The XR module contains the VR and AR related platform support functionality.
Class | Description |
CommonUsages | Defines static variables that are used to retrieve input features from XR.InputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue. |
InputDevices | An interface for accessing devices in the XR input subsytem. |
InputTracking | A collection of methods and properties for accessing XR input devices by their XR Node representation. |
XRDisplaySubsystem | An XRDisplaySubsystem controls rendering to a head tracked display. |
XRDisplaySubsystemDescriptor | Class providing information about XRDisplaySubsystem registration. |
XRInputSubsystem | XRInputSubsystem Instance is used to enable and disable the inputs coming from a specific plugin. |
XRInputSubsystemDescriptor | Information about an Input subsystem. |
XRMeshSubsystem | Allows external systems to provide dynamic meshes to Unity. |
XRMeshSubsystemDescriptor | Information about an XRMeshSubsystem. |
XRStats | Provides timing and other statistics from XR subsystems. |
Struct | Description |
Bone | A tracked bone on the device at an XRNode in the XR input subsystem. |
Eyes | Contains eye tracking data from the device at an XRNode in the XR input subsystem. |
Hand | A tracked hand on the device at an XRNode in the XR input subsystem. |
HapticCapabilities | Describes the haptic capabilities of the device at an XRNode in the XR input subsystem. |
InputDevice | Defines an input device in the XR input subsystem. |
InputFeatureUsage | Defines a generic usage that maps to an input feature on a device. Use the As method to turn into a generic usage. |
InputFeatureUsage<T0> | Defines a generic usage that maps to an input feature on a device. |
MeshGenerationResult | Contains event information related to a generated mesh. |
MeshId | A session-unique identifier for trackables in the environment, e.g., planes and feature points. |
MeshInfo | Contains state information related to a tracked mesh. |
MeshTransform | Contains transform information related to a tracked mesh. |
XRMirrorViewBlitMode | Engine reserved blit modes. Blit mode capabilities should be queried from XRDisplaySubsystemDescriptor.GetAvailableMirrorBlitModeCount and XRDisplaySubsystemDescriptor.GetMirrorBlitModeByIndex. |
XRMirrorViewBlitModeDesc | Struct that describes the mirror view blit mode. |
XRNodeState | Describes the state of a node tracked by an XR system. |
Enumeration | Description |
HandFinger | Enumeration describing the AR rendering mode used with Hand. |
InputDeviceCharacteristics | A set of bit flags describing InputDevice characteristics. |
InputDeviceRole | Enumeration describing the role of a InputDevice in providing input. |
InputTrackingState | Represents the values being tracked for this device. |
MeshChangeState | The state of a tracked mesh since the last query. |
MeshGenerationOptions | Options for generating meshes. |
MeshGenerationStatus | The status of a XRMeshSubsystem.GenerateMeshAsync. |
MeshVertexAttributes | A set of vertex attributes. |
TrackingOriginModeFlags | This enum provides context to where the 0,0,0 point of tracking for InputDevices is. |
XRNode | Enumeration of XR nodes which can be updated by XR input or sent haptic data. |