Shader compiler used to generate player data shader variants.
In Unity, shader programs are written in a variant of HLSL language.
Each platform supports one or multiple graphics APIs. For example, Vulkan and Direct3D 12 are both supported in Windows.
When building a standalone player, for each supported graphics API, Unity runs a corresponding shader compiler which generates the shader variants and cross-compiles the shader snippet into the shading language natively supported by the graphics API.
Additional resources: IPreprocessShaders.OnProcessShader, Shader language.
Property | Description |
None | Provide a reasonable value for non initialized variables. |
D3D | Compiler used with Direct3D 11 and Direct3D 12 graphics API on Windows platforms. |
GLES3x | Compiler used with OpenGL ES 3.x and WebGL 2.0 graphics APIs on Android, iOS, Windows and WebGL platforms. |
PS4 | Compiler used on PlayStation 4. |
XboxOneD3D11 | Compiler used with Direct3D 11 graphics API on XBox One. |
Metal | Compiler used with Metal graphics API on macOS, iOS and tvOS platforms. |
OpenGLCore | Compiler used with OpenGL core graphics API on macOS, Linux and Windows platforms. |
Vulkan | Compiler used with Vulkan graphics API on Android, Linux and Windows platforms. |
Switch | Compiler used on Nintendo Switch. |
XboxOneD3D12 | Compiler used with Direct3D 12 graphics API on XBox One. |
WebGPU | Compiler used with WebGPU graphics API. |