Representation of 2D vectors and points using integers.
This structure is used in some places to represent 2D positions and vectors that don't require the precision of floating-point.
Property | Description |
down | Shorthand for writing Vector2Int(0, -1). |
left | Shorthand for writing Vector2Int(-1, 0). |
one | Shorthand for writing Vector2Int(1, 1). |
right | Shorthand for writing Vector2Int(1, 0). |
up | Shorthand for writing Vector2Int(0, 1). |
zero | Shorthand for writing Vector2Int(0, 0). |
Property | Description |
magnitude | Returns the length of this vector (Read Only). |
sqrMagnitude | Returns the squared length of this vector (Read Only). |
this[int] | Access the x or y component using [0] or [1] respectively. |
x | X component of the vector. |
y | Y component of the vector. |
Method | Description |
Clamp | Clamps the Vector2Int to the bounds given by min and max. |
Equals | Returns true if the objects are equal. |
GetHashCode | Gets the hash code for the Vector2Int. |
Set | Set x and y components of an existing Vector2Int. |
ToString | Returns a formatted string for this vector. |
Method | Description |
CeilToInt | Converts a Vector2 to a Vector2Int by doing a Ceiling to each value. |
Distance | Returns the distance between a and b. |
FloorToInt | Converts a Vector2 to a Vector2Int by doing a Floor to each value. |
Max | Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. |
Min | Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. |
RoundToInt | Converts a Vector2 to a Vector2Int by doing a Round to each value. |
Scale | Multiplies two vectors component-wise. |
Operator | Description |
operator - | Subtracts one vector from another. |
operator != | Returns true if vectors different. |
operator * | Multiplies a vector by a number. |
operator / | Divides a vector by a number. |
operator + | Adds two vectors. |
operator == | Returns true if the vectors are equal. |
Vector2 | Converts a Vector2Int to a Vector2. |
Vector3Int | Converts a Vector2Int to a Vector3Int. |