The Terrain module implements Unity's Terrain rendering engine available through the Terrain component.
Class | Description |
DetailPrototype | Detail prototype used by the Terrain GameObject. |
PaintContext | The context for a paint operation that may span multiple connected Terrain tiles. |
SpeedTreeWindAsset | SpeedTreeWindAsset generated by the SpeedTreeImporter, contains wind version and configuration data for SpeedTree wind simulation. |
Terrain | The Terrain component renders the terrain. |
TerrainCallbacks | This static class provides events that Unity triggers when Terrain data changes. |
TerrainData | The TerrainData class stores heightmaps, detail mesh positions, tree instances, and terrain texture alpha maps. |
TerrainExtensions | Extension methods to the Terrain class, used only for the UpdateGIMaterials method used by the Global Illumination System. |
TerrainLayer | Description of a terrain layer. |
TerrainMap | Type for mapping 2D (X,Z) tile coordinates to a Terrain object. |
TerrainPaintUtility | A set of utility functions for custom terrain paint tools. |
TerrainUtility | Provides a set of utility functions that are used by the terrain tools. |
Tree | Tree Component for the tree creator. |
TreePrototype | Simple class that contains a pointer to a tree prototype. |
Struct | Description |
BrushTransform | Represents a linear 2D transformation between brush UV space and a target XY space (typically this is a Terrain-local object space.) |
DetailInstanceTransform | Describes the transform of a Terrain detail object. |
PatchExtents | Structure containing minimum and maximum terrain patch height values. |
TerrainTileCoord | Specifies a set of 2D tile coordinates. |
TreeInstance | Contains information about a tree placed in the Terrain game object. |
Enumeration | Description |
DetailRenderMode | Render mode for detail prototypes. |
DetailScatterMode | Provides options to specify how details are scattered on the terrain. |
TerrainBuiltinPaintMaterialPasses | Built-in render passes for paint material. |
TerrainChangedFlags | Indicate the types of changes to the terrain in OnTerrainChanged callback. |
TerrainHeightmapSyncControl | Controls what Terrain heightmap data to synchronize when there are changes to the heightmap texture. |
TerrainLayerSmoothnessSource | Source of smoothness value used in the underlying splat material of a TerrainLayer when TerrainLayer.diffuseTexture has an alpha channel. |
TerrainRenderFlags | Enum provding terrain rendering options. |
TreeMotionVectorModeOverride | Options for motion vector rendering on the terrain. |