言語: 日本語
  • C#
  • JS
  • Boo




public static var acceleration: Vector3;


最後に測定した3次元空間でのデバイスの線形加速度 (Read Only)

	// Move object using accelerometer
	var speed = 10.0;

	function Update () {
		var dir : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;

		// we assume that device is held parallel to the ground
		// and Home button is in the right hand
		// remap device acceleration axis to game coordinates:
		//  1) XY plane of the device is mapped onto XZ plane
		//  2) rotated 90 degrees around Y axis
		dir.x = -Input.acceleration.y;
		dir.z = Input.acceleration.x;
		// clamp acceleration vector to unit sphere
		if (dir.sqrMagnitude > 1)
		// Make it move 10 meters per second instead of 10 meters per frame...
		dir *= Time.deltaTime;
		// Move object
		transform.Translate (dir * speed);