
struct in UnityEngine.Rendering


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule


Unique identifier for a shader tag name or value.

Refers to either the name or value of a SubShader or Pass tag. This struct is used as an efficient representation of a "unique" tag string, meaning that two ShaderTagIds referring from the same string are equal.

Additional resources: DrawingSettings, RendererListParams, ShaderData.Subshader.FindTagValue.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

// Adds a new Editor menu item called Example. Select a shader
// asset in the Project window, then select
// Example > PrintLightModeTagExample from the Editor menu. The value of all
// "LightMode" tags present in any pass of the shader will be printed to
// the console.
public class PrintLightModeTagExample
    static void MenuCallback()
        // If the selected object is a shader...
        if (Selection.activeObject is Shader selectedShader)
            // For each subshader...
            ShaderData selectedShaderData = ShaderUtil.GetShaderData(selectedShader);
            for (int subShaderIndex = 0; subShaderIndex < selectedShaderData.SubshaderCount; ++subShaderIndex)
                // For each pass...
                ShaderData.Subshader subShaderData = selectedShaderData.GetSubshader(subShaderIndex);
                for (int passIndex = 0; passIndex < subShaderData.PassCount; ++passIndex)
                    ShaderData.Pass passData = subShaderData.GetPass(passIndex);

                    // If the pass has a "LightMode" tag, print its value
                    ShaderTagId lightModeValue = passData.FindTagValue(new ShaderTagId("LightMode"));
                    if (lightModeValue != ShaderTagId.none)
                        Debug.Log($"Pass '{passData.Name}' in SubShader {subShaderIndex} of "
                            + $"Shader '{}' has LightMode '{}'.");

Static Properties

noneDescribes a ShaderTagId not referring to any string.


nameGets the string this ShaderTagId refers to.


ShaderTagIdGets or creates a ShaderTagId representing the given string.

Public Methods

EqualsChecks if this shader tag identifier and the object refer to the same string.
GetHashCodeConverts this ShaderTagId to a hash code.


operator !=Checks if two ShaderTagIds aren't equal.
operator ==Checks if two ShaderTagIds refer to the same string.
ShaderTagIdConverts a string to a ShaderTagId.
stringConverts a ShaderTagId to a string.

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