Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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Imported texture format for TextureImporter.

See Also: TextureImporter.textureFormat.


AutomaticCompressedChoose a compressed format automatically.
Automatic16bitChoose a 16 bit format automatically.
AutomaticTruecolorChoose a Truecolor format automatically.
DXT1DXT1 compresed texture format.
DXT5DXT5 compresed texture format.
RGB16RGB 16 bit texture format.
RGB24RGB 24 bit texture format.
Alpha8Alpha 8 bit texture format.
ARGB16RGBA 16 bit texture format.
RGBA32RGBA 32 bit texture format.
ARGB32ARGB 32 bit texture format.
RGBA16RGBA 16 bit (4444) texture format.
PVRTC_RGB2PowerVR (iPhone) 2 bits/pixel compressed color texture format.
PVRTC_RGBA2PowerVR (iPhone) 2 bits/pixel compressed with alpha channel texture format.
PVRTC_RGB4PowerVR (iPhone) 4 bits/pixel compressed color texture format.
PVRTC_RGBA4PowerVR (iPhone) 4 bits/pixel compressed with alpha channel texture format.
ETC_RGB4ETC (GLES2.0) 4 bits/pixel compressed RGB texture format.
ATC_RGB4ATC (Android) 4 bits/pixel compressed RGB texture format.
ATC_RGBA8ATC (Android) 8 bits/pixel compressed RGBA texture format.
EAC_RETC2/EAC compressed 4 bits / pixel unsigned R texture format.
EAC_R_SIGNEDETC2/EAC compressed 4 bits / pixel signed R texture format.
EAC_RGETC2/EAC compressed 8 bits / pixel unsigned RG texture format.
EAC_RG_SIGNEDETC2/EAC compressed 4 bits / pixel signed RG texture format.
ETC2_RGB4ETC2 compressed 4 bits / pixel RGB texture format.
ETC2_RGB4_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHAETC2 compressed 4 bits / pixel RGB + 1-bit alpha texture format.
ETC2_RGBA8ETC2 compressed 8 bits / pixel RGBA texture format.
ASTC_RGB_4x4ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 4x4 block size.
ASTC_RGB_5x5ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 5x5 block size.
ASTC_RGB_6x6ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 6x6 block size.
ASTC_RGB_8x8ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 8x8 block size.
ASTC_RGB_10x10ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 10x10 block size.
ASTC_RGB_12x12ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 12x12 block size.
ASTC_RGBA_4x4ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 4x4 block size.
ASTC_RGBA_5x5ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 5x5 block size.
ASTC_RGBA_6x6ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 6x6 block size.
ASTC_RGBA_8x8ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 8x8 block size.
ASTC_RGBA_10x10ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 10x10 block size.
ASTC_RGBA_12x12ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 12x12 block size.
TextureImporterFormatChoose a crunched format automatically.
TextureImporterFormatDXT1 compresed texture format with crunch compression for small storage sizes.
TextureImporterFormatDXT5 compresed texture format with crunch compression for small storage sizes.