activeColorSpace | Желаемый цвет пространства. |
anisotropicFiltering | Global anisotropic filtering mode. |
antiAliasing | Set The AA Filtering option. |
asyncUploadBufferSize | Async texture upload provides timesliced async texture upload on the render thread with tight control over memory and timeslicing. There are no allocations except for the ones which driver has to do. To read data and upload texture data a ringbuffer whose size can be controlled is re-used.Use asyncUploadBufferSize to set the buffer size for asynchronous texture uploads. The size is in megabytes. Minimum value is 2 and maximum is 512. Although the buffer will resize automatically to fit the largest texture currently loading, it is recommended to set the value approximately to the size of biggest texture used in the scene to avoid re-sizing of the buffer which can incur performance cost. |
asyncUploadTimeSlice | Async texture upload provides timesliced async texture upload on the render thread with tight control over memory and timeslicing. There are no allocations except for the ones which driver has to do. To read data and upload texture data a ringbuffer whose size can be controlled is re-used.Use asyncUploadTimeSlice to set the time-slice in milliseconds for asynchronous texture uploads per
frame. Minimum value is 1 and maximum is 33. |
billboardsFaceCameraPosition | If enabled, billboards will face towards camera position rather than camera orientation. |
blendWeights | Blend weights. |
desiredColorSpace | Желаемый цвет пространства. |
lodBias | Global multiplier for the LOD's switching distance. |
masterTextureLimit | A texture size limit applied to all textures. |
maximumLODLevel | A maximum LOD level. All LOD groups. |
maxQueuedFrames | Maximum number of frames queued up by graphics driver. |
names | The indexed list of available Quality Settings. |
particleRaycastBudget | Budget for how many ray casts can be performed per frame for approximate collision testing. |
pixelLightCount | The maximum number of pixel lights that should affect any object. |
realtimeReflectionProbes | Enables realtime reflection probes. |
shadowCascade2Split | The normalized cascade distribution for a 2 cascade setup. The value defines the position of the cascade with respect to Zero. |
shadowCascade4Split | The normalized cascade start position for a 4 cascade setup. Each member of the vector defines the normalized position of the coresponding cascade with respect to Zero. |
shadowCascades | Number of cascades to use for directional light shadows. |
shadowDistance | Shadow drawing distance. |
shadowNearPlaneOffset | Offset shadow frustum near plane. |
shadowProjection | Directional light shadow projection. |
softVegetation | Use a two-pass shader for the vegetation in the terrain engine. |
vSyncCount | The VSync Count. |