Namespace: UnityEditor
SerializedObject and SerializedProperty are classes for editing properties on objects in a completely generic way that automatically handles undo and styling UI for prefabs.
SerializedObject is used in conjunction with SerializedProperty and Editor classes. See Also: SerializedProperty class, Editor class.
isEditingMultipleObjects | Does the serialized object represents multiple objects due to multi-object editing? (Read Only) |
targetObject | The inspected object (Read Only). |
targetObjects | The inspected objects (Read Only). |
SerializedObject | Create SerializedObject for inspected object. |
ApplyModifiedProperties | プロパティの変更を適用します |
CopyFromSerializedProperty | 同じSerializedPropertyが存在した場合コピーを行います |
FindProperty | プロパティ名からSerializedPropertyを取得します |
GetIterator | 1つ目のシリアライズ化されたプロパティを取得します |
SetIsDifferentCacheDirty | Update hasMultipleDifferentValues cache on the next /Update()/ call. |
Update | Update serialized object's representation. |
UpdateIfDirtyOrScript | Update serialized object's representation, only if the object has been modified since the last call to Update or if it is a script. |