Drawing modes for Handles.DrawCamera.
Property | Description |
UserDefined | A custom mode defined by the user. |
Normal | Draw the camera like it would be drawn in-game. This uses the clear flags of the camera. |
Textured | Draw the camera textured with selection wireframe and no background clearing. |
Wireframe | Draw the camera in wireframe and no background clearing. |
TexturedWire | Draw the camera where all objects have a wireframe overlay. and no background clearing. |
ShadowCascades | The camera is set to draw directional light shadow map cascades. |
RenderPaths | The camera is set to draw color coded render paths. |
AlphaChannel | The camera is set to display the alpha channel of the rendering. |
Overdraw | The camera is set to display Scene overdraw, with brighter colors indicating more overdraw. |
Mipmaps | The camera is set to display the texture resolution, with a red tint indicating resolution that is too high, and a blue tint indicating texture sizes that could be higher. |
DeferredDiffuse | Draw diffuse color of Deferred Shading G-buffer. |
DeferredSpecular | Draw specular color of Deferred Shading G-buffer. |
DeferredSmoothness | Draw smoothness value of Deferred Shading G-buffer. |
DeferredNormal | Draw world space normal of Deferred Shading G-buffer. |
RealtimeCharting | Draw objects with different colors for each real-time chart (UV island). |
Systems | Draw objects with different color for each GI system. |
RealtimeAlbedo | Draw objects with the Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination albedo component only. |
RealtimeEmissive | Draw objects with the Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination emission component only. |
RealtimeIndirect | Draw objects with the Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination indirect light only. |
RealtimeDirectionality | Draw objects with the Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination directionality component only. |
BakedLightmap | Draw objects with the baked lightmap only. |
Clustering | Draw with different colors for each cluster. |
LitClustering | Draw lit clusters. |
ValidateAlbedo | The camera is set to draw a physically based, albedo validated rendering. |
ValidateMetalSpecular | The camera is set to draw a physically based, metal or specular validated rendering. |
ShadowMasks | The camera is set to display colored ShadowMasks, coloring light gizmo with the same color. |
LightOverlap | The camera is set to show in red static lights that fall back to 'static' because more than four light volumes are overlapping. |
BakedAlbedo | Draw objects with the baked albedo component only. |
BakedEmissive | Draw objects with the baked emission component only. |
BakedDirectionality | Draw objects with the baked directionality component only. |
BakedTexelValidity | Draw objects with baked texel validity only. |
BakedIndices | Draw objects with baked indices only. |
BakedCharting | Draw objects with different colors for each baked chart (UV island). |
SpriteMask | The camera is set to display SpriteMask and SpriteRenderer with SpriteRenderer.maskInteraction set. |
BakedUVOverlap | Draw objects with overlapping lightmap texels highlighted. |
TextureStreaming | The camera is set to run in texture streaming debug mode. |
BakedLightmapCulling | Draw objects with visible lightmap texels highlighted. |
GIContributorsReceivers | Draw Mesh Renderers and Terrains in different colors to show their StaticEditorFlags.ContributeGI / ReceiveGI properties. With default colors: Yellow means 'ContributeGI' is off. Blue means that 'ContributeGI' is on and the object receives GI from lightmaps. Additional resources: ReceiveGI.Lightmaps Red means that 'ContributeGI' is on, but that the object receives GI from Light Probes instead. Additional resources: ReceiveGI.LightProbes.All colors can be adjusted under Preferences > Colors. |