Represents the type of a SerializedProperty.
Additional resources: SerializedProperty.propertyType.
Property | Description |
Generic | Represents an array, list, struct or class. |
Integer | Represents an integer property, for example int, byte, short, uint and long. |
Boolean | Represents a boolean property. |
Float | Represents a single or double precision floating point property. |
String | Represents a string property. |
Color | Represents a color property. |
ObjectReference | Provides a reference to an object that derives from UnityEngine.Object. |
LayerMask | Represents a LayerMask property. |
Enum | Represents an enumeration property. |
Vector2 | Represents a 2D vector property. |
Vector3 | Represents a 3D vector property. |
Vector4 | Represents a 4D vector property. |
Rect | Represents a rectangle property. |
ArraySize | Represents an array size property. |
Character | Represents a character property. |
AnimationCurve | Represents an AnimationCurve property. |
Bounds | Represents a bounds property. |
Gradient | Represents a gradient property. |
Quaternion | Represents a quaternion property. |
ExposedReference | Provides a reference to another Object in the Scene. |
FixedBufferSize | Represents a fixed buffer size property. |
Vector2Int | Represents a 2D integer vector property. |
Vector3Int | Represents a 3D integer vector property. |
RectInt | Represents a rectangle with Integer values property. |
BoundsInt | Represents a bounds with Integer values property. |
ManagedReference | Represents a property that references an object that does not derive from UnityEngine.Object. |
Hash128 | Represents a Hash128 property. |
RenderingLayerMask | Represents a RenderingLayerMask property. |