Version: 2022.3
Animation Rigging

Android Logcat


Android Logcat package provides support for:
- Android log messages
- Android application memory statistics
- Android Screen Capture
- Android Screen Recorder
- Stacktrace Utility

Click the ‘View documentation’ link above for more information.

The window can be accessed in Unity Editor via ‘Window > Analysis > Android Logcat’, or simply by pressing ‘Alt+6’ on Windows or ‘Option+6’ on macOS.

Make sure to have Android module loaded and switch to Android build target in ‘Build Settings’ window if the menu doesn’t exist.


Released for Unity

Package version 1.3.2 is released for Unity Editor version 2022.3.

与 Unity 兼容

These package versions are available in Unity version 2022.3:

文档位置: 状态 可用版本: released 1.3.2


Mobile , Android , Logcat

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