言語: 日本語
  • C#
  • JS
  • Boo





The mapping between a bone in the model and the conceptual bone in the Mecanim human anatomy.

The names of the Mecanim human bone and the bone in the model are stored along with the limiting muscle values that constrain the bone's rotation during animation.

function Start() {
	var boneName = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.<String, String>();

	boneName["Chest"] = "Bip001 Spine2";
	boneName["Head"] = "Bip001 Head";
	boneName["Hips"] = "Bip001 Pelvis";
	boneName["LeftFoot"] = "Bip001 L Foot";
	boneName["LeftHand"] = "Bip001 L Hand";
	boneName["LeftLowerArm"] = "Bip001 L Forearm";
	boneName["LeftLowerLeg"] = "Bip001 L Calf";
	boneName["LeftShoulder"] = "Bip001 L Clavicle";
	boneName["LeftUpperArm"] = "Bip001 L UpperArm";
	boneName["LeftUpperLeg"] = "Bip001 L Thigh";
	boneName["RightFoot"] = "Bip001 R Foot";
	boneName["RightHand"] = "Bip001 R Hand";
	boneName["RightLowerArm"] = "Bip001 R Forearm";
	boneName["RightLowerLeg"] = "Bip001 R Calf";
	boneName["RightShoulder"] = "Bip001 R Clavicle";
	boneName["RightUpperArm"] = "Bip001 R UpperArm";
	boneName["RightUpperLeg"] = "Bip001 R Thigh";
	boneName["Spine"] = "Bip001 Spine1";

	var humanName: String[] = HumanTrait.BoneName;
	var humanBones: HumanBone[] = new HumanBone[boneName.Count];
	var j = 0;
	for (var i = 0; i < humanName.Length; i++) {
		if (boneName.ContainsKey(humanName[i])) {
			var humanBone = new HumanBone();
			humanBone.humanName = humanName[i];
			humanBone.boneName = boneName[humanName[i]];
            humanBone.limit.useDefaultValues = true;

			humanBones[j++] = humanBone;


boneName メカニム のヒューマノイド型ボーンがマッピングされたボーン名
humanName モデルにおけるボーンのマッピング元となるメカニムのヒューマノイド型ボーン名
limit ボーンにおけるマッスルの可動域を返す