言語: 日本語
  • C#
  • JS
  • Boo





Determines how time is treated outside of the keyframed range of an AnimationClip or AnimationCurve.

The WrapMode that the animation system uses for a specific animation is determined this way:
You can set the WrapMode of an AnimationClip in the import settings of the clip. This is the recommended way to control the WrapMode.
When an AnimationState is created, it inherits its WrapMode from the AnimationClip it is created from, but you can also change it from code.
If the WrapMode of an AnimationState is set to Default, the animation system will use the WrapMode from the Animation component.


Once When time reaches the end of the animation clip, the clip will automatically stop playing and time will be reset to beginning of the clip.
Loop When time reaches the end of the animation clip, time will continue at the beginning.
PingPong When time reaches the end of the animation clip, time will ping pong back between beginning and end.
Default 前もって設定していた状態を使用します
ClampForever 通常の再生が行われた後、最後のフレームのアニメーションが再生され続けることになり再生が停止することはありません