StaticOcclusionCulling lets you perform static occlusion culling operations.
Property | Description |
doesSceneHaveManualPortals | Does the Scene contain any occlusion portals that were added manually rather than automatically? |
isRunning | Used to check if asynchronous generation of static occlusion culling data is still running. |
umbraDataSize | Returns the size in bytes that the PVS data is currently taking up in this Scene on disk. |
Method | Description |
Cancel | Used to cancel asynchronous generation of static occlusion culling data. |
Clear | Clears the PVS of the opened Scene. |
Compute | Used to generate static occlusion culling data. |
GenerateInBackground | Used to compute static occlusion culling data asynchronously. |
RemoveCacheFolder | Removes temporary folder used when baking occlusion. |