Miscellaneous helper stuff for EditorGUI.
currentViewWidth | The width of the GUI area for the current EditorWindow or other view. |
editingTextField | Is a text field currently editing text? |
fieldWidth | The minimum width in pixels reserved for the fields of Editor GUI controls. |
hierarchyMode | Is the Editor GUI is hierarchy mode? |
isProSkin | Is the user currently using the pro skin? (Read Only) |
labelWidth | The width in pixels reserved for labels of Editor GUI controls. |
singleLineHeight | Get the height used for a single Editor control such as a one-line EditorGUI.TextField or EditorGUI.Popup. |
standardVerticalSpacing | Get the height used by default for vertical spacing between controls. |
systemCopyBuffer | The system copy buffer. |
whiteTexture | Get a white texture. |
wideMode | Is the Editor GUI currently in wide mode? |
AddCursorRect | Add a custom mouse pointer to a control. |
CommandEvent | Creates an event. |
DrawColorSwatch | Draw a color swatch. |
DrawCurveSwatch | Draw a curve swatch. |
DrawRegionSwatch | Draw swatch with a filled region between two SerializedProperty curves. |
FindTexture | Get a texture from its source filename. |
GetBuiltinSkin | Get one of the built-in GUI skins, which can be the game view, inspector or scene view skin as chosen by the parameter. |
GetFlowLayoutedRects | Layout list of string items left to right, top to bottom in the given area. |
GetIconSize | Get the size that has been set using SetIconSize. |
GetObjectPickerControlID | The controlID of the currently showing object picker. |
GetObjectPickerObject | The object currently selected in the object picker. |
HasObjectThumbnail | Does a given class have per-object thumbnails? |
IconContent | Fetch the GUIContent from the Unity builtin resources with the given name. |
IsDisplayReferencedByCameras | Check if any enabled camera can render to a particular display. |
Load | Load a built-in resource. |
LoadRequired | Load a built-in resource that has to be there. |
ObjectContent | Return a GUIContent object with the name and icon of an Object. |
PingObject | Ping an object in a window like clicking it in an inspector. |
QueueGameViewInputEvent | Send an input event into the game. |
SetIconSize | Set icons rendered as part of GUIContent to be rendered at a specific size. |
ShowObjectPicker | Show the object picker from code. |
hasModalWindow | Глобальное свойство. Если true, то модальное окно отображается, в противном случае false. |
hotControl | controlID текущего элемента управления. |
keyboardControl | controlID элемента управления с фокусом на клавиатуру. |
systemCopyBuffer | Получает доступ к "визитной карточке" системы (system-wide pasteboard). |
GetControlID | Получает уникальный ID для элемента управления. |
GetStateObject | Получает состояние объекта из controlID. |
GUIToScreenPoint | Конвертирует точку из GUI позиции в пространство на экране. |
QueryStateObject | Получает существующее состояние объекта из controlID. |
RotateAroundPivot | Обработчик функции для вращения GUI вокруг точки. |
ScaleAroundPivot | Обработчик функции для масштабирования GUI вокруг точки. |
ScreenToGUIPoint | Конвертирует точку из точки в пространстве к позиции GUI. |