A Cloth Renderer is used to render a cloth mesh generated by an Interactive Cloth component on the same object.
プロパティ: | 特徴: |
Cast Shadows | If selected the cloth will cast shadows |
Receive Shadows | The cloth can receive Shadows if enabled |
Materials | Materials that the cloth will use. |
Use Light Probes | If selected, light probes will be enabled. |
Light Probe Anchor | Light Probe lighting is interpolated at the center of the Renderer’s bounds or at the position of the anchor, if assigned. |
Pause When Not Visible | If selected, the simulation will not be calculated when the cloth is not being rendered by the camera. |
The cloth components are highly coupled and one doesn’t make much sense without the other, so he editor will prevent you from removing the Interactive Cloth from an object that has a Cloth Renderer.