Method |
Description |
AddControl | Record a distance measurement from a handle. |
AddDefaultControl | Add the ID for a default control. This will be picked if nothing else is. |
CalcLineTranslation | Map a mouse drag onto a movement along a line in 3D space. |
ClosestPointToArc | Get the point on an arc (in 3D space) which is closest to the current mouse position. |
ClosestPointToDisc | Get the point on an disc (in 3D space) which is closest to the current mouse position. |
ClosestPointToPolyLine | Get the point on a polyline (in 3D space) which is closest to the current mouse position. |
DecodeSelectionId | Translates a Vector4 selectionId value retrieved from GPU into a single integer picking index. |
DistancePointBezier | Calculate distance between a point and a Bezier curve. |
DistancePointLine | Calculate distance between a point and a line. |
DistancePointToLine | Distance from a point p in 2d to a line defined by two points a and b. |
DistancePointToLineSegment | Distance from a point p in 2d to a line segment defined by two points a and b. |
DistanceToArc | Returns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a 3D section of a disc. |
DistanceToCircle | Returns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a camera facing circle. |
DistanceToCone | Returns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a cone. |
DistanceToCube | Returns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a cube. |
DistanceToDisc | Returns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a 3D disc. |
DistanceToLine | Returns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a line. |
DistanceToPolyLine | Returns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a polyline. |
DistanceToRectangle | Returns the distance in pixels from the mouse pointer to a rectangle on screen. |
EncodeSelectionId | Translates a single integer picking index into a Vector4 selectionId value. The Vector4 selectionId is used to render the picking render textures during picking rendering. |
FindNearestVertex | Returns the nearest vertex to a guiPoint within a maximum radius of 50 pixels. |
GetHandleSize | Get world space size of a manipulator handle at given position. |
GetOverlappingObjects | Gets an ordered list of objects that would be picked under the give mouse position. |
GetPickingIncludeExcludeList | Gets the picking PickingIncludeExcludeList for the currently executing BatchRendererGroup.OnPerformCulling callback. |
GetSelectionOutlineIncludeExcludeList | Gets the selection outline PickingIncludeExcludeList for the currently executing BatchRendererGroup.OnPerformCulling callback. |
GUIPointToScreenPixelCoordinate | Converts a 2D GUI position to screen pixel coordinates. |
GUIPointToWorldRay | Convert 2D GUI position to a world space ray. |
PickAllObjects | Creates a list of all GameObjects under the specified position in screen coordinates. |
PickGameObject | Pick game object closest to specified position. |
PickRectObjects | Pick GameObjects that lie within a specified screen rectangle. |
PlaceObject | Casts a ray against the loaded scenes and returns the nearest intersected point on a collider. |
PointOnLineParameter | Returns the parameter for the projection of the point on the given line. |
PopCamera | Retrieve all camera settings. |
ProjectPointLine | Project point onto a line. |
PushCamera | Store all camera settings. |
RaySnap | Casts ray against the Scene and reports whether an object lies in its path. |
RegisterRenderPickingCallback | Registers a callback to invoke when Unity renders for picking. |
Repaint | Repaint the current view. |
UnregisterRenderPickingCallback | Unregisters the callback that was previously registered for custom picking rendering.The method throws InvalidOperationException if you try to call it inside render picking callbacks. |
WorldPointToSizedRect | Calculate a rectangle to display a 2D GUI element near a projected point in 3D space. |
WorldToGUIPoint | Convert a world space point to a 2D GUI position. |
WorldToGUIPointWithDepth | Convert a world space point to a 2D GUI position. |