Contains information about the author of a package, including their name, email, and URL.
Notes: * Author information is included in the package's `package.json` file. * Email and URL are optional fields and might be null. * A package can have only one author, therefore, use contributors for additional credits.
using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.PackageManager; using UnityEditor.PackageManager.Requests;
[ExecuteInEditMode] public class PackageAuthorInfoExample : MonoBehaviour { ListRequest m_ListRequest; void Start() { Debug.Log("Listing packages and getting their author info..."); m_ListRequest = Client.List(); }
void Update() { if (m_ListRequest != null && m_ListRequest.IsCompleted) { if (m_ListRequest.Status == StatusCode.Success) { foreach (var package in m_ListRequest.Result) { if ( != null && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ) ) { Debug.Log($"Package: {}"); Debug.Log($"- Author: {}"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( Debug.Log($"- Email: {}"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( Debug.Log($"- Website: {}"); } } } else { Debug.Log($"Package list request failed: {m_ListRequest.Error}"); } m_ListRequest = null; } } }
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