityEngine |
Vector4.ToString | Method | UnityEngine |
WheelCollider.GetGroundHit | Method | UnityEngine |
WWW.EscapeURL | Method | UnityEngine |
WWW.LoadImageIntoTexture | Method | UnityEngine |
WWW.LoadUnityWeb | Method | UnityEngine |
WWW.UnEscapeURL | Method | UnityEngine |
Color.operator / | Operator | UnityEngine |
Color.operator - | Operator | UnityEngine |
Color.operator * | Operator | UnityEngine |
Color.operator + | Operator | UnityEngine |
Matrix4x4.operator * | Operator | UnityEngine |
Object.operator == | Operator | UnityEngine |
Object.operator != | Operator | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.operator * | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector2.operator / | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector2.operator - | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector2.operator * | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector2.operator + | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector3.operator / | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector3.operator == | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector3.operator - | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector3.operator * | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector3.operator != | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector3.operator + | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector4.operator / | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector4.operator == | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector4.operator - | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector4.operator * | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector4.operator != | Operator | UnityEngine |
Vector4.operator + | Operator | UnityEngine |
Color.Color | ImplOperator | UnityEngine |
Color.Vector4 | ImplOperator | UnityEngine |
LayerMask.LayerMask | ImplOperator | UnityEngine |
Object.bool | ImplOperator | UnityEngine |
Vector2.Vector2 | ImplOperator | UnityEngine |
Vector2.Vector3 | ImplOperator | UnityEngine |
Vector4.Vector3 | ImplOperator | UnityEngine |
Vector4.Vector4 | ImplOperator | UnityEngine |
AddComponentMenu.AddComponentMenu | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Bounds.Bounds | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Color.Color | Constructor | UnityEngine |
ContextMenu.ContextMenu | Constructor | UnityEngine |
GameObject.GameObject | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Mesh.Mesh | Constructor | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterial.PhysicMaterial | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Quaternion.Quaternion | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Ray.Ray | Constructor | UnityEngine |
RenderTexture.RenderTexture | Constructor | UnityEngine |
RequireComponent.RequireComponent | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Texture2D.Texture2D | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Vector2.Vector2 | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Vector3.Vector3 | Constructor | UnityEngine |
Vector4.Vector4 | Constructor | UnityEngine |
WaitForSeconds.WaitForSeconds | Constructor | UnityEngine |
WWW.WWW | Constructor | UnityEngine |
AnimationBlendMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
AudioVelocityUpdateMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
CameraClearFlags | Enum | UnityEngine |
CollisionFlags | Enum | UnityEngine |
FilterMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
ForceMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
LightRenderMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
LightType | Enum | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterialCombine | Enum | UnityEngine |
PlayMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
PrimitiveType | Enum | UnityEngine |
QueueMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
RigidbodyInterpolation | Enum | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform | Enum | UnityEngine |
SendMessageOptions | Enum | UnityEngine |
Space | Enum | UnityEngine |
TextAlignment | Enum | UnityEngine |
TextAnchor | Enum | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat | Enum | UnityEngine |
TextureWrapMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
WrapMode | Enum | UnityEngine |
AnimationBlendMode.Additive | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AnimationBlendMode.Blend | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioVelocityUpdateMode.Auto | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioVelocityUpdateMode.Dynamic | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
AudioVelocityUpdateMode.Fixed | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CameraClearFlags.Depth | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CameraClearFlags.Nothing | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CameraClearFlags.Skybox | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CollisionFlags.Above | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CollisionFlags.Below | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CollisionFlags.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
CollisionFlags.Sides | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FilterMode.Bilinear | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FilterMode.Point | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
FilterMode.Trilinear | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ForceMode.Acceleration | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ForceMode.Force | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ForceMode.Impulse | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ForceMode.VelocityChange | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightRenderMode.Auto | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightRenderMode.ForcePixel | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightRenderMode.ForceVertex | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightType.Directional | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightType.Point | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
LightType.Spot | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderMode.Billboard | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderMode.SortedBillboard | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
ParticleRenderMode.Stretch | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterialCombine.Average | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterialCombine.Maximum | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterialCombine.Minimum | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PhysicMaterialCombine.Multiply | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PlayMode.StopAll | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PlayMode.StopSameLayer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PrimitiveType.Capsule | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PrimitiveType.Cube | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PrimitiveType.Cylinder | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PrimitiveType.Plane | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
PrimitiveType.Sphere | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
QueueMode.CompleteOthers | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
QueueMode.PlayNow | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RigidbodyInterpolation.Extrapolate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RigidbodyInterpolation.None | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.OSXDashboardPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.OSXWebPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
RuntimePlatform.WindowsWebPlayer | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
Space.Self | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
Space.World | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAlignment.Center | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAlignment.Left | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAlignment.Right | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAnchor.LowerCenter | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAnchor.LowerLeft | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAnchor.LowerRight | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAnchor.MiddleCenter | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAnchor.MiddleLeft | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAnchor.MiddleRight | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAnchor.UpperCenter | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAnchor.UpperLeft | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextAnchor.UpperRight | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.Alpha8 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.ARGB32 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureFormat.RGB24 | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureWrapMode.Clamp | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
TextureWrapMode.Repeat | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
WrapMode.ClampForever | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
WrapMode.Default | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
WrapMode.Loop | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
WrapMode.Once | EnumValue | UnityEngine |
WrapMode.PingPong | EnumValue | UnityEngine |