言語: 日本語
  • C#
  • JS
  • Boo




public static var time: double;



This can, for example, be used to compare with the time returned in NetworkMessageInfo. The example script needs to be attached to an object with a network view and have the network view observe the script. It measures the time it took to send a message which synchronizes the X postion value of the objects transform.

	var something : float;
	var transitTime: double;
	function OnSerializeNetworkView (stream : BitStream, 
		info : NetworkMessageInfo) {
		var horizontalInput : float = 0.0;
		if (stream.isWriting) {
			// Sending
			horizontalInput = transform.position.x;
			stream.Serialize (horizontalInput);
		} else {
			// Receiving
			transitTime = Network.time - info.timestamp;
			stream.Serialize (horizontalInput);
			something = horizontalInput;

	function OnGUI() {
		GUILayout.Label("Last transmission time: "+ transitTime);