
class in UnityEngine.UIElements


Inherits from:UIElements.PointerEventBase_1


Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule


This event is sent when a pointer exits an element. The event trickles down and bubbles up.

Inherited Members


bubbles Returns whether this event type bubbles up in the event propagation path during the BubbleUp phase.
dispatch Indicates whether the event is being dispatched to a visual element. An event cannot be redispatched while it being dispatched. If you need to recursively dispatch an event, it is recommended that you use a copy of the event.
imguiEvent The IMGUIEvent at the source of this event. The source can be null since not all events are generated by IMGUI.
isImmediatePropagationStopped Indicates whether StopImmediatePropagation was called for this event.
isPropagationStopped Returns true if StopPropagation or StopImmediatePropagation was called for this event.
originalMousePosition The original mouse position of the IMGUI event, before it is transformed to the current target local coordinates.
pooled Whether the event is allocated from a pool of events.
propagationPhase The current propagation phase for this event.
target The target visual element that received this event. Unlike currentTarget, this target does not change when the event is sent to other elements along the propagation path.
timestamp The time when the event was created, in milliseconds.
tricklesDown Returns whether this event is sent down the event propagation path during the TrickleDown phase.
eventTypeId See EventBase.eventTypeId.
actionKey Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the platform-specific action key is pressed.
altitudeAngle Gets the angle of the stylus relative to the surface, in radians
altKey Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the Alt key is pressed.
azimuthAngle Gets the angle of the stylus relative to the x-axis, in radians.
button Gets a value that indicates which mouse button was pressed or released (if any) to cause this event: 0 is the left button, 1 is the right button, 2 is the middle button. A negative value indicates that no mouse button changed state during this event.
clickCount Gets the number of consecutive times a down-up sequence was executed in a short amount of time with the same pointer ID and button.
commandKey Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the Windows/Cmd key is pressed.
ctrlKey Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the Ctrl key is pressed.
currentTarget Gets the current target of the event.
deltaPosition Gets the difference between the pointer's position during the previous pointer event and its position during the current pointer event.
deltaTime Gets the amount of time that has elapsed since the last recorded change in pointer values, in seconds.
isPrimary Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the pointer is a primary pointer. True means the pointer is a primary pointer. False means it isn't.
localPosition Gets the pointer position in the current target's coordinate system.
modifiers Gets flags that indicate whether modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Windows/Cmd) are pressed.
penStatus Specifies the state of the pen. For example, whether the pen is in contact with the screen or tablet, whether the pen is inverted, and whether buttons are pressed. On macOS, penStatus will not reflect changes to button mappings.
pointerId Gets the identifier of the pointer that sent the event.
pointerType Gets the type of pointer that created the event.
position Gets the pointer position in the panel coordinate system.
pressedButtons Gets a bitmask that describes the buttons that are currently pressed.
pressure Gets the amount of pressure currently applied by a touch.
radius Gets an estimate of the radius of a touch.
radiusVariance Gets the accuracy of the touch radius.
shiftKey Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the Shift key is pressed.
tangentialPressure Gets the pressure applied to an additional pressure-sensitive control on the stylus.
tilt Specifies the angle of the pen relative to the X and Y axis respectively, in radians.
twist Gets the rotation of the stylus around its axis, in radians.

Public Methods

StopImmediatePropagation Stops the propagation of the event to other targets, and prevents other subscribers to the event on this target to receive the event.
StopPropagation Stops the propagation of the event to other targets. All subscribers to the event on this target still receive the event.
Dispose Implementation of IDispose.

Protected Methods

PostDispatch Allows subclasses to perform custom logic after the event has been dispatched.
PreDispatch Allows subclasses to perform custom logic before the event is dispatched.
Init Resets the event members to their initial values.

Static Methods

RegisterEventType Registers an event class to the event type system.
GetPooled Gets an event from the event pool. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained using this method need to be released back to the pool. You can use Dispose() to release them.
TypeId Retrieves the type ID for this event instance.
GetPooled Gets an event from the event pool and initializes it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained using this method need to be released back to the pool. You can use Dispose() to release them.

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