Certain Android devices that use the Vulkan graphics API might not run Unity applications optimally or support specific graphics jobs modes. You can use a Vulkan Device Filtering Asset to overcome these constraints.
Topic | Description |
Introduction to Vulkan Device Filtering Asset | Overview of the Vulkan Device Filtering asset and the filter lists it includes. |
Create a Vulkan Device Filtering Asset | Create a Vulkan Device Filtering Asset in the Unity Editor to configure Vulkan API usage and graphics jobs modes for Android devices. |
Configure Vulkan API usage | Use the Allow and Deny Filter Lists to specify which Android devices can run your Unity application with the Vulkan API. |
Configure graphics jobs mode | Use the Preferred Graphics Jobs Filter List to define graphics jobs modes for specific Android devices based on their specifications. |
Import legacy Allow and Deny Filter List values | Import the legacy Allow and Deny Filter List values of the existing project into the Vulkan Device Filtering Asset. |
Vulkan Device Filtering Asset reference | Reference documentation for the Vulkan Device Filtering Asset. |