言語: 日本語
  • C#
  • JS
  • Boo




Namespace: UnityEditor


These work pretty much like the normal GUI functions - and also have matching implementations in EditorGUILayout.

Static Variables

actionKey Is the platform-dependent "action" modifier key held down? (Read Only)
indentLevel The indent level of the field labels.
showMixedValue Makes the following controls give the appearance of editing multiple different values.

Static Functions

BeginChangeCheck BeginChangeCheck とEndChangeCheckで囲んだGUIグループ内の GUI要素で何らかの変更がなされた時にアクションを起こすために使用されます
BeginDisabledGroup BeginDisabledGroupとEndDisabledGroupで囲んだGUIグループ内のGUI要素を操作不可にする場合に使用されます
BeginProperty SerializedPropertyをGUIで管理しやすくするようにするためのプロパティのラッパーであるGUIグループを作成します
BoundsField Make Center & Extents field for entering a Bounds.
ColorField Make a field for selecting a Color.
CurveField Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.
DrawPreviewTexture Draws the texture within a rectangle.
DrawTextureAlpha Draws the alpha channel of a texture within a rectangle.
DropShadowLabel Draws a label with a drop shadow.
EndChangeCheck Ends a change check started with BeginChangeCheck ().
EndDisabledGroup Ends a disabled group started with BeginDisabledGroup.
EndProperty Ends a Property wrapper started with BeginProperty.
EnumMaskField Make a field for enum based masks.
EnumPopup Make an enum popup selection field.
FloatField Make a text field for entering floats.
FocusTextInControl Move keyboard focus to a named text field and begin editing of the content.
Foldout Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.
GetPropertyHeight Get the height needed for a PropertyField control.
HandlePrefixLabel Make a label for some control.
HelpBox Make a help box with a message to the user.
InspectorTitlebar Make an inspector-window-like titlebar.
IntField Make a text field for entering integers.
IntPopup Make an integer popup selection field.
IntSlider Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.
LabelField Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)
LayerField Make a layer selection field.
MaskField Make a field for masks.
MinMaxSlider Make a special slider the user can use to specify a range between a min and a max.
MultiFloatField Make a multi-control with text fields for entering multiple floats in the same line.
MultiPropertyField Make a multi-control with several property fields in the same line.
ObjectField Make an object field. You can assign objects either by drag and drop objects or by selecting an object using the Object Picker.
PasswordField パスワードを入力するフィールドを作成します。
Popup Make a generic popup selection field.
PrefixLabel Make a label in front of some control.
ProgressBar Make a progress bar.
PropertyField Make a field for SerializedProperty.
RectField Make an X, Y, W & H field for entering a Rect.
SelectableLabel Make a selectable label field. (Useful for showing read-only info that can be copy-pasted.)
Slider Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.
TagField Make a tag selection field.
TextArea Make a text area.
TextField Make a text field.
Toggle Make a toggle.
ToggleLeft Make a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it.
Vector2Field Make an X & Y field for entering a Vector2.
Vector3Field Make an X, Y & Z field for entering a Vector3.
Vector4Field Make an X, Y, Z & W field for entering a Vector4.