言語: 日本語
  • C#
  • JS
  • Boo




Namespace: UnityEditor


Inherits from: EditorWindow


Derive from this class to create an editor wizard.

Editor wizards are typically opened using a menu item.

// C#
// Creates a simple wizard that lets you create a Light GameObject
// or if the user clicks in "Apply", it will set the color of the currently
// object selected to red

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class WizardCreateLight : ScriptableWizard {
    public float range = 500;
    public Color color = Color.red;
    [MenuItem ("GameObject/Create Light Wizard")]
    static void CreateWizard () {
        ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard<WizardCreateLight>("Create Light", "Create", "Apply");
        //If you don't want to use the secondary button simply leave it out:
        //ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard<WizardCreateLight>("Create Light", "Create");
    void OnWizardCreate () {
        GameObject go = new GameObject ("New Light");
        go.light.range = range;
        go.light.color = color;
    void OnWizardUpdate () {
        helpString = "Please set the color of the light!";
    // When the user pressed the "Apply" button OnWizardOtherButton is called.
    void OnWizardOtherButton () {
        if (Selection.activeTransform == null ||
            Selection.activeTransform.light == null) return;
        Selection.activeTransform.light.color = Color.red;


errorString Allows you to set the error text of the wizard.
helpString Allows you to set the help text of the wizard.
isValid Allows you to enable and disable the wizard create button, so that the user can not click it.

Static Functions

DisplayWizard Creates a wizard.


OnDrawGizmos Called every frame when the wizard is visible.
OnWizardCreate This is called when the user clicks on the Create button.
OnWizardOtherButton Allows you to provide an action when the user clicks on the other button.
OnWizardUpdate This is called when the wizard is opened or whenever the user changes something in the wizard.

Inherited members

Static Variables

focusedWindow The EditorWindow which currently has keyboard focus. (Read Only)
mouseOverWindow The EditorWindow currently under the mouse cursor. (Read Only)


autoRepaintOnSceneChange Does the window automatically repaint whenever the scene has changed?
maximized Is this window maximized.
maxSize The maximum size of this window.
minSize The minimum size of this window.
position The position of the window in screen space.
title The title of this window.
wantsMouseMove Does the GUI in this editor window want MouseMove events?
hideFlags オブジェクトは非表示、シーンに保存、ユーザーが編集可能などを行うかどうか
name オブジェクト名


BeginWindows 全てのポップアップウィンドウを表示するための開始領域をマークします
Close エディタウィンドウを閉じます
EndWindows EditorWindow.BeginWindowsで開始したウィンドウグループを閉じます
Focus エディタウィンドウにキーボードフォーカスを当てます
RemoveNotification Stop showing notification message.
Repaint Make the window repaint.
SendEvent Sends an Event to a window.
Show Show the EditorWindow.
ShowAsDropDown Show window with dropdown behaviour (e.g. window is closed when it loses focus) and having.
ShowAuxWindow Show the editor window in the auxiliary window.
ShowNotification Show a notification message.
ShowPopup Used for popup style windows.
ShowUtility Show the EditorWindow as a floating utility window.
GetInstanceID Returns the instance id of the object.
ToString ゲームオブジェクトの名前を返します

Static Functions

FocusWindowIfItsOpen エディタウィンドウが開いている場合に探し出し、最初に見つけたものにフォーカスを当てます。
GetWindow 現在画面上にある t タイプの最初に見つけたEditorWindowを返します。
GetWindowWithRect 現在画面上にある t タイプの最初に見つけたEditorWindowを返します。
Destroy ゲームオブジェクト、コンポーネントやアセットを削除します
DestroyImmediate 直ちにオブジェクトを破壊する。ですが、Destroy関数の方を使うことを推奨します
DontDestroyOnLoad 新しいシーンを読み込んでもオブジェクトが自動で破壊されないように設定します
FindObjectOfType タイプから最初に見つけたアクティブのオブジェクトを返します
FindObjectsOfType タイプから見つけた全てのアクティブのオブジェクト配列を返します
Instantiate original のオブジェクトをクローンします
CreateInstance /className/ からScriptableObjectクラスのインスタンスを作成します


bool オブジェクトが存在するかどうか
operator != 二つのオブジェクトが異なるオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します
operator == 二つのオブジェクトが同じオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します


OnDestroy OnDestroy is called when the EditorWindow is closed.
OnFocus Called when the window gets keyboard focus.
OnGUI Implement your own editor GUI here.
OnHierarchyChange Called whenever the scene hierarchy has changed.
OnInspectorUpdate OnInspectorUpdate is called at 10 frames per second to give the inspector a chance to update.
OnLostFocus Called when the window loses keyboard focus.
OnProjectChange Called whenever the project has changed.
OnSelectionChange Called whenever the selection has changed.
Update Called 100 times per second on all visible windows.
OnDestroy This function is called when the scriptable object will be destroyed.
OnDisable This function is called when the scriptable object goes out of scope.
OnEnable This function is called when the object is loaded.