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Play mode and Editor profile samples

When you profile the Unity Editor or Play mode, Unity groups their relevant timings into two sample groups that have the following markers:

  • PlayerLoop: Timings related to Play mode
  • EditorLoop: Timings related to the Editor

Play mode samples

When you profile Play mode, the ProfilerA window that helps you to optimize your game. It shows how much time is spent in the various areas of your game. For example, it can report the percentage of time spent rendering, animating, or in your game logic. More info
See in Glossary
only collects timing samples that happened inside the PlayerLoop. This group helps to reduce the amount of misleading measurements in the CPU and GPU Profiler modules.

Unity categorizes any EditorLoop samples as Others in the CPU Profiler module charts, meaning that EditorLoop samples are the biggest contributors to the Others category. If you want to find out what the Editor does in this time and get a detailed breakdown of what contributes to the Others category, profile the Editor process.

Important: If you use Deep Profiling, and target Play mode, it has a performance impact on every call that happens in both PlayerLoop and EditorLoop. This is because Deep Profiling hooks into the beginning and end of any scripting method call on domain reload and it doesn’t detect which parts are never called from the PlayerLoop. The method calls that happen in the EditorLoop don’t have the full overhead of creating a sample, but they still check if they emit one, which causes a smaller overhead.

Editor samples

When you profile the Editor process, all the samples that were previously hidden under the EditorLoop marker contribute to their respective categories. This means that the information in the CPU Profiler module’s detail pane and its charts changes significantly.

There are certain profiler markersPlaced in code to describe a CPU or GPU event that is then displayed in the Unity Profiler window. Added to Unity code by default, or you can use ProfilerMarker API to add your own custom markers. More info
See in Glossary
that only appear when you profile in the Unity Editor. These markers don’t appear in Player-related activity, and only relate to Editor activity. Editor-only markers include:

  • Security checks like the GetComponentNullErrorWrapper, which helps to identify a null component usage.
  • CheckConsistency, which validates object setup.
  • CheckAllowDestructionRecursive, which is a destruction check.
  • Prefab-related activities.

By default, in the CPU Profiler module’s Hierarchy view, sample stacks with Editor-only markers are collapsed and are named EditorOnly [SampleName]. While these sample stacks or their child samples might cause managed allocations that can trigger garbage collection, they don’t contribute to the GC.Alloc value of their parent sample if they’re collapsed.

To change the default behavior, in the top right of the module details pane, select the context menu and disable the Collapse EditorOnly Samples setting. When you do this, you can expand the sample and contribute its GC.Alloc value to the enclosing marker.

This option doesn’t affect the Timeline view, and the samples and their children appear expanded. You can usually ignore the samples with these markers, because they relate to Editor-only activity and don’t have any impact on reducing managed allocations. However, they can be useful to investigate if they have a significant performance impact on Play mode.

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Highlights Profiler module reference
Instrument all function calls