Set up your environment for UWP
Develop for Universal Windows Platform

UWP Player settings

To access the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Player settings, go to Edit > Preferences > Project Settings > Player from the main menu in Unity. Use the Player settings to determine how Unity builds and displays your final application. For a description of the general Player settings, refer to Player Settings.

Player settings for UWP.
Player settings for UWP.

有关属性的描述根据 Player UI 中的相应部分进行分组:


Use the Icon settings to customize the branding for your app on the Microsoft Store.

Icon Settings for UWP.
Icon Settings for UWP.

The Icon section displays warnings for any images that are required for certification but haven’t been assigned. A UWP application must specify icon and logo images as part of the package before you can submit it to the Microsoft Store.

Note: You can also choose the image types and their sizing within the API. For more information, refer to PlayerSettings.WSAImageType and PlayerSettings.WSAImageScale.

Expand the Store Logo section to specify the image that appears on the Store description page for the application. You can add up to eight different resolutions.


Customize the general appearance of your Microsoft Store tiles with these settings:

属性 描述
Short name Sets an abbreviated name for the app.
Show name on Indicates each icon image you want the name to appear on: Medium Tile, Large Tile, or Wide Tile.
Foreground text Chooses whether to use Light or Dark text on the app’s Tile.
Background color Specifies what color to use for the background.
Default Size Chooses which size you want to use as the default size for the Tile.
Not Set 不使用默认大小。
Medium 使用中等大小。
Wide 使用宽尺寸。

Unity 将这些选项直接复制到 Package.appxmanifest 文件。

Tiles and Logos

Specify the images your tiles display on the Microsoft Store with these settings:

属性 描述
Square 44x44 Logo 设置 44x44 徽标图像以在应用程序的磁贴上使用。最多可以设置 10 个分辨率。
Square 71x71 Logo 设置 71x71 徽标图像以在应用程序的磁贴上使用。最多可以设置 5 个分辨率。
Square 150x150 Logo 设置 150x150 徽标图像以在应用程序的磁贴上使用。最多可以设置 5 个分辨率。
Square 310x310 Logo 设置 310x310 徽标图像以在应用程序的磁贴上使用。最多可以设置 5 个分辨率。
Wide 310x150 Logo 设置 310x150 徽标图像以在应用程序的磁贴上使用。最多可以设置 5 个分辨率。

Resolution and Presentation

Use the Resolution and Presentation section to customize aspects of the screen’s appearance.

Resolution and Presentation settings for UWP.
Resolution and Presentation settings for UWP.
属性 描述
Default is Full Screen Sets the app window to the full-screen native display resolution, covering the whole screen. This mode is also known as borderless full-screen. Unity renders the app content at the resolution set by a script, or the native display resolution if none is set and scales it to fill the window. When scaling, Unity adds black bars to the rendered output to match the display aspect ratio to prevent content stretching. This process is called letterboxing.
Run In Background Indicates whether to keep the game running (rather than pausing) if the app loses focus.
Allow Fullscreen Switch Indicates whether to allow default OS full-screen key presses to toggle between full-screen and windowed modes.
Transparent Swapchain Indicates whether to set AlphaMode on the swap chain to DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED.

This setting is used only for UWP projects that use the XAML build type. By enabling this setting, you can compose Unity content with other XAML content in your application.

For more information, refer to PlayerSettings.WSA.transparentSwapchain.


Choose the game’s screen orientation from the Default Orientation drop-down menu:

Property Description
Default Orientation Specifies the screen orientation the application uses.
Portrait The application uses portrait screen orientation where the bottom of the application’s window aligns with the bottom of the device’s screen.
Portrait Upside Down The application uses portrait screen orientation where the bottom of the application’s window aligns with the top of the device’s screen.
Landscape Right The application uses landscape screen orientation where the right side of the application’s window aligns with the bottom of the device’s screen.
Landscape Left The application uses landscape screen orientation where the right side of the application’s window aligns with the top of the device’s screen.
Auto Rotation The screen can rotate to any of the orientations you specify in the Allowed Orientations for Auto Rotation section.

Allowed Orientations for Auto Rotation

Use the Allowed Orientations for Auto Rotation section to specify which orientations the application supports when you set Default Orientation to Auto Rotation. This is useful, for example, to lock the application to landscape orientation but allow the user to switch between landscape left and landscape right.

This section is visible only when Default Orientation is set to Auto Rotation. Enable each orientation by checking its box in this section:

Property Description
Portrait Indicates whether the application supports portrait screen orientation where the bottom of the application’s window aligns with the bottom of the device’s screen.
Portrait Upside Down Indicates whether the application supports portrait screen orientation where the bottom of the application’s window aligns with the top of the device’s screen.
Landscape Right Indicates whether the application supports landscape screen orientation where the right side of the application’s window aligns with the bottom of the device’s screen.
Landscape Left Indicates whether the application supports landscape screen orientation where the right side of the application’s window aligns with the top of the device’s screen.

Splash Image

Above the common Splash Screen settings, the Player Settings settings allow you to specify splash images for UWP.

Splash settings for UWP.
Splash settings for UWP.

Use the Virtual Reality Splash Image property to select a custom splash image to display in Virtual Reality displays.

在通用 Splash Screen 设置下方,还有一些其他部分:


Set the foreground image to use in your app’s splash screen. You can add up to seven different resolutions.

Windows Splash settings for UWP.
Windows Splash settings for UWP.

Windows Holographic


Windows Holographic Splash settings for UWP.
Windows Holographic Splash settings for UWP.

设置要在启动期间显示的 Holographic Splash Image。此图像显示五秒钟(或直到应用程序完成加载)。


A Mixed Reality headset needs to build world-locked coordinate systems from its environment to allow holograms to stay in position. Tracking loss occurs when the headset loses track of where it is (can’t locate itself) in the world. This leads to a breakdown in spatial systems (spatial mapping, spatial anchors, spatial stages).

When this happens, Unity stops rendering holograms, pauses the game, and displays a notification. You can customize the notification image that appears by enabling the On Tracking Loss Pause and Show Image property, and then selecting the image to display with the Tracking Loss Image property.

For more information, refer to Recommended settings for Unity.

Overwrite background color

While your application initializes, UWP shows a Splash screen that appears before the Made with Unity Splash screen. It’s best practice to match the UWP Splash screen background to the Splash screen image because it’s more visually appealing. The default color is black.

To overwrite the UWP specific Splash screen background color:

  1. Go to Player Settings > Splash Screen and enable Overwrite Background Color.
  2. Choose a color from the Background Color selector.

If you overwrite the default background color, Unity changes the color value in the application manifest. If you are using the XAML application type, Unity also sets the color value in the initial XAML page.

Overwrite background color Splash settings for UWP.
Overwrite background color Splash settings for UWP.

Other Settings



Use these settings to customize how Unity renders your game for UWP.

Rendering settings for UWP.
Rendering settings for UWP.
Property Description
Color Space Choose which color space Unity uses for rendering: Gamma or Linear. For more information, see Linear rendering overview.

Gamma: Gamma color space is typically used for calculating lighting on older hardware restricted to 8 bits per channel for the frame buffer format. Even though monitors today are digital, they might still take a gamma-encoded signal as input.

Linear: Linear color space rendering gives more precise results. When you select to work in linear color space, the Editor defaults to using sRGB sampling. If your Textures are in linear color space, you need to work in linear color space and disable sRGB sampling for each Texture.
Auto Graphics API Indicates whether to manually pick and reorder the graphics APIs. By default this option is enabled, and Unity uses Direct3D11.
Static Batching Use Static batching. For more information, refer to Draw call batching.
Dynamic Batching Use dynamic batching (enabled by default). For more information, refer to Draw call batching.

Note: Dynamic batching has no effect when a Scriptable Render Pipeline is active, so this setting is only visible if the Scriptable Render Pipeline Asset Graphics setting is blank.
Sprite Batching Threshold Controls the maximum vertex threshold used when batching.
GPU Compute Skinning Indicates whether to use DX11/DX12/ES3 GPU skinning.
Graphics Jobs Offloads graphics tasks (render loops) to worker threads running on other CPU cores. This option reduces the time spent in Camera.Render on the main thread, which can be a bottleneck.
Lightmap Encoding Defines the encoding scheme and compression format of the lightmaps.
You can choose from Low Quality, Normal Quality, or High Quality.
HDR Cubemap Encoding Defines the encoding scheme and compression format of the HDR Cubemaps.
You can choose from Low Quality, Normal Quality, or High Quality.
Lightmap Streaming Uses Mipmap Streaming for lightmaps. Unity applies this setting to all lightmaps when it generates them.

Note: To use this setting, you must enable the Texture Streaming Quality setting.
Streaming Priority Sets the priority for all lightmaps in the Mipmap Streaming system. Unity applies this setting to all lightmaps when it generates them.
Positive numbers give higher priority. Valid values range from –128 to 127.
Frame Timing Stats Allows Unity to gather CPU/GPU frame timing statistics. Use this option with the Dynamic Resolution camera setting to determine if your application is CPU or GPU bound.
Use Display In HDR Mode (Windows Only) Allows the game to automatically switch to HDR mode output when it runs. This option works only on displays that support this feature. If the display doesn’t support HDR mode, the game runs in standard mode.
Swap Chain Bit Depth Selects the number of bits in each color channel for swap chain buffers. You can select Bit Depth 10 or Bit Depth 16. The option to choose bit depth only becomes available when you enable HDR Mode.

For more information on bit depth, refer to the Scripting API page for D3DHDRDisplayBitDepth.
Virtual Texturing (Experimental) Enable this option to reduce GPU memory usage and texture loading times if your Scene has many high resolution textures. For more information, refer to Virtual Texturing.

Note: The Unity Editor requires a restart for this setting to take effect.
Shader precision model Controls the default precision of samplers used in shaders. For more information, see Shader data types and precision.
360 Stereo Capture Allows Unity to capture stereoscopic 360 images and videos. When enabled, Unity compiles additional shader variants to support 360 capture (only on Windows). When enabled, the enable_360_capture keyword is added during the Stereo RenderCubemap call. This keyword isn’t triggered outside the Stereo RenderCubemap function.

For more information, refer to Stereo 360 Image and Video Capture.


Configuration settings for UWP.
Configuration settings for UWP.
Property Description
Scripting Backend The scripting backend determines how Unity compiles and executes C# code in your Project. This setting defaults to IL2CPP for Universal Windows Platform and can’t be changed.
API Compatibility Level Choose which .NET APIs you can use in your project. This setting can affect compatibility with third-party libraries. However, it has no effect on Editor-specific code (code in an Editor directory, or within an Editor-specific Assembly Definition).

Tip: If you are having problems with a third-party assembly, you can try the suggestion in the API Compatibility Level section below.
.Net Framework Produces larger builds and any additional APIs available are not necessarily supported on all platforms. Choose this option when using libraries that access APIs not included in .NET Standard 2.0. Compatible with the .NET Framework 4 (which includes everything in the .NET Standard 2.0 profile as well as additional APIs).

For more information, see Referencing additional class library assemblies.
.Net Standard 2.1 Produces smaller builds and has full cross-platform support.
IL2CPP Code Generation Defines how Unity manages IL2CPP code generation.
Faster runtime Generates code optimized for runtime performance. This setting is enabled by default.
Faster (smaller) builds) Generates code optimized for build size and iteration. This setting generates less code and produces a smaller build, but may reduce runtime performance, especially for generic code. Use this option when faster build times are important, such as when iterating on changes.
C++ Compiler Configuration Chooses the C++ compiler configuration used when compiling IL2CPP generated code.

Note: This property is disabled for the Universal Windows Platform because it’s chosen in the generated Visual Studio project.
Use incremental GC Uses the incremental garbage collector, which spreads garbage collection over several frames to reduce garbage collection-related spikes in frame duration.

For more information, see Automatic Memory Management.
Assembly Version Validation Indicates whether Mono validates types from a strongly-named assembly.
Allow downloads over HTTP Indicates whether to allow downloading content over HTTP. The options are Not allowed, Allowed in Development builds only, and Always allowed. The default option is Not allowed due to the recommended protocol being HTTPS, which is more secure.
Accelerometer Frequency Defines how often to sample the accelerometer. If you choose Disabled, then no samples are taken. Otherwise, you can choose from 15Hz, 30Hz, 60Hz and 100Hz frequencies.
Active Input Handling Choose how to handle input from users.
Input Manager (Old) Uses the traditional Input settings.
Input System Package (New) Uses the Input system. This option requires you to install the InputSystem package.
Both Use both systems side by side.

API Compatibility Level

You can choose your mono API compatibility level for all targets. Sometimes a third-party .NET library uses functionality that’s outside of your .NET compatibility level. To understand what’s going on in such cases, and how to best fix it, try following these suggestions:

  1. Install ILSpy for Windows.
  2. Drag the .NET assemblies for the API compatibility level that you are having issues with into ILSpy. You can find these under Data/MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono/YOURSUBSET/.
  3. 拖入第三方程序集。
  4. 右键单击第三方程序集并选择 Analyze
  5. In the analysis report, inspect the Depends on section. The report highlights anything that the 3rd-party assembly depends on, but that’s not available in the .NET compatibility level of your choice in red.

Script Compilation

Script Compilation settings for UWP.
Script Compilation settings for UWP.
属性 描述
Scripting Define Symbols Sets custom compilation flags.

For more details, see Platform dependent compilation.
Additional Compiler Arguments Adds entries to this list to pass additional arguments to the Roslyn compiler. Use one new entry for each additional argument.
To create a new entry, click Add (+). To remove an entry, click Remove (-).

When you have added all desired arguments, click Apply to include your additional arguments in future compilations. Click Revert to reset this list to the most recent applied state.
Suppress Common Warnings Indicates whether to display the C# warnings CS0169 and CS0649.
Allow ‘unsafe’ Code Enables support for compiling ‘unsafe’ C# code in a pre-defined assembly (for example, Assembly-CSharp.dll).
For Assembly Definition Files (.asmdef), click on one of your .asmdef files and enable the option in the Inspector window that appears.
Use Deterministic Compilation Indicates whether to prevent compilation with the -deterministic C# flag. With this setting enabled, compiled assemblies are byte-for-byte identical each time they are compiled.

For more information, see Microsoft’s deterministic compiler option.
Enable Roslyn Analyzers Indicates whether to compile user-written scripts without Roslyn analyzer DLLs that might be present in your project.


Optimization Settings for UWP.

Property Description
Prebake Collision Meshes Adds collision data to Meshes at build time.
Keep Loaded Shaders Alive Indicates whether to prevent shaders from being unloaded.

For more information, see Shader Loading.
Preloaded Assets Sets an array of Assets for the player to load on startup.
To add new Assets, increase the value of the Size property and then set a reference to the Asset to load in the new Element box that appears.
Managed Stripping Level Chooses how aggressively Unity strips unused managed (C#) code. The options are Minimal, Low, Medium, and High.
When Unity builds your app, the Unity Linker process can strip unused code from the managed DLLs your Project uses. Stripping code can make the resulting executable significantly smaller, but can sometimes accidentally remove code that’s in use.

For more information about these options and bytecode stripping with IL2CPP, refer to ManagedStrippingLevel.
Vertex Compression Sets vertex compression per channel. This affects all the meshes in your project.
Typically, Vertex Compression is used to reduce the size of mesh data in memory, reduce file size, and improve GPU performance.

For more information on how to configure vertex compression and limitations of this setting, refe to Compressing mesh data.
Optimize Mesh Data Enable this option to strip unused vertex attributes from the mesh used in a build. This option reduces the amount of data in the mesh, which can help reduce build size, loading times, and runtime memory usage.

Warning: If you have this setting enabled, you should remember to not change material or shader settings at runtime.

For more information, refer to PlayerSettings.stripUnusedMeshComponents.
Strict shader variant matching If a shader variant is missing, the editor uses the bright pink error shader whilst displaying an error message in the Console.
Texture MipMap Stripping Enables mipmap stripping for all platforms. This strips unused mipmaps from Textures at build time. Unity determines unused mipmaps by comparing the value of the mipmap against the Quality Settings for the current platform. If a mipmap value is excluded from every Quality Setting for the current platform, then Unity strips those mipmaps from the build at build time. If QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit is set to a mipmap value that has been stripped, Unity will set the value to the closest mipmap value that has not been stripped.

Stack Trace

Select which type of stack trace logging to allow in specific contexts.

Stack Trace settings for UWP.
Stack Trace settings for UWP.
  • Select your preferred stack trace method by enabling the option that corresponds to each Log Type (Error, Assert, Warning, Log, and Exception) based on the type of logging you require. For example:
    • ScriptOnly: Logs only when running scripts.
    • Full: Logs all the time.
    • None: No logs are ever recorded.

See stack trace logging for more information.


Enable Clamp BlendShapes (Deprecated) to clamp the range of blend shape weights in SkinnedMeshRenderers.

Legacy settings for UWP.
Legacy settings for UWP.

Publishing Settings

Use these settings to customize building your UWP app. These options are organized into the following groups:

Unity stores these settings in the Package.appxmanifest file when creating a Visual Studio solution for the first time.

Note: If you build your project on top of the existing one, Unity doesn’t overwrite the Package.appxmanifest file if it’s already present. That means if you change any of the Player settings, you need to check Package.appxmanifest. If you want to regenerate Package.appxmanifest, delete it and rebuild your project from Unity.

For more information, refer to Microsoft’s documentation on App package manifest.

Supported orientations from Player Settings are also populated to the manifest (Package.appxmanifest file in Visual Studio solution). On UWP apps, Unity resets the orientation to the one you used in the Player settings, regardless of what you specify in the manifest. This is because Windows itself ignores those settings on desktop and tablet computers.

提示:始终可使用 Unity Scripting API 来更改支持的方向。


Packaging settings for UWP.
Packaging settings for UWP.
属性 描述
包名称 输入用于标识系统上的包的名称。名称必须具有唯一性。
Package display name The Product Name value that you set at the top of the Player settings appears here. This is the name of the app as it will appear on the Microsoft Store.
版本 使用四元表示法中的字符串输入包的版本:Major.Minor.Build.Revision
Publisher display name The Company Name value that you set at the top of the Player settings appears here. This is the user-friendly name of the publisher.
Streaming Install 启用此选项可创建包含场景的可串流资源的 AppxContentGroupMap.xml 清单文件。要默认包含场景资源,请使用 Last required scene index 设置。在清单文件中,场景索引高于 Last required scene index 值的场景中的资源将被指定为可串流。
Last required scene index Enter the index number from the Scenes In Build list on the Build Settings window that corresponds to the last scene in that list that must be present in the game build. For an application to start, Unity requires any scene index at or less than the specified index. To require all files in the list, use the index of the last scene in the list.
Scenes with a greater scene index must include shared Assets for Scenes with a lesser index. The order of scenes in the Build Settings dialog may be important to allow the application to locate the required assets.

Note: By default, the Streaming Install option is disabled, which means that this setting isn’t available. To make this property editable, enable the Streaming Install option first.


Every UWP App needs a certificate which identifies a developer.

Before creating the certificate.
Before creating the certificate.

Click Select to choose your certificate file (.pfx) from your local computer. The name of the file you selected appears on Select.

如果还没有证书文件,则可以在 Unity 中生成文件:

  1. Click Create. The Create Test Certificate for Microsoft Store dialog window appears.

  2. Enter the name of the package publisher in the Publisher text box.

  3. You may also protect the certificate with a password but this is optional. We recommend leaving the password field blank.

  4. Click Create.

    The window closes and the Certificate section displays the name you entered for both the Publisher and Issued by values. The Expiration date is set to one year from the time you created the certificate.

After creating the certificate.
After creating the certificate.

Application UI

Unity 将这些选项直接复制到 Package.appxmanifest 文件。

Application UI settings for UWP.
Application UI settings for UWP.

The Display name value that you set at the top of the Player Settings settings appears in this section. This is the full name of the app.

Enter the text you want to appear on the app’s tile on the Microsoft Store in the Description text box. This defaults to the Package display name value.

File and Protocol Associations

The settings under the File Type Associations, File Types, and Protocol sections allow you to set up your Microsoft Store app as the default handler for a certain file type or URI scheme.

File Type Associations section for UWP.
File Type Associations section for UWP.

Under the File Type Associations section, enter the name (lowercase only) for a group of file types in the Name text box. These are files that share the same display name, logo, info tip, and edit flags. Choose a group name that can stay the same across app updates.


  1. Click Add New. An empty entry appears in File Types. You can add multiple file types.
  2. Enter the MIME content type in the Content Type text box for a particular file type. For example, image/jpeg.
  3. Enter the file type to register for in the File Type text box, preceded by a period (for example, .jpeg).

If you are setting this up as an association with a URI scheme, enter the protocol in the Name text box.

For more information, refer to Microsoft documentation on Auto-launching with file and URI associations (XAML).


Unity receives input by subscribing to events. The Input Source setting defines where (which sources) to get input from. Currently this only applies to mouse and touch input, as keyboard input always comes from CoreWindow.

Misc settings for UWP.
Misc settings for UWP.
属性 描述
Default Language (.vcxproj) Sets the XML default language in the generated Visual Studio project. If not specified, ‘en-US’ is used.
Note: Changes only apply to the initial file generation, changes don’t affect pre-existing files.
Input Source Defines which sources to receive input from. Currently this only applies to mouse and touch input, as keyboard input always comes from CoreWindow.
CoreWindow Subscribes to CoreWindow events. This is the default.
Independent Input Source Creates Independent Input Source and receive input from it.
SwapChainPanel Subscribes to SwapChainPanel events.


Use the Capabilities section to enable APIs or resources you want your app to access. These could be pictures, music, or devices such as the camera or the microphone.

Capabilities settings for UWP.
Capabilities settings for UWP.
属性 描述
EnterpriseAuthentication Windows domain credentials enable a user to log into remote resources using their credentials, and act as if a user provided their username and password.
InternetClient Allows your app to receive incoming data from the Internet. Can’t act as a server. No local network access.
InternetClientServer Same as InternetClient but also enables peer-to-peer (P2P) scenarios where the app needs to listen for incoming network connections.
MusicLibrary 访问用户的音乐,允许应用程序枚举和访问库中的所有文件,无需用户交互。此功能通常用于那些使用整个音乐库的音乐播放器应用程序。
PicturesLibrary 访问用户的图片,允许应用程序枚举和访问库中的所有文件,无需用户交互。此功能通常用于那些使用整个照片库的照片应用程序。
PrivateNetworkClientServer 通过防火墙提供对家庭和工作网络的入站和出站访问。此功能通常用于通过局域网 (LAN) 进行通信的游戏,以及用于跨各种本地设备共享数据的应用程序。
RemovableStorage 访问可移动存储设备(如 U 盘和外部硬盘驱动器)上的文件。
SharedUserCertificates 允许应用程序在共享用户存储中添加和访问基于软件和硬件的证书,例如存储在智能卡上的证书。此功能通常用于需要智能卡进行身份验证的财务或企业应用程序。
VideosLibrary 访问用户的视频,允许应用程序枚举和访问库中的所有文件,无需用户交互。此功能通常用于那些使用整个视频库的影片播放应用程序。
WebCam Accesses the video feed of a built-in camera or external webcam, which allows the app to capture photos and videos.
Note: This only grants access to the video stream. In order to grant access to the audio stream as well, the Microphone capability must be added.
Proximity 使近距离的多个设备能够相互通信。此功能通常用于多人休闲游戏和信息交换类型的应用程序中。设备会尝试使用提供最佳连接的通信技术,包括蓝牙、Wi-Fi 和 Internet。
Microphone 访问麦克风的音频输入源,这将允许应用程序通过连接的麦克风来录音。
位置 访问从专用硬件(如 PC 中的 GPS 传感器)或从可用的网络信息中获取的位置功能。
HumanInterfaceDevice Enables access to Human Interface Device APIs. For more information, refer to How to specify device capabilities for HID.
AllJoyn 允许网络上支持 AllJoyn 的应用程序和设备发现彼此并进行交互。
BlockedChatMessages 允许应用程序读取已被垃圾邮件过滤器应用程序阻止的短信和彩信。
Chat 允许应用程序读写所有短信和彩信。
CodeGeneration 允许应用程序访问下列函数,从而为应用程序提供 JIT 能力:
Objects3D 允许应用程序以编程方式访问 3D 对象文件。此功能通常用于需要访问整个 3D 对象库的 3D 应用程序和游戏。
PhoneCall Allows apps to access all of the phone lines on the device and perform the following functions.
Place a call on the phone line and display the system dialer without prompting the user.
Access line-related metadata.
Access line-related triggers.
Allows the user-selected spam filter app to set and check block list and call origin information.
UserAccountInformation 访问用户的姓名和图片。
VoipCall 允许应用程序访问 Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls 命名空间中的 VOIP 呼叫 API。
Bluetooth 允许应用程序通过通用属性 (GATT) 或经典基本速率 (RFCOMM) 协议与已配对的蓝牙设备进行通信。
SpatialPerception Provides programmatic access to spatial mapping data, giving mixed reality apps information about surfaces in application-specified regions of space near the user. Declare the spatialPerception capability only when your app will explicitly use these surface meshes, as the capability isn’t required for mixed reality apps to perform holographic rendering based on the user’s head pose.
InputInjectionBrokered 允许应用程序以编程方式将各种形式的输入(如 HID、触摸、笔、键盘或鼠标)注入系统。此功能通常用于可以控制系统的协作应用程序。
Appointments 访问用户的日程存储。此功能允许读取从同步网络帐户获取的日程,还允许读取向日程存储写入内容的其他应用程序。借助此功能,您的应用程序可以创建新日历并将日程写入其创建的日历。
BackgroundMediaPlayback 更改媒体专用 API(如 MediaPlayerAudioGraph 类)的行为,从而在您的应用程序处于后台时启用媒体播放。所有活动的音频流将不再静音,但在应用程序切换为后台时将继续发出声音。此外,在播放过程中,应用程序生命周期将自动延长。
Contacts 访问来自各个联系人存储中的联系人聚合视图。此功能使应用程序能够有限制地访问(适用网络许可规则)从各种网络和本地联系人存储中同步的联系人。
LowLevelDevices 允许应用程序在满足许多其他要求时访问自定义设备。
OfflineMapsManagement 允许应用程序访问离线地图。
PhoneCallHistoryPublic 允许应用程序在设备上读取手机和某些 VOIP 通话记录信息。此功能还允许应用程序写入 VOIP 通话记录条目。
PointOfService 允许访问 Windows.Devices.PointOfService 命名空间中的 API。此命名空间允许您的应用访问服务点 (POS) 条形码扫描器和磁条读取器。此命名空间提供了不依赖供应商的接口,可通过 UWP 应用程序访问来自不同制造商的 POS 设备。
RecordedCallsFolder 允许应用程序访问通话录音文件夹。
RemoteSystem 允许应用程序访问与用户的 Microsoft 帐户关联的设备列表。必须访问设备列表才能执行跨设备的任何操作。
SystemManagement 允许应用程序拥有基本的系统管理权限,例如关闭或重新启动、区域设置和时区。
UserDataTasks 允许应用程序访问任务设置的当前状态。
UserNotificationListener 允许应用程序访问通知设置的当前状态。
GazeInput Allows apps to detect where the user is looking when a compatible eye-tracking device is connected.

For more information, refer to App capability declarations.

Unity 将这些选项直接复制到 Package.appxmanifest 文件。

Note: If you build your game on top of a previous package, Package.appxmanifest won’t be overwritten.

Supported Device Families

A device family identifies the APIs, system characteristics, and behaviors across a class of devices. It also determines the set of devices on which your app can be installed from the Store. For more information, refer to Microsoft’s Device families overview.

If no options are enabled, Windows.Universal is used as default, which enables your app to be available on all device families. You can also set this within the API in PlayerSettings.WSATargetFamily instead of in the Editor.

Note: These settings are used only when generating a new UWP Visual Studio solution. Changing these settings has no effect if you rebuild UWP to an existing folder.

Supported Device Families settings for UWP.
Supported Device Families settings for UWP.
属性 描述
桌面端 Indicates whether your application supports the Desktop device family.
Mobile Indicates whether your application supports the Mobile device family.
Holographic Indicates whether your application supports the HoloLens (self-contained, holographic computer) device family. This is used for Mixed Reality apps.
Team Indicates whether your application supports the Team device family. This is commonly used for Microsoft Surface Hub devices.
IoT Indicates whether your application supports the IoT device family.

Note: Currently, apps targeting IoT aren’t valid in the app store and should be used only for development purposes.
IoTHeadless Indicates whether your application supports the IoTHeadless device family.

Note: Currently, apps targeting IoTHeadless aren’t valid in the app store and should be used only for development purposes.

For more information, refer to Device family availability.


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