
class in UnityEditor


API for building players or AssetBundles.

The BuildPipeline class in the Unity Editor namespace provides essential tools to programmatically Build Players and Build AssetBundles. AssetBundles can be loaded from external sources such as the web, enhancing the flexibility and scalability of content delivery in Unity applications. The class contains several static properties and methods to facilitate building workflows.

Additional resources: AssetBundles, Build Player Pipeline

Static Properties

Property Description
isBuildingPlayerReturns true when Unity is actively building a Player or AssetBundles

Static Methods

Method Description
BuildAssetBundlesBuild AssetBundles.
BuildCanBeAppendedChecks if Unity can append the build.
BuildPlayerBuilds a player.
GetBuildTargetNameGiven a BuildTarget will return the well known string representation for the build target platform.
GetCRCForAssetBundleExtract the CRC checksum for the given AssetBundle.
GetHashForAssetBundleExtract the hash for the given AssetBundle.
GetPlaybackEngineDirectoryReturns the path of a player directory. For ex., Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer.
GetPlayerConnectionInitiateModeReturns the mode currently used by players to initiate a connect to the host.
IsBuildTargetSupportedReturns true if the specified build target is currently available in the Editor.

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