言語: 日本語
  • C#
  • JS
  • Boo




public static function GetWindow(t: Type, utility: bool = false, title: string = null, focus: bool = true): EditorWindow;


t ウィンドウのタイプ。EditorWindowから派生したタイプでなくてはいけません
utility Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.
title If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.


現在画面上にある t タイプの最初に見つけたEditorWindowを返します。


	// Simple script that creates a new non-dockable window
	import UnityEditor;
	class GetWindowEx extends EditorWindow {	
		@MenuItem("Example/Display simple Window")
		static function Initialize() {
			var window : GetWindowEx = EditorWindow.GetWindow(GetWindowEx, true, "My Empty Window");
public static function GetWindow(utility: bool, title: string, focus: bool): T;


T ウィンドウのタイプ。EditorWindowから派生したタイプでなくてはいけません
utility Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.
title If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.


Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.


public static function GetWindow(title: string, focus: bool, params desiredDockNextTo: Type[]): T;


T ウィンドウのタイプ。EditorWindowから派生したタイプでなくてはいけません
title If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.
desiredDockNextTo An array of EditorWindow types that the window will attempt to dock onto.


Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.

存在しない場合、新しいウィンドウを作成して表示し、そのインスタンスを返します The created window will attempt to be docked next to the first founds specified window type.