言語: 日本語
  • C#
  • JS
  • Boo




Namespace: UnityEditor


Inherits from: AssetImporter


Model importer lets you modify model import settings from editor scripts.

Settings of this class match the ones exposed in Mesh Import Settings.


addCollider Add mesh colliders to imported meshes.
animationCompression Animation compression setting.
animationPositionError Allowed error of animation position compression.
animationRotationError Allowed error of animation rotation compression.
animationScaleError Allowed error of animation scale compression.
animationType Animator generation mode.
animationWrapMode The default wrap mode for the generated animation clips.
bakeIK Bake Inverse Kinematics (IK) when importing.
clipAnimations Animation clips to split animation into.
extraExposedTransformPaths Animation optimization setting.
generateAnimations Animation generation options.
generateSecondaryUV Generate secondary UV set for lightmapping.
globalScale Global scale factor for importing.
importAnimation Import animation from file.
importBlendShapes Controls import of BlendShapes.
importMaterials Import materials from file.
isBakeIKSupported Is Bake Inverse Kinematics (IK) supported by this importer.
isReadable Are mesh vertices and indices accessible from script?
isTangentImportSupported Is import of tangents supported by this importer.
isUseFileUnitsSupported Is useFileUnits supported for this asset.
materialName Material naming setting.
materialSearch Existing material search setting.
meshCompression Mesh compression setting.
normalImportMode Normals import mode.
normalSmoothingAngle Smoothing angle for calculating normals.
optimizeGameObjects Animation optimization setting.
optimizeMesh Vertex optimization setting.
referencedClips Generates the list of all imported Animations.
secondaryUVAngleDistortion Threshold for angle distortion when generating secondary UV.
secondaryUVAreaDistortion Threshold for area distortion when generating secondary UV.
secondaryUVHardAngle Hard angle for generating secondary UV.
secondaryUVPackMargin Margin to be left between charts when packing secondary UV.
splitTangentsAcrossSeams Should tangents be split across UV seams.
swapUVChannels Swap primary and secondary UV channels when importing.
tangentImportMode Tangents import mode.
transformPaths Generates the list of all imported Transforms.
useFileUnits Detect file units and import as 1FileUnit=1UnityUnit, otherwise it will import as 1cm=1UnityUnit.

Inherited members


assetPath アセットのパス (Read Only)
userData ユーザーが自由に設定/取得できる文字列
hideFlags オブジェクトは非表示、シーンに保存、ユーザーが編集可能などを行うかどうか
name オブジェクト名


GetInstanceID Returns the instance id of the object.
ToString ゲームオブジェクトの名前を返します

Static Functions

GetAtPath アセットのパスからAssetImporterを取得します
Destroy ゲームオブジェクト、コンポーネントやアセットを削除します
DestroyImmediate 直ちにオブジェクトを破壊する。ですが、Destroy関数の方を使うことを推奨します
DontDestroyOnLoad 新しいシーンを読み込んでもオブジェクトが自動で破壊されないように設定します
FindObjectOfType タイプから最初に見つけたアクティブのオブジェクトを返します
FindObjectsOfType タイプから見つけた全てのアクティブのオブジェクト配列を返します
Instantiate original のオブジェクトをクローンします


bool オブジェクトが存在するかどうか
operator != 二つのオブジェクトが異なるオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します
operator == 二つのオブジェクトが同じオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します