Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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class in UnityEngine.Networking


Наследует от:Networking.SyncList_1

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A list of unsigned integers that will be synchronized from server to clients.

Статические функции

ReadReferenceAn internal function used for serializing SyncList member variables.

Унаследованные члены


CallbackThe delegate type used for SyncListChanged.
CountReturns the number of elements in this SyncList<T>.
IsReadOnlyReports whether the SyncList<T> is read-only.

Открытые функции

AddSame as List:Add() but the item is added on clients.
ClearSame as List:Clear() but the list is cleared on clients.
ContainsDetermines whether the list contains item item.
CopyToCopies the elements of the SyncList<T> to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
DeserializeItemThis method is used when deserializing SyncList items from a stream.
DirtyMarks an item in the list as dirty, so it will be updated on clients.
GetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through the SyncList<T>.
HandleMsgInternal function used for remote list operations.
IndexOfDetermines the index of a specific item in the SyncList<T>.
InitializeBehaviourInternal function.
InsertSame as List::Insert() but also inserts into list on clients.
RemoveSame as List:Remove except removes on clients also.
RemoveAtSame as List:Remove except it removes the index on clients also.
SerializeItemThis is used to write a value object from a SyncList to a stream.

Защищённые функции

DeserializeItemThis method is used when deserializing SyncList items from a stream.
SerializeItemThis is used to write a value object from a SyncList to a stream.


SyncListChangedA delegate that can be populated to recieve callbacks when the list changes.