Version: Unity 6.1 Beta (6000.1)
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The UnityEditor assembly implements the editor-specific APIs in Unity. It cannot be referenced by runtime code compiled into players.


Class Description
AddAndRemoveRequestRepresents an asynchronous request to add package dependencies to the project and/or remove package dependencies from the project.
AddedComponentClass with information about a component that has been added to a Prefab instance.
AddedGameObjectClass with information about a GameObject that has been added as a child under a Prefab instance.
AddRequestRepresents an asynchronous request to add a package to the project.
AdvancedDropdownInherit from this class to implement your own drop-down control.
AdvancedDropdownItemItems that build the drop-down list.
AdvancedDropdownStateThe state of the drop-down. This Object can be serialized.
AdvancedObjectSelectorAttributeThis attribute lets you register a custom advanced object selector.
AdvancedObjectSelectorValidatorAttributeThis attribute lets you register a custom advanced object selector validator.
AdvertisementSettingsEditor API for the Unity Services editor feature. Normally UnityAds is enabled from the Services window, but if writing your own editor extension, this API can be used.
AnalyticsSettingsEditor API for the Unity Services editor feature. Normally Analytics is enabled from the Services window, but if writing your own editor extension, this API can be used.
AndroidAssetPackImporterRepresents an Android asset pack directory in a project.
AnimationClipCurveDataAn AnimationClipCurveData object contains all the information needed to identify a specific curve in an AnimationClip. The curve animates a specific property of a component / material attached to a game object / animated bone.
AnimationMode AnimationMode is used by the AnimationWindow to store properties modified by the AnimationClip playback.
AnimationModeDriver AnimationMode uses AnimationModeDriver to identify the animation driver.
AnimationUtilityEditor utility functions for modifying animation clips.
AnimationWindowUse the AnimationWindow class to select and edit Animation clips.
AnimatorControllerThe Animator Controller controls animation through layers with state machines, controlled by parameters.
AnimatorControllerLayerContains a state machine that controls animations of a model or parts of it.
AnimatorStateRepresents a state in a state machine.
AnimatorStateMachineA graph controlling the interaction of states. Each state references a motion.
AnimatorStateTransitionTransitions define when and how the state machine switch from one state to another. AnimatorStateTransition always originate from an Animator State (or AnyState) and have timing parameters.
AnimatorTransitionTransitions define when and how the state machine switch from on state to another. AnimatorTransition always originate from a StateMachine or a StateMachine entry. They do not define timing parameters.
AnimatorTransitionBaseBase class for animator transitions. Transitions define when and how the state machine switches from one state to another.
AnimBoolLerp from 0 - 1.
AnimFloatAn animated float value.
AnimQuaternionAn animated Quaternion value.
AnimVector3An animated Vector3 value.
ApplicationTitleDescriptorUtility class containing all the information necessary to format Unity Editor main window title. All the various fields are concatenated to create a fully formed title. If only ApplicationTitleDescriptor.title is provided, this will become the complete title.
ApplyRulesIfGraphicsAPIAttributeEnable or disable shader keyword filter attributes based on the graphics API.
ApplyRulesIfNotGraphicsAPIAttributeEnable or disable shader keyword filter attributes based on the graphics API.
ApplyRulesIfTagsEqualAttributeEnable or disable shader keyword filter attributes based on shader tags.
ApplyRulesIfTagsNotEqualAttributeEnable or disable shader keyword filter attributes based on shader tags.
ArcHandleA class for a compound handle to edit an angle and a radius in the Scene view.
ArrayUtilityHelpers for builtin arrays.
AssemblyClass that represents an assembly compiled by Unity.
AssemblyDefinitionExceptionAn exception throw for Assembly Definition Files errors.
AssemblyReloadEventsThis class has event dispatchers for assembly reload events.
AssetThis class containes information about the version control state of an asset.
AssetBundleInfoContainer for holding asset loading information for an AssetBundle to be built.
AssetDatabaseAn Interface for accessing assets and performing operations on assets.
AssetDatabaseLoadOperationThis operation allows you to track the progress and access the result of an asynchronus AssetDatabase load operation.
AssetImportContextDefines the import context for scripted importers during an import event.
AssetImporterProvides access to import settings and base functionality for all asset types.
AssetImporterEditorDefault editor for all asset importer settings.
AssetListA list of version control information about assets.
AssetLoadInfoContainer for holding preload information for a given serialized Asset.
AssetModificationProcessorAssetModificationProcessor lets you hook into saving of serialized assets and scenes which are edited inside Unity.
AssetMonitoringUtilitiesUtility that manages asset monitoring features of UI Toolkit panels.
AssetPostprocessorAssetPostprocessor lets you hook into the import pipeline and run scripts prior or after importing assets.
AssetPostprocessorStaticVariableIgnoreAttributeAllows you to decorate static variables in AssetPostprocessor and ScriptedImporter classes that should be ignored by the static variable warning system in the Import Activity window.This attribute is introduced to decorate static variables in PostProcessors and ScripttedImporters to prevent warnings about the usage of static variables. Though static variables in these classes can lead to subtle bugs when running on different Asset Import Workers as each worker has its own Mono Domain separate from the Main Editor, this attribute has been added to reduce the noise which could be generated in some difficult to fix situations involving static variables in said clasess.
AssetPreviewUtility for fetching asset previews by instance ID of assets, See AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview. Since previews are loaded asynchronously methods are provided for requesting if all previews have been fully loaded, see AssetPreview.IsLoadingAssetPreviews. Loaded previews are stored in a cache, the size of the cache can be controlled by calling [AssetPreview.SetPreviewTextureCacheSize].
AssetSettingsProviderAssetSettingsProvider is a specialization of the SettingsProvider class that converts legacy settings to Unified Settings. Legacy settings include any settings that used the Inspector to modify themselves, such as the *.asset files under the ProjectSettings folder. Under the hood, AssetSettingsProvider creates an Editor for specific Assets and builds the UI for the Settings window by wrapping the Editor.OnInspectorGUI function.Internally we use this class to wrap our existing settings.
AttacherHelper object that attaches a visual element next to its target, regarless of their respective location in the visual tree hierarchy.
AudioCurveRenderingAntialiased curve rendering functionality used by audio tools in the editor.
AudioImporterUse this class to modify AudioClip import settings from editor scripts.
AuthorInfoContains information about the author of a package, including their name, email, and URL.
BakeProgressStateInterface for progress reporting.
BaseAnimValue<T0>Abstract base class for Animated Values.
BaseAnimValueNonAlloc<T0>Abstract base class that provides an allocation free version of BaseAnimValue.
BaseMask64Field An Editor-only control that lets users one or more options from a list of options.
BaseMaskField<T0> Base class implementing the shared functionality for editing bit mask values. For more information, refer to UXML element MaskField.
BindingExtensions Provides VisualElement extension methods that implement data binding between INotifyValueChanged fields and SerializedObjects.
BlackboardGraphElement that enables user to dynamically define members of a Graph (such as fields/properties) grouped by sections (BlackboardSection).
BlackboardFieldGraphElement that represents a field of a Graph.
BlackboardRowCollapsible GraphElement that represents a row in a BlackboardSection.
BlackboardSectionGraphElement that represents a section of members in a Blackboard.
BlendTreeBlend trees are used to blend continuously animation between their children. They can either be 1D or 2D.
BoxBoundsHandleA compound handle to edit a box-shaped bounding volume in the Scene view.
BrokenPrefabAssetBrokenPrefabAsset is for Prefab files where the file content cannot be loaded without errors.
BrushesOverlayContains functions that help display Terrain Tools overlays.
BuildAutomationSettingsProvides a set of configuration options you can use to customize the settings used when starting a Cloud Build.
BuildCallbackVersionAttributeAttribute to provide a version number for IProcessSceneWithReport callbacks.
BuildFailedExceptionAn exception class that represents a failed build.
BuildPipelineAPI for building players or AssetBundles.
BuildPipelineContextDefines the build context for IProcessSceneWithReport during a build event.
BuildPlayerContextGet a BuildPlayerContext object from a BuildPlayerProcessor.PrepareForBuild callback.
BuildPlayerProcessorExtend BuildPlayerProcessor to receive callbacks during a player build.
BuildPlayerWindowThe default build settings window.
BuildProfileProvides a set of configuration settings you can use to build your application on a particular platform.
BuildReferenceMapContainer for holding information about where objects will be serialized in a build.
BuildReportThe BuildReport API gives you information about the Unity build process.
BuildUsageCacheCaching object for the Scriptable Build Pipeline.
BuildUsageTagSetContainer for holding information about how objects are being used in a build.
BuildUtilitiesUtility class that allows packages to register build callbacks with the Unity Package Manager.
CacheServerThis class provides an interface for performing operations on a cache server.
CallbackOrderAttributeBase class for Attributes that require a callback index.
CameraDescriptionRepresents camera information from an imported file.
CameraEditorUnity Camera Editor.
CameraEditorUtilsUtilities for cameras.
CanEditMultipleObjectsAttribute used to make a custom editor support multi-object editing.
CapsuleBoundsHandleA compound handle to edit a capsule-shaped bounding volume in the Scene view.
ChangeSetWrapper around a changeset description and ID.
ChangeSetsA list of the ChangeSet class.
ChannelClientChannelClient is a WebSocket client that connects to Unity's ChannelService, which is a WebSocket server.
ChannelServiceThe ChannelService encapsulates a WebSocket server running in Unity.
ClearCacheRequestRepresents an asynchronous request to clear the global package cache on the disk.
ClickSelectorSelects element on single click.
ClientUse the Unity Package Manager Client class to manage the packages used in a project.
ClipboardUtilityA class containing methods to assist with clipboard operations.
CloudProjectSettingsUse this class to retrieve information about the currently selected project and the current Unity ID that is logged in.
CloudProjectSettingsEventManagerManages the events related to the project state.
ClutchShortcutAttributeRegisters a static method as the action for a clutch shortcut.
CodeEditorHandles interaction with the code editor.
CollectImportedDependenciesAttributeUse this method attribute to specify which methods declare dependancies on imported assets. The methods are called by AssetDatabase during import.
ColorField Makes a field for selecting a color. For more information, refer to UXML element ColorField.
ColorPickerHDRConfigUsed as input to ColorField to configure the HDR color ranges in the ColorPicker.
CommonRolesThis class provides constant values for some of the common roles used by files in the build. The role of each file in the build is available in BuildFile.role.
CompilationPipelineMethods and properties for script compilation pipeline.
ComputeShaderImporterDefine compute shader import settings in the Unity Editor.
ConfigFieldDescribes the configuration fields of the version control that the user has selected in the Unity Editor.
ConnectedPlayerInformation of the connected player.
ConsoleWindowUtilityConsole Window Utility class.
ContentBuildInterfaceLow level interface for building content for Unity.
ContentDraggerManipulator that allows mouse-dragging of one or more elements.
ContentZoomerManipulator that allows zooming in GraphView.
ContextMenuUtilityProvides methods to add menu items to the Scene view context menu.
ConvertToPrefabInstanceSettingsSettings controlling the behavior of PrefabUtility.ConvertToPrefabInstance.
CoppaDrawerA container that fetches the UIElements that draw the COPPA compliance UI and subscribes to its events.
CrashReportingSettingsEditor API for the Unity Services editor feature. Normally CrashReporting is enabled from the Services window, but if writing your own editor extension, this API can be used.
CurveField Makes a field for editing an AnimationCurve. For more information, refer to UXML element CurveField.
CustomEditorTells an Editor class which run-time type it's an editor for.
CustomObjectIndexerAttributeAllows a user to register a custom Indexing function for a specific type.
CustomPreviewAttributeAdds an extra preview in the Inspector for the specified type.
CustomPropertyDrawerTells a custom PropertyDrawer or DecoratorDrawer which run-time Serializable class or PropertyAttribute it's a drawer for.
DecoratorDrawerBase class to derive custom decorator drawers from.
DefaultAssetDefaultAsset is used for assets that do not have a specific type (yet).
DefaultLaunchReportProvides information about the application launch.
DefaultLightingExplorerExtensionDefault definition for the Lighting Explorer. Can be overridden completely or partially.
DependencyInfoA descriptor that stores one of a template Scene's dependency Assets, and specifies whether to clone or reference it when the template is instantiated.
DetailBrushRepresentation Represents data associated with the brush used for scattering details.
DeviceSimulatorClass for interacting with a Device Simulator window from a script.
DeviceSimulatorPluginExtend this class to create a Device Simulator plug-in.
DidReloadScriptsAdd this attribute to a method to get a notification after scripts have been reloaded.
DiffuseProfileCallbackAttribute This attribute is used as a callback to set SRP specific properties from the importer.
DispatcherThe search dispatcher is used to synchronize events from the search provider threads and the main UI threads.
DragAndDropEditor drag & drop operations.
DraggerBase manipulator for mouse-dragging elements.
DrawGizmoThe DrawGizmo attribute allows you to supply a gizmo renderer for any Component.
EdgeThe GraphView edge element.
EdgeConnectorManipulator for creating new edges.
EdgeConnector<T0>Manipulator for creating new edges.
EdgeControlVisualElement that draws the edge lines and detects if mouse is on top of edge.
EdgeDragHelperEdgeDragHelper's constructor.
EdgeDragHelper<T0>Edge drag helper class.
EdgeManipulatorEdge manipulator used to drag edges off ports and reconnect them elsewhere.
EditorDerive from this base class to create a custom inspector or editor for your custom object.
EditorActionAn EditorAction is a temporary tool that can represent either an atomic action or an interactive utility.
EditorAnalyticsEditor API for the EditorAnalytics feature.
EditorAnalyticsSessionInfoProvides access to Editor Analytics session information.
EditorApplicationProvides a collection of static utilities, properties, and events to interact with the Unity Editor application itself.
EditorBuildSettingsThis class allows you to modify the Editor Build Settings via script.
EditorBuildSettingsSceneRepresents entries in the Scenes list, as displayed in the Build Profiles window.
EditorCameraUtilsUtilities for Camera rendering in the Editor.
EditorConnectionHandles the connection from the Editor to the Player.
EditorGraphicsSettingsEditor-specific script interface for Graphics Settings.
EditorGUIThese work pretty much like the normal GUI functions - and also have matching implementations in EditorGUILayout.
EditorGUILayoutAuto laid out version of EditorGUI.
EditorGUIUtilityMiscellaneous helper stuff for EditorGUI.
EditorJsonUtilityUtility functions for working with JSON data and engine objects.
EditorPrefsStores and accesses Unity Editor preferences.
EditorSceneManagerManage scenes in the Editor when it is in Edit mode.
EditorSettingsUser settings for Unity Editor.
EditorSnapSettingsControl the behavior of handle snapping in the editor.
EditorStylesCommon GUIStyles used for EditorGUI controls.
EditorToolUse this class to implement editor tools. This is the base class from which all editor tools are inherited.
EditorToolAttributeRegisters an EditorTool as either a Global tool or a Component tool for a specific target type.
EditorToolbarButtonA clickable button used with EditorToolbarElementAttribute.
EditorToolbarDropdownA clickable dropdown used with EditorToolbarElementAttribute.
EditorToolbarDropdownToggleA control that is both a toggle and a dropdown used with EditorToolbarElementAttribute.
EditorToolbarElementAttributeThe EditorToolbarElement attribute allows you to make available a specific VisualElement for use in an Editor Toolbar.
EditorToolbarFloatFieldA float field used with EditorToolbarElementAttribute.
EditorToolbarToggleA toggle displayed as a button. Mainly used inside an Overlay or with EditorToolbarElementAttribute.
EditorToolbarUtilityEditor utility functions when working with EditorToolbar.
EditorToolContextUse this class to implement specialized versions of the built-in transform tools. Built-in transform tools include Move, Rotate, Scale, Rect, and Transform.
EditorToolContextAttributeRegisters an EditorToolContext as either a global context or a Component context for a specific target type.
EditorUserBuildSettingsUser build settings for the Editor
EditorUtilityEditor utility functions.
EditorWindowDerive from this class to create a custom Editor window.
EditorWindowTitleAttributeUse this class to set title text and icon for an Editor window.
EmbedRequestRepresents an asynchronous request to embed a package inside a project.
EndNameEditActionBase class to implement callbacks to be used when creating assets via the project window. You can extend the EndNameEditAction and write your own callback.
EntitlementGroupInfoData structure for entitlement group information (often synonymous with a license file), accessed through EntitlementInfo.
EntitlementInfoData structure for an individual entitlement, the results of a call to LicensingUtility.HasEntitlementsExtended.
EnumFlagsField Makes a dropdown for switching between enum flag values that are marked with the Flags attribute.
ErrorStructure describing the error of a package operation.
EventsAn interface for accessing the package manager events. Use these events to monitor package changes in your Unity project.
EventServiceThe EventService is a singleton implementation of a ChannelClient that runs on all instances of Unity. It is connected to the "events" channel and allows a Unity instance to send JSON messages to other EventServices in external process, or other instances of Unity.
FBXMaterialDescriptionPreprocessorThis is a default implementation for AssetPostProcessor.OnPreprocessMaterialDescription, this implementation converts material descriptions imported from FBX assets into materials for the internal rendering pipeline.
FilePathAttributeAn attribute that specifies a file location relative to the Project folder or Unity's preferences folder. Additional resources: Location.
FileUtilLets you do move, copy, delete operations over files or directories.
FilterAttributeTell the shader system which shader keywords to include or remove from the build, based on the data field underneath.
FrameDataViewBase funtionality for accessing the Profiler data.
FreehandSelectorFreehand selection tool.
FuzzySearchProvides a method to match query text using a fuzzy search algorithm.
GameObjectRecorderRecords the changing properties of a GameObject as the Scene runs and saves the information into an AnimationClip.
GameObjectToolContextThis class represents the default context for manipulation tools. When GameObjectToolContext is active, manipulation tools affect the transform property of GameObjects in the SceneView Selection.
GameObjectUtilityGameObject utility functions.
GenericMenuGenericMenu lets you create custom context menus and dropdown menus.
GitInfoIdentifies a specific revision for a Git package using a Git commit hash.
GizmoInfoGizmoInfo contains information about the Scene View gizmo and icon for a component type.
GizmoUtilityA static class for interacting with the Scene View icons and gizmos for types.
GradientField Makes a field for editing an Gradient. For more information, refer to UXML element GradientField.
GraphElementBase class for main GraphView VisualElements.
GraphElementScopeExtensionsSet of extension methods useful for Scope.
GraphicsAPIConstraintAttributeEnable or disable shader keyword filter attributes based on the graphics API.
GraphicsSettingsInspectorUtilityUtility class for GraphicsSettings page.
GraphViewMain GraphView class.
GraphViewBlackboardWindowThe base class for a floating window that contains a Blackboard.
GraphViewEditorWindowAbstract base class for an editor window that contains a GraphView.
GraphViewMinimapWindowA floating window containing a MiniMap.
GraphViewToolWindowAbstract base class for a GraphView tool window.
GridBackgroundDefault GraphView background.
GridPaletteGridPalette stores settings for Palette assets when shown in the Palette window.
GroupAllows interactive insertion of elements in a named scope.
GUIDrawerBase class for PropertyDrawer and DecoratorDrawer.
HandlesCustom 3D GUI controls and drawing in the Scene view.
HandleUtilityHelper functions for Scene View style 3D GUI.
HelpHelper class to access Unity documentation.
HierarchyFrameDataViewProvides access to the Profiler data for a specific frame and thread.
HighlighterUse this class to highlight elements in the editor for use in in-editor tutorials and similar.
HyperLinkClickedEventArgsArguments for the event EditorGUI.hyperLinkClicked.
IconBadgeA rectangular badge, usually attached to another visual element.
IHVImageFormatImporterUse IHVImageFormatImporter to modify Texture2D import settings for Textures in IHV (Independent Hardware Vendor) formats such as .DDS and .PVR from Editor scripts.
IMGUIOverlayIMGUIOverlay is an implementation of Overlay that provides a IMGUIContainer.
ImportLogContainer class that holds the collection of logs generated by an importer during the import process.
InitializeOnEnterPlayModeAttributeAllow an editor class method to be initialized when Unity enters Play Mode.
InitializeOnLoadAttributeAllows you to initialize an Editor class when Unity loads, and when your scripts are recompiled.
InitializeOnLoadMethodAttributeAllow an editor class method to be initialized when Unity loads without action from the user.
InputExtractionClass used when extracting BakeInput from the set of open scenes.
InSceneAssetUtilityProvides methods related to in-scene assets.
InspectorElement Create a VisualElement inspector from a SerializedObject.
InstantiationResultA class that holds the data created when a SceneTemplateAsset is instantiated.
IntegrationContextInterface for integration-specific data.
iOSDeviceRequirementA device requirement description used for configuration of App Slicing.
ItemSelectorsUtility class to generate search column with item selectors.
JointAngularLimitHandleA class for a compound handle to edit multiaxial angular motion limits in the Scene view.
L10nClass for text localization.
LayerField A LayerField editor. For more information, refer to UXML element LayerField.
LayerMaskField A LayerMaskField editor. For more information, refer to UXML element LayerMaskField.
LicensingUtilityUse the Licensing Utility class to request user permissions. User permissions are referred to as entitlements, which are simple strings, ie. "com.unity.editor.ui".
LightDescriptionRepresents light information from an imported file.
LightEditorThe class used to render the Light Editor when a Light is selected in the Unity Editor.
LightingDataAssetThe lighting data asset used by the active Scene.
LightingExplorerTabCreate custom tabs for the Lighting Explorer.
LightingExplorerTableColumnThis is used when defining how a column should look and behave in the Lighting Explorer.
LightingWindowEnvironmentSectionBase class for the Inspector that overrides the Environment section of the Lighting window.
LightingWindowTabBase class to add custom tabs to the Lighting window.
LightmapEditorSettingsThis class is now obsolete. Use LightingSettings.
LightmapParametersConfigures how Unity bakes lighting and can be assigned to a LightingSettings instance or asset.
LightmappingAllows to control the lightmapping job.
LightmappingExperimental lightmapping features.
ListRequestRepresents an asynchronous request to list the packages in the project.
LocalizationAttributeAn attribute to the assembly for Localization.
LocalizationGroupThis provides an auto dispose Localization system. This can be called recursively.
LODUtilityLOD Utility Helpers.
MainStageThe Main Stage contains all the currently open regular Scenes and is always available.
ManagedDebuggerRepresentation of managed debugger in UnityEditor.
Mask64Field Make a field for 64-bit masks.
MaskField The MaskField is an Editor-only control that lets users select one or more options from a list of options. For more information, refer to UXML element MaskField.
MaterialDescriptionContains a set of typed properties for describing a texture input of a MaterialDescription.
MaterialEditorThe Unity Material Editor.
MaterialEditorExtensionsExtension methods for the Material asset type in the editor.
MaterialPropertyDescribes information and value of a single shader property.
MaterialPropertyDrawerBase class to derive custom material property drawers from.
MaterialSettingsCallbackAttribute This attribute is used as a callback to set SRP specific properties from the importer.
MediaEncoderEncodes images and audio samples into an audio or movie file.
MenuProvides methods to manipulate a menu item.
MenuCommandUsed to extract the context for a MenuItem.
MenuItemThe MenuItem attribute allows you to add menu items to the main menu and Inspector window context menus.
MeshPreviewUse this class to render an interactive preview of a mesh.
MeshUtilityVarious utilities for mesh manipulation.
MessageMessages from the version control system.
ModelImporterModel importer lets you modify model import settings from editor scripts.
ModelImporterClipAnimationAnimation clips to split animation into.
MonoImporterRepresents a C# script in the project.
MonoScriptRepresentation of Script assets.
MultiColumnHeaderThe MultiColumnHeader is a general purpose class that e.g can be used with the TreeView to create multi-column tree views and list views.
MultiColumnHeaderStateState used by the MultiColumnHeader.
NavMeshBuilderNavigation mesh builder interface.
NavMeshEditorHelpersNavMesh utility functionality effective only in the Editor.
NavMeshVisualizationSettingsRepresents the visualization state of the navigation debug graphics.
NodeMain GraphView node class.
ObjectChangeEventsExposes events that allow you to track undoable changes to objects in the editor.
ObjectFactoryUse the DefaultObject to create a new UnityEngine.Object in the editor.
ObjectFieldObject field used with the advanced search picker.
ObjectField Makes a field to receive any object type. For more information, refer to UXML element ObjectField.
ObjectIndexerA specialized SearchIndexer which provides methods to index a Unity Object from custom indexers.
ObjectNamesHelper class for constructing displayable names for objects.
ObjectOverrideClass with information about an object on a Prefab instance with overridden properties.
ObjectPreviewBase Class to derive from when creating Custom Previews.
ObjectSelectorEngineAttributeUse this class attribute to register ObjectSelector search engines automatically. Search engines with this attribute must implement the IObjectSelectorEngine interface.
ObjectSelectorSearchUse this API to select objects. Engines for this type of search implement the IObjectSelectorEngine interface.
ObjectSelectorSearchContextA search context implementation for ObjectSelector search engines. All methods that are called on an ObjectSelector search engine, and expect a ISearchContext, receive an object of this type.
OnInspectorGUIContextThe context for drawing IMGUI elements pertaining to terrain tools brushes.
OnOpenAssetAttributeInvokes a static callback method when the Unity Editor attempts to open an asset.
OverlayOverlays are persistent and customizable panels and toolbars that are available within Editor Windows. Use Overlays to expose actions and tool options in a convenient and user-controllable way.
OverlayAttributeAttribute used to register a class as an overlay.
OverlayCanvasOverlayCanvas is a container for collections of Overlays.
OverlayToolbarBase class for toolbar elements intended to be drawn in an Overlay.
PackageCollectionA collection class that represents all packages in a Unity project, providing enumeration and error handling capabilities for package management operations.
PackageInfoStructure describing a Unity package.
PackageManagerExtensionsPackage Manager UI Extensions.
PackageRegistrationEventArgsStructure describing the PackageInfo entries to register or unregister during the Package Manager registration process.
PackedAssetsAn extension to the BuildReport class that tracks how Assets contribute to the size of the build.
PackerSprite Packer helpers.
PackerJobCurrent Sprite Packer job definition.
PackOperationResultStructure describing the result of a Client.Pack operation.
PackRequestRepresents an asynchronous request to pack a package folder.
PaintDetailsToolUtilityProvides utility methods for painting details.
PaintTreesDetailsContextRepresents a context object for information used when scattering trees and detail objects across terrains.
ParsedQuery<T0,T1>Provides methods to define an operation that can be used to filter a data set.
ParsedQuery<T0>Provides methods to define an operation that can be used to filter a data set.
PhysicsDebugWindowDisplays the Physics Debug Visualization options.The Physics Debug Visualization is only displayed if this window is visible.Additional resources: PhysicsVisualizationSettings.
PhysicsVisualizationSettingsThis class contains the settings controlling the Physics Debug Visualization.
PillThe Pill class includes methods for creating and managing a VisualElement that resembles a capsule. The Pill class includes text, an icon, and two optional child VisualElements: one to the left of the pill, and one to the right of the pill.
PlacematAllows interactive manipulation of elements (drag, hide) over a virtual placemat.
PlacematContainerThe GraphView layer for placemats.
PlatformIconIcon slot container.
PlatformIconKindIcon kind wrapper.
PlayableOutputEditorExtensionsEditor extensions for all types that implement IPlayableOutput.
PlayerBuildInterfaceLow level interface for building scripts for Unity.
PlayerConnectionGUIThis class contains methods to draw IMGUI Editor UI that relates to the Player Connection.
PlayerConnectionGUILayoutThis class contains methods to draw and automatically layout IMGUI Editor UI that relates to the Player Connection.
PlayerConnectionGUIUtilityMiscellaneous helper methods for PlayerConnectionGUI.
PlayerSettingsPlayer Settings is where you define various parameters for the final game that you will build in Unity. Some of these values are used in the Resolution Dialog that launches when you open a standalone game.
PlayModeWindowClass containing methods to interact with the selected Unity PlayModeView (GameView, Simulator).
PluginThe plug-in class describes the currently active version control plug-in and its configuration options.
PluginImporterRepresents a plugin importer.
PopupWindowClass used to display popup windows that inherit from PopupWindowContent.
PopupWindowContentClass used to implement content for a popup window.
PortGraphView Port class.
PortSource<T0>Port source.
PostProcessBuildAttributeAdd this attribute to a method to get a notification just after building the player.
PostProcessSceneAttributeAdd this attribute to a method to get a notification just after building the Scene.
PrefabOverrideClass with information about a given override on a Prefab instance.
PrefabReplacingSettingsSettings controlling the behavior of PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefabAssetOfPrefabInstance.
PrefabStageThe PrefabStage class represents an editing context for Prefab Assets.
PrefabStageUtilityUtility methods related to Prefab stages.
PrefabUtilityUtility class for any Prefab related operations.
PreloadInfoContainer for holding a list of preload objects for a Scene to be built.
PresetA Preset contains default values for an Object.
PresetSelectorThis class implements a modal window that selects a Preset asset from the Project.
PreviewSceneStageThe PreviewSceneStage class represents an editing context based on a single preview Scene.
PrimitiveBoundsHandleBase class for a compound handle to edit a bounding volume in the Scene view.
ProcessService*This is an experimental feature.* The ProcessService allows you to start slave instance of UnityEditor, opened to the same Project as the master instance, with a specific RoleProviderAttribute.
ProfilerEditorUtilityA Utility class for Profiler tooling in the Unity Editor.
ProfilerModuleRepresents a Profiler module in the Profiler window.
ProfilerModuleMetadataAttributeProvides metadata related to a ProfilerModule, such as its name and icon path.
ProfilerModuleViewControllerProvides a single view of content for a ProfilerModule displayed in the Profiler window.
ProfilerTimeSampleSelectionAn object describing a selection made in a frame time sample based Profiler module.
ProfilerWindowUse the ProfilerWindow class for interactions with the Profiler Window such as checking which frame it currently shows and controlling the selected Profiler sample in the CPU or GPU Usage Modules.
ProgressThe Progress utility class reports the progress of asynchronous tasks to Unity.
ProjectBindDrawerA container that fetches the UIElements that draw the Project Binding UI, and subscribes to its events.
ProjectSearchUse this API to perform searches in the Project. Engines for this type of search implement the IProjectSearchEngine interface.
ProjectSearchContextA search context implementation for Project search engines. All methods that are called on a Project search engine, and expect a ISearchContext, receive an object of this type.
ProjectSearchEngineAttributeA class attribute that registers Project search engines automatically. Search engines with this attribute must implement the IProjectSearchEngine interface.
PropertyDatabaseThe PropertyDatabase is a system that can store, in a thread-safe manner, properties of different kinds into a single file that we call a property database.
PropertyDrawerBase class to derive custom property drawers from. Use this to create custom drawers for your own Serializable classes or for script variables with custom PropertyAttributes.
PropertyField A SerializedProperty wrapper VisualElement that, on Bind(), will generate the correct field elements with the correct binding paths. For more information, refer to UXML element PropertyField.
PropertyModificationDefines a single modified property.
ProviderThis class provides access to the version control API.
PurchasingSettingsEditor API for the Unity Services editor feature. Normally Purchasing is enabled from the Services window, but if writing your own editor extension, this API can be used.
QueryBlockA query block is the visual element of a query node in a query.
QueryEngineA QueryEngine defines how to build a query from an input string. It can be customized to support custom filters and operators. Default query engine of type object.
QueryEngine<T0>A QueryEngine defines how to build a query from an input string. It can be customized to support custom filters and operators.
QueryEngineFilterAttributeBase attribute class used to define a custom filter on a QueryEngine. All filter types supported by QueryEngine.AddFilter are supported by this attribute.
QueryEngineParameterTransformerAttributeBase attribute class that defines a custom parameter transformer function.
QueryErrorA QueryError holds the definition of a query parsing error.
QueryGraphClass that represents a query graph.
QueryListBlockA query list block represents a special query block that will list a set of value for a given filter.
QueryListBlockAttributeThis attribute can be used on a class deriving from QueryListBlock to display in query builder mode a special block that will propose a fixed set of values when clicked.
RadeonRaysContext RadeonRaysContext implements the IDeviceContext interface. It uses the RadeonRays SDK for intersection testing and the OpenCL 1.2 API for compute.
RadeonRaysProbeIntegratorRadeonRays-based light probe integrator.
RadeonRaysWorldRadeonRays integration world.
RawFrameDataViewProvides access to the Profiler data for a specific frame and thread.
RectangleSelectorRectangle selection box manipulator.
RectUtilsUtilities for rectangle selections.
ReferenceContextThe ReferenceContext implements the IDeviceContext interface.
ReferenceProbePostProcessorThe ReferenceProbePostProcessor implements the IProbePostProcessor interface.
RegistryInfoProvides information about a package registry.
RemovedComponentClass with information about a component that has been removed from a Prefab instance.
RemovedGameObjectClass with information about a GameObject that has been removed from a Prefab instance.
RemoveIfAttributeRemove the specified shader keywords from the build if the data field matches the condition.
RemoveIfNotAttributeRemove the specified shader keywords from the build if the data field doesn't match the condition.
RemoveOrSelectAttributeEither remove or include the specified shader keywords in the build, depending on the data field underneath.
RemoveRequestRepresents an asynchronous request to remove a package from the project.
RenderingLayerMaskFieldDrawer for RenderingLayerMask.
RenderingLayersLimitSettingsDefine a number of supported Rendering Layers on the Render Pipeline.
RenderPipelineEditorUtilityHelper class that contains a utility function on ScriptableRenderPipeline for Editor.
RenderPipelineGraphicsSettingsEditorUtilityHelper class that contains a utility function on IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings for Editor.
RepositoryInfoIncludes information about the repository that hosts the package.
RequestTracks the state of an asynchronous Unity Package Manager (Upm) server operation.
Request<T0>Tracks the state of an asynchronous Unity Package Manager (Upm) server operation that returns a non-empty response.
ReserveModifiersAttributeProvides an attribute that reserves one or multiple modifiers for a specific shortcut.
ResetToEditorDefaultsRequestRepresents an asynchronous request to reset the project packages to the current Editor default configuration.
ResizableElementInstantiates a [ResizableElement] that you add as a child of the [VisualElement] that you want to resize.
ResizerResizer manipulator element.
ResponseFileDataData class used for storing parsed response file data.
RoleProviderAttributeAn attribute used to decorate function that defines how a slave process can interact with a main instance of Unity.
RunAfterAssemblyAttributeAdd this attribute to a callback method to mark that this callback must be run after any callbacks that are part of the specified assembly.
RunAfterClassAttributeAdd this attribute to a callback method to mark that this callback must be run after any callbacks that are part of the specified class.
RunAfterPackageAttributeAdd this attribute to a callback method to mark that this callback must be run after any callbacks that are part of the specified package.
RunBeforeAssemblyAttributeAdd this attribute to a callback method to indicate that this callback must be run before any callbacks that are part of the specified assembly.
RunBeforeClassAttributeAdd this attribute to a callback method to mark that this callback must be run before any callbacks that are part of the specified class.
RunBeforePackageAttributeAdd this attribute to a callback method to mark that this callback must be run before any callbacks that are part of the specified package.
SaveDataA serializable storage for the state of an Overlay.
SceneAssetSceneAsset is used to reference Scene objects in the Editor.
SceneBundleInfoContainer for holding asset loading information for a streamed Scene AssetBundle to be built.
SceneCullingMasksMasks that control what kind of Scene views and Game views Unity should render a GameObject in.
SceneLoadInfoContainer for holding preload information for a given serialized Scene in an AssetBundle.
SceneQueryEngineFilterAttributeCustom attribute is used to customize the search engine used by the scene search provider.
SceneQueryEngineParameterTransformerAttributeAttribute class that defines a custom parameter transformer function applied for a query running in a scene provider defined by a scene custom filter using SceneQueryEngineFilterAttribute.
SceneSearchUse this API to perform searches in the Scene. Engines for this type of search implement the ISceneSearchEngine interface.
SceneSearchContextA search context implementation for Scene search engines. All methods that are called on a Scene search engine, and expect a ISearchContext, receive an object of this type.
SceneSearchEngineAttributeA class attribute that registers Scene search engines automatically. Search engines with this attribute must implement the ISceneSearchEngine interface.
SceneSetupThe setup information for a Scene in the SceneManager. This cannot be used in Play Mode.
ScenesUsingAssetsAn extension to the BuildReport class that tracks which scenes in the build have references to a specific asset in the build.
SceneTemplateAssetAn Asset that stores everything required to instantiate a new Scene from a templated Scene.
SceneTemplatePipelineAdapterAn adapter that implements all the functions of ISceneTemplatePipeline for easier usage. Use it to partially override a ISceneTemplatePipeline.
SceneTemplateServiceA utility class that manages SceneTemplateAsset instantiation.
SceneViewUse this class to manage SceneView settings, change the SceneView camera properties, subscribe to events, call SceneView methods, and render open scenes.
SceneViewCameraWindowUse this class to instantiate a SceneViewCameraWindow window.
SceneVisibilityManagerManages Scene Visibility in the editor.
ScopeThis class allows for nodes to be grouped into a common area, or Scope. This class includes methods that automatically resize and position the Scope to encompass the group of nodes.
ScriptableBakedReflectionSystemEmpty implementation of IScriptableBakedReflectionSystem.
ScriptableBakedReflectionSystemSettingsGlobal settings for the scriptable baked reflection system.
ScriptablePackerScriptablePacker Interface. Provides a custom implementation to pack sprites into textures. This is the Scriptable Packer interface.
ScriptableSingleton<T0>Generic class for storing Editor state.
ScriptableWizardDerive from this class to create an editor wizard.
ScriptCompilerOptionsCompiler options passed to the script compiler.
ScriptedImporterAbstract base class for custom Asset importers.
ScriptedImporterAttributeClass attribute used to register a custom asset importer derived from ScriptedImporter with Unity's Asset import pipeline.
ScriptedImporterEditorDefault editor for source assets handled by Scripted Importers.
SearchActionDefines an action that can be applied on a SearchItem of a specific search provider type.
SearchActionsProviderAttributeAttribute used to declare a static method that defines new actions for specific search providers.
SearchColumnSearch columns are used to display additional information in the Search Table view.
SearchColumnProviderAttributeThe search column provider attribute is used to define new formats for a given column.
SearchContextThe search context includes all the data necessary to perform a query. It allows the full customization of how a query may be performed.
SearchExpressionSearch expressions allow you to add to the search query language to express complex queries that cross-reference multiple providers, for example, to search for all objects in a scene that use a shader that doesn’t compile.Search expressions can be chained together to transform or perform set manipulations on Search Items.The manual contains example on How to use Search Expression .
SearchExpressionEvaluatorAttributeAttribute used to register new SearchExpressionEvaluator. This will allow to use new function in SearchExpression. As a side note all builtin evaluators (count{}, select{}, ...) are defined using this attribute.
SearchExpressionEvaluatorSignatureOverloadAttributeAllows user to add more function signature overload to a SearchExpressionEvaluatorAttribute.
SearchFieldThe SearchField control creates a text field for a user to input text that can be used for searching.
SearchFieldBase<T0,T1> The base class for a search field.
SearchIndexerBase class for a document Indexer which provides methods for retrieving a document given a specific pattern in roughly log(n). This allows you to search a large index more quickly.
SearchItemSearch items are returned by the search provider to show to the user after a search is performed. The search item holds all the data that is used to sort and present the search results. Some members of a SearchItem can be specified in an asynchronous callback (see SearchItem.fetchThumbnail, SearchItem.fetchDescription, etc).
SearchItemProviderAttributeAttribute used to declare a static method that will create a new search provider at load time.
SearchMonitorThe search monitor is responsible to track any changes that occurs in Unity in order to update search indexes or other search data structure at runtime.
SearchPropositionFlagsExtensionsSearch proposition flags extension used to manipulate flag bits.
SearchPropositionOptionsSearch proposition options are used define how search propositions are fetched and displayed.
SearchProviderSearchProvider manages search for specific types of items and manages all fields of a SearchItem such as thumbnails, descriptions, subfilters.
SearchQueryErrorRepresents a query parsing error.
SearchRequestRepresents an asynchronous request to find a package.
SearchSelectionProvides methods to give readonly access to the current list of selected items in Search.
SearchSelectorAttributeSearch selector attribute used to define how a custom value can be selected from a search item.
SearchServicePrincipal Search API to initiate searches and fetch results.
SearchSettingsSearch settings give access to the user global preferences regarding Search.
SearchTableA search table configuration is used to define the columns when search results are displayed in table view.
SearchTreeEntryThis class describes a search tree entry. The search window displays search tree entries in the GraphView.
SearchTreeGroupEntryThis class describes group entries in the search tree. The search tree is displayed in the search window.
SearchUtilsProvides various utility functions that are used by SearchProvider.
SearchViewStateSearch view state is used to create new Search windows. See SearchService.ShowWindow.
SearchWindowThis subclass displays a searchable menu of available graph nodes.
SelectIfAttributeInclude only the specified shader keywords in the build if the data field matches the condition.
SelectIfNotAttributeInclude only the specified shader keywords in the build if the data field doesn't match the condition.
SelectionAccess to the selection in the editor.
SelectionDraggerSelection dragger manipulator.
SelectionDropperSelection drag&drop manipulator.
SelectOrRemoveAttributeEither include or remove the specified shader keywords in the build, depending on the data field underneath.
SerializationInfoContainer for holding object serialization order information for a build.
SerializationUtilityUtility functions related to Serialization.
SerializedObjectSerializedObject and SerializedProperty are classes for editing serialized fields on Unity objects in a completely generic way. These classes automatically handle dirtying individual serialized fields so they will be processed by the Undo system and styled correctly for Prefab overrides when drawn in the Inspector.
SerializedObjectChangeEvent An event sent when any value in a SerializedObject changes
SerializedPropertySerializedProperty and SerializedObject are classes for editing properties on objects in a completely generic way that automatically handles undo, multi-object editing and Prefab overrides.
SerializedPropertyChangeEvent An event sent when a value in a PropertyField changes.
SessionStateSessionState is a Key-Value Store intended for storing and retrieving Editor session state that should survive assembly reloading.
SettingsProviderSettingsProvider is the configuration class that specifies how a Project setting or a preference should appear in the Settings or Preferences window.
SettingsProviderAttributeAttribute used to register a new SettingsProvider. Use this attribute to decorate a function that returns an instance of a SettingsProvider. If the function returns null, no SettingsProvider appears in the Settings window.
SettingsProviderGroupAttributeAttribute used to register multiple SettingsProvider items. Use this attribute to decorate a function that returns an array of SettingsProvider instances. If the function returns null, no SettingsProvider appears in the Settings window.
SettingsServiceThis class provides global APIs to interact with the Settings window.
ShaderDataThis class describes a shader.
ShaderGUIAbstract class to derive from for defining custom GUI for shader properties and for extending the material preview.
ShaderImporterShader importer lets you modify shader import settings from Editor scripts.
ShaderIncludeShader include file asset.
ShaderUtilUtility methods to assist with working with shaders from the Editor.
ShortcutAttributeRegisters a static method as the action for an action shortcut.
ShortcutBaseAttributeAbstract base class for ShortcutAttribute and ClutchShortcutAttribute.
ShortcutHandlerShortcut handler.
ShortcutManagerProvides access to an instance of IShortcutManager for managing shortcuts.
SketchUpImporterDerives from AssetImporter to handle importing of SketchUp files.
SketchupMaterialDescriptionPreprocessorThis is a default implementation for AssetPostProcessor.OnPreprocessMaterialDescription, this implementation converts material descriptions imported from Sketchup assets into materials for the internal rendering pipeline.
SourceTextureInformationOriginal texture data information.
SpeedTree9ImporterRepresents the SpeedTree 9 asset importer, providing methods for processing and post-processing SpeedTree assets during import.
SpeedTreeImporterAssetImporter for importing SpeedTree model assets.
SphereBoundsHandleA compound handle to edit a sphere-shaped bounding volume in the Scene view.
SpriteAtlasAssetSpriteAtlasAsset stores inputs for generating SpriteAtlas and generates atlas textures on Import.
SpriteAtlasExtensionsMethod extensions for SpriteAtlas in Editor.
SpriteAtlasImporterSpriteAtlasImporter imports SpriteAtlasAsset and generates SpriteAtlas.
SpriteAtlasUtilityUtility methods to pack atlases in the Project.
SpriteEditorExtension Sprite extension methods that are accessible in Editor only.
SpriteUtilityHelper utilities for accessing Sprite data.
StackNodeUse this class to customize StackNodes and to manage dragging GraphElements over StackNodes.
StageThe Stage class represents an editing context which includes a collection of Scenes.
StageUtilityUtility methods related to stages.
StateMachineBehaviourContextThis class contains all the owner's information for this State Machine Behaviour.
StaticOcclusionCullingStaticOcclusionCulling lets you perform static occlusion culling operations.
StaticOcclusionCullingVisualizationUsed to visualize static occlusion culling at development time in Scene view.
StickyNoteInstantiates a [GraphElement] used for comment text.
StickyNoteChangeEventThe event sent when a [StickyNote] was changed.
StrippingInfoThe StrippingInfo object contains information about which native code modules in the engine are still present in the build, and the reasons why they are still present.
SysrootBase class for implementing sysroots and toolchains for IL2CPP
TagConstraintAttributeEnable or disable shader keyword filter attributes based on shader tags.
TagField A TagField editor. For more information, refer to UXML element TagField.
TaskA Task describes an instance of a version control operation.
TerrainDetailMeshWizardProvides methods for displaying the detail mesh wizard.
TerrainDetailTextureWizardProvides methods for displaying the detail texture wizard.
TerrainInspectorUtilityUtility class for Terrain Inspector GUI.
TerrainLayerInspectorThe default Inspector class for Terrain Layer.
TerrainLayerUtilityA set of helper functions for using terrain layers.
TerrainPaintTool<T0>Base class for terrain painting tools.
TerrainPaintToolWithOverlays<T0>Base class for Terrain painting tools, which inherit from Editor Tools.
TerrainPaintToolWithOverlaysBaseThe abstract class that TerrainPaintToolWithOverlays inherits from.
TerrainPaintUtilityEditorTerrain paint utility editor helper functions.
TerrainToolShortcutContextThe shortcut context that is active while editing Terrain.
TerrainWizardProvides methods for displaying the terrain wizard.
TextureGeneratorExperimental utilities for generating Texture2D.
TextureImporterTexture importer lets you modify Texture2D import settings from editor scripts.
TextureImporterPlatformSettingsStores platform specifics settings of a TextureImporter.
TextureImporterSettingsStores settings of a TextureImporter.
ThreeDSMaterialDescriptionPreprocessorThis is a default implementation for AssetPostProcessor.OnPreprocessMaterialDescription, this implementation converts material descriptions imported from .3DS assets into materials for the internal rendering pipeline.
TileBaseEditorDefault editor for TileBase assets.
TileEditorDefault editor for Tile assets.
TokenNodeThe TokenNode class includes methods for creating and managing a Node that resembles a capsule. The TokenNode class includes a title, an icon, one input Port, and one output Port.
ToolAttributeBase class from which EditorToolAttribute and EditorToolContextAttribute inherit.
Toolbar A toolbar for tool windows. For more information, refer to UXML element Toolbar.
ToolbarBreadcrumbs Creates a breadcrumb UI element for the toolbar to help users navigate a hierarchy. For example, the visual scripting breadcrumb toolbar makes it easier to explore scripts because users can jump to any level of the script by clicking a breadcrumb item. For more information, refer to UXML element ToolbarBreadcrumbs.
ToolbarButton Editor-only control that serves as a button in a Toolbar.
ToolbarMenu A drop-down menu for the toolbar. For more information, refer to UXML element ToolbarMenu.
ToolbarMenuElementExtensions An extension class that handles menu management for elements that are implemented with the IToolbarMenuElement interface, but are identical to DropdownMenu.
ToolbarOverlay ToolbarOverlay is an implementation of Overlay that provides a base for Overlays that can be placed in horizontal or vertical toolbars.
ToolbarPopupSearchField The pop-up search field for the toolbar. The search field includes a menu button. For more information, refer to UXML element ToolbarPopupSearchField.
ToolbarSearchField A search field for the toolbar. For more information, refer to UXML element ToolbarSearchField.
ToolbarSpacer A toolbar spacer of static size. For more information, refer to UXML element ToolbarSpacer.
ToolbarToggle A toggle for the toolbar. For more information, refer to UXML element ToolbarToggle.
ToolManagerThis class manipulates editor tools in the Scene view.
ToolsClass used to manipulate the tools used in Unity's Scene View.
TransformUtilsEditor Transform Utility Class.
TreeViewThe TreeView is an IMGUI control that lets you create tree views, list views and multi-column tables for Editor tools.
TreeViewItemThe TreeViewItem is used to build the tree representation of a tree data structure.
TreeViewStateThe TreeViewState contains serializable state information for the TreeView.
TrueTypeFontImporterAssetImporter for importing Fonts.
TypeCacheProvides methods for fast type extraction from assemblies loaded into the Unity Domain.
TypeDBContainer for holding information about script type and property data.
UndoLets you register undo operations on specific objects you are about to perform changes on.
UnityEventToolsEditor tools for working with persistent UnityEvents.
UnityLinkerBuildPipelineDataContains information for various IUnityLinkerProcessor callbacks.
UnwrappingUtility class for computing mesh UVs.
UtilityEditor utility functions for the Playable graph and its nodes.
UxmlAttributeConverter<T0> Converts a UxmlAttribute type to and from a string.
UxmlNamespacePrefixAttribute Attribute that can be used on an assembly to define an XML namespace prefix for a namespace.
UxmlSerializedDataCreator Editor utility methods for dealing with UxmlSerializedData.
VersionControlAttributeAllows you to mark a class as a version control system object.
VersionControlDescriptorContains unique version control system name.
VersionControlManagerManages version control systems.
VersionControlObjectThe abstract base class for representing a version control system.
VersionControlUtilsContains version control system specific utility methods.
VersionsInfoIdentifies the available versions of a package and which are the compatible, latest, and recommended versions.
VideoClipImporterVideoClipImporter lets you modify VideoClip import settings from Editor scripts.
VideoImporterTargetSettingsImporter settings that can have platform-specific values.
Viewpoint<T0>Defines a Viewpoint that can be selected from the Cameras overlay.
WriteCommandContainer for holding information about a serialized file to be written.


Struct Description
ActiveProfileChangedEventArgsProvides data for the IShortcutManager.activeProfileChanged event.
AdvancedObjectSelectorParametersStruct containing the different parameters passed to the advanced object selector.
AlbedoSwatchInfoContains the custom albedo swatch data.
AnimatorConditionCondition that determines if a transition is taken.
ArtifactIDUniquely identifies a produced artifact such as an imported asset (e.g. result of importing a texture).
ArtifactKeyAn ArtifactKey is used for specifying an artifact to lookup or produce.
AssemblyDefinitionPlatformContains information about a platform supported by the assembly definition files.
AssetBundleBuildAssetBundle building map entry.
AssetIndexChangeSetDefines a set of changes that happens in order to update a search asset index.
AtlasSettingsDescribes the final atlas texture.
AudioImporterSampleSettingsThis structure contains a collection of settings used to define how an AudioClip should be imported.
AudioTrackAttributesDescriptor for audio track format.
BufferIDAbstraction layer for memory buffers.
BufferSlice<T0>Unity uses the BufferSlice struct to split one large buffer allocation into one or more smaller buffers, each with explicit types.
BuildAssetBundlesParametersProvide various options to control the behavior of BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles.
BuildFileContains information about a single file produced by the build process.
BuildPlayerOptionsProvide various options to control the behavior of BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer.
BuildPlayerWithProfileOptionsProvide various options to control the behavior of BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer when using a build profile.
BuildSettingsStruct containing information on how to build content.
BuildStepContains information about a single step in the build process.
BuildStepMessageContains information about a single log message recorded during the build process.
BuildSummaryContains overall summary information about a build.
BuildUsageTagGlobalContainer for holding information about lighting information being used in a build.
CacheServerConnectionChangedParametersStruct used for AssetDatabase.cacheServerConnectionChanged.
CameraProjectionCacheProject points from world to screen space.
ChangeAssetObjectPropertiesEventArgsA change of this type indicates that a property of an asset object in memory has changed. This happens for example when Undo.RecordObject is used with an instance of an asset (e.g. Texture). Note that this only covers changes to asset objects in memory and not changes to assets in the project on disk.
ChangeChildrenOrderEventArgsA change of this type indicates that a GameObject's children have been reordered. This happens when Undo.RegisterChildrenOrderUndo is called or when reordering a child in the hierarchy under the same parent.
ChangeGameObjectOrComponentPropertiesEventArgsA change of this type indicates that a property of a GameObject or Component has changed. This happens for example when Undo.RecordObject is used with an instance of a Component.
ChangeGameObjectParentEventArgsA change of this type indicates that the parent of a GameObject has changed. This happens when Undo.SetTransformParent or SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene is used.
ChangeGameObjectStructureEventArgsA change of this type indicates that the structure of a GameObject has changed. This happens when a component is added to or removed from the GameObject using Undo.AddComponent or Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate.
ChangeGameObjectStructureHierarchyEventArgsA change of this type indicates that the structure of a GameObject has changed and any GameObject in the hierarchy below it might have changed. This happens for example when Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo is used.
ChangeRootOrderEventArgsA change of this type indicates that a GameObject placed at the scene root has been reordered. This happens when Undo.SetSiblingIndex is called or when reordering a root GameObject in the hierarchy under the same parent.
ChangeSceneEventArgsA change of this type indicates that an open scene has been changed ("dirtied") without any more specific information available. This happens for example when EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty is used.
ChannelClientInfoA structure that contains all of a ChannelClient's connection data.
ChannelClientScopeScope that can be use to open a channel client on a specific channel and close the channel when the scope ends.
ChannelInfoA structure that contains the connection information of a Channel in ChannelService.
ChannelScopeScope that cna be use to open a channel and that will close the channel when the scope ends.
ChildAnimatorStateStructure that represents a state in the context of its parent state machine.
ChildAnimatorStateMachineStructure that represents a state machine in the context of its parent state machine.
ChildMotionStructure that represents a motion in the context of its parent blend tree.
ClipAnimationInfoCurveStores a curve and its name that will be used to create additional curves during the import process.
CompilerMessageCompiler Message.
ContentBuildProfileEventDetails about a profile event captured using the ContentBuildInterface.BeginProfileCapture and ContentBuildInterface.EndProfileCapture APIs.
CreateAssetObjectEventArgsA change of this type indicates that an asset object has been created. This happens for example when Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo is used with an instance of an asset (e.g. Texture). Note that this only covers creation of asset objects in memory and not creation of new assets in the project on disk.
CreateGameObjectHierarchyEventArgsA change of this type indicates that a GameObject has been created, possibly with additional objects below it in the hierarchy. This happens for example when Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo is used with a GameObject.
CurveFilterOptionsThe keyframe reduction settings for compressing animation curves.
CustomObjectIndexerTargetRepresents a descriptor for the object that is about to be indexed. It stores a reference to the object itself as well as an already set up SerializedObject.
DataModeChangeEventArgsContainer for the different parameters of the IDataModeController.dataModeChanged event.
DefaultPresetThis structure defines a default Preset. See Preset.GetDefaultListForType and Preset.SetDefaultListForType for usage.
DependencyInfoStructure describing dependencies to other packages in PackageInfo.
DestroyAssetObjectEventArgsA change of this type indicates that an asset object has been destroyed. This happens for example when Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate is used with an instance of an asset (e.g. Texture). Note that this only covers destruction of asset objects in memory and not deletion of assets in the project on disk.
DestroyGameObjectHierarchyEventArgsA change of this type indicates that a GameObject and the entire hierarchy below it has been destroyed. This happens for example when Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate is used with an GameObject.
DetailBrushBoundsRepresents a container for brush bound data.
DragAndDropWindowTargetIDs for core windows. These are used by the DragAndDrop.RemoveHandler API.
EditorCurveBindingIdentifies an animatable property on a Component or GameObject.
EventIDThe EventID is used to keep track of asynchronous operations executing on a context. The ID describes the unique identifier of an event.
ExternalFileReferenceDesribes an externally referenced file. This is returned as part of the WriteResult when writing a serialized file.
GameManagerDependencyInfoContains dependency information for internal Unity game manager classes. Call ContentBuildInterface.WriteGameManagersSerializedFile or ContentBuildInterface.CalculatePlayerDependenciesForGameManagers to get an instance of this class.
GlobalObjectIdUnique and stable project-scoped identifier for objects in scenes and in other types of assets for use at authoring time.
GpuBvhBuildOptionsOptions for bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) build.
GpuBvhPrimitiveDescriptorCharacteristics of a primitive used in the BVH build.
GraphViewChangeSet of changes in the graph that can be intercepted.
H264EncoderAttributesDescriptor for H.264 encoder attributes.
InSceneAssetInformationProvides information related to an in-scene asset collected during a InSceneAssetUtility.CollectInSceneAssets call.
KeyCombinationRepresents a combination of a non-modifier key and zero or more modifier keys.
ManagedReferenceMissingTypeRepresents a managed reference object that has a missing type.
MediaRationalRational number useful for expressing fractions precisely.
MediaTimeTime representation for use with media containers.
NamedBuildTargetBuild Target by name. This allows to describe and identify build targets that are not fully represented by BuildTargetGroup and BuildTarget.
NodeCreationContextThis struct represents the context when the user initiates creating a graph node.
ObjectChangeEventStreamRepresents a stream of events that describes the changes applied to objects in memory over the course of a frame.
ObjectIdentifierStruct that identifies a specific object project wide.
ObjectSerializedInfoStruct containing details about how an object was serialized.
PackedAssetInfoContains information about a range of bytes in a file in the build output.
ParseResult<T0>A ParseResult represents the result of a parsing operation.
PickingIncludeExcludeListRepresents a list of Unity Object and DOTS Entity IDs that picking algorithms can either consider or discard.
PresetTypeStores a type to which a Preset can be applied.
ProfilerCategoryInfoCategory information descriptor structure.
ProfilerCounterDescriptorProvides a descriptor for a Profiler counter.
PropertyDatabaseRecordKeyThe key of a record that is stored in the PropertyDatabase.
QueryFilterOperatorA QueryFilterOperator defines a boolean operator between a value returned by a filter and an operand inputted in the search query.
QueryGraphOptimizationOptionsStructure containing the different options used to optimize a query graph.
QueryTokenRepresents a token of a query string.
QueryValidationOptionsStruct containing the available query validation options.
RenderPickingArgsProvides information about what is expected to render during the current picking rendering callback.
RenderPickingResultThis struct contains information to notify Unity the outcome of this render picking callback.
ResourceFileDetails about a specific file written by the ContentBuildInterface.WriteSerializedFile or ContentBuildInterface.WriteSceneSerializedFile APIs.
SampleStruct for Package Sample.
SceneDependencyInfoScene dependency information generated from the ContentBuildInterface.PrepareScene API.
SceneStateHashThis class contains hashes that represents the Scene state.
ScenesUsingAssetContains information about which scenes in a build have references to an Asset in the build.
ScriptCompilationResultStruct with result information returned from the PlayerBuildInterface.CompilePlayerScripts API.
ScriptCompilationSettingsStruct containing information on how to build scripts.
SearchColumnCompareArgsSearch column compare arguments are used by SearchColumn.comparer to sort search results.
SearchColumnEventArgsSearch column event arguments are used by SearchColumn.getter, SearchColumn.drawer and SearchColumn.setter delegates.
SearchDocumentRepresents a searchable document that has been indexed.
SearchExpressionContextThis context encapsulate all the datas needed to evaluate a SearchExpression and it allows user to interact with the evaluation runtime of an expression. A SearchExpressionContext is created automatically with a SearchExpressionRuntime anytime SearchExpression.Execute is called.
SearchExpressionRuntimeEncapsulate all the runtime data needed to evaluate a root expression and all its parameters. This class contains the SearchContext that created the root SearchExpression and all the stack frames needed to evaluate all the nested SearchExpression.
SearchFieldSearch item field used by the property table and selector systems.
SearchMonitorViewScoped search monitor view.
SearchPropositionSearch propositions are used to display choices to the user to add new filters to a search query.
SearchResultContains a SearchItem that was retrieved from a query.
SearchSelectorArgsSearch selector arguments used when the search selector callback is invoked.
SearchValue SearchValue is used to extend a QueryEngine with custom type parsers and filter operators to search results by value.
SearchWindowContextThis structure includes parameters for configuring the search window.
SerializedLocationStruct containing information about where an object was serialized.
ShaderCompilerDataCollection of data used for shader variants generation, including targeted platform data and the keyword set representing a specific shader variant.
ShaderInfoContains the following information about a shader: -If the shader has compilation errors or warnings. -If the shader is supported on the currently selected platform. -The name of the shader.
ShaderMessageContains information about messages generated by Unity's Shader Compiler.
ShaderSnippetDataCollection of properties about the specific shader code being compiled.
ShortcutArgumentsProvides data for shortcut action methods invoked by the shortcut system.
ShortcutBindingRepresents a key binding used to trigger a shortcut.
ShortcutBindingChangedEventArgsProvides data for the IShortcutManager.shortcutBindingChanged event.
SketchUpImportCameraStructure to hold camera data extracted from a SketchUp file.
SketchUpImportSceneStructure to hold scene data extracted from a SketchUp file.
SpriteAtlasPackingSettingsSettings to use during the packing process for this SpriteAtlas.
SpriteAtlasTextureSettingsTexture settings for the packed texture generated by SpriteAtlas.
SpriteImportDataStruct that represents how Sprite asset should be generated when calling TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture.
SpriteMetaDataEditor data used in producing a Sprite.
StageHandleStruct that represents a stage handle.
StringViewStructure that holds a view on a string, with a specified range of [startIndex, endIndex[.
TakeInfoA Takeinfo object contains all the information needed to describe a take.
TextureGenerationOutputStructure that represents the result from calling TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture.
TextureGenerationSettingsRepresents how a texture should be generated from calling TextureGenerator.GenerateTexture.
TexturePropertyDescriptionContains a set of typed properties for describing a texture input of a MaterialDescription.
TierSettingsA struct that represents graphics settings for a given build target and graphics tier.
TouchEventRepresentation of a single touch event coming from a Device Simulator. Subscribe to DeviceSimulator.touchScreenInput to receive these events.
UndoPropertyModificationAdditional resources: Undo.postprocessModifications.
UndoRedoInfoAdditional resources: Undo.undoRedoEvent.
UnwrapParamUnwrapping settings.
UpdatePrefabInstancesEventArgsA change of this type indicates that prefab instances in an open scene have been updated due to a change to the source prefab.
VideoTrackAttributesDescriptor for audio track format.
VideoTrackEncoderAttributesDescriptor for video track format.
VP8EncoderAttributesDescriptor for VP8 encoder attributes.
WriteManagerParametersDefines the write parameters for the ContentBuildInterface.WriteGameManagersSerializedFile function.
WriteParametersThis struct collects all the WriteSerializedFile parameters in to a single place.
WriteResultStruct containing the results from the ContentBuildPipeline.WriteSerialziedFile and ContentBuildPipeline.WriteSceneSerialziedFile APIs.
WriteSceneParametersThis struct collects all the WriteSceneSerializedFile parameters in to a single place.


Enumeration Description
ActionOnDotNetUnhandledExceptionThe behavior in case of unhandled .NET exception.
AdvancedObjectSelectorEventTypeEnum that defines the type of events that are possible when calling a custom advanced object selector.
AndroidApplicationEntryOptions for which application entries to include when Unity generates a Gradle project.
AndroidArchitectureAndroid CPU architecture.
AndroidAutoRotationBehaviorOptions to control the application window orientation when Default orientation is set to Auto rotation.
AndroidBlitTypeDescribes the method for how content is displayed on the screen.
AndroidBuildSystemType of Android build system.
AndroidBuildTypeBuild configurations for the generated project.
AndroidETC2FallbackOverrideThis enumeration has values for different qualities to decompress an ETC2 texture on Android devices that don't support the ETC2 texture format.
AndroidGamepadSupportLevelGamepad support level for Android TV.
AndroidPreferredInstallLocationPreferred application install location.
AndroidSdkVersionsAPI levels that can be specified in scripts. Note that the lowest API level here strictly corresponds to the lowest supported API level, however these values should not be used to determine the highest supported API level.
AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoadingApplication should show ActivityIndicator when loading.
AndroidSplashScreenScaleAndroid splash screen scale modes.
AnimatorConditionModeOptions for specifying the equality or comparison operator to evaluate a condition with.
AnimatorLayerBlendingModeSpecifies how the layer is blended with the previous layers.
ApiCompatibilityLevel.NET API compatibility level.
AppleMobileArchitectureApple Mobile CPU architecture.
AppleMobileArchitectureSimulatorApple mobile CPU architecture options for the Simulator.
AscentCalculationModeMethod used for calculating a font's ascent.
AssembliesTypeFlags for Assembly.
AssemblyBuilderFlagsFlags used by AssemblyBuilder to control assembly build.
AssemblyBuilderStatusStatus of the AssemblyBuilder build.
AssemblyDefinitionReferenceTypeAssembly definition file reference type.
AssemblyFlagsFlags for Assembly.
AssetDeleteResultResult of Asset delete operation
AssetMoveResultResult of Asset move
AssetPathToGUIDOptionsAsset path to GUID options.
AssetPipelineModeSelects the Assetpipeline mode to use.
AudioSampleRateSettingThe sample rate setting used within the AudioImporter. This defines the sample rate conversion of audio on import.
BatchRendererGroupStrippingModeEnum of the different modes of operation for BatchRendererGroup shader variant stripping.
BlendTreeTypeThe type of blending algorithm that the blend tree uses.
BrushGUIEditFlagsFlags that specify which brush controls the [IOnInspectorGUI.ShowBrushesGUI] method displays.
BuildAssetBundleOptionsAsset Bundle building options.
BuildOptionsBuilding options. Multiple options can be combined together.
BuildResultDescribes the outcome of the build process.
BuildTargetSpecifies the target platform for a Player or AssetBundle build.
BuildTargetGroupBuild target group.
BuildTypeBuild type.
CacheServerModeSelects the cache server configuration mode.
CacheServerValidationModeOptions for the accelerate server validation mode.
CanAppendBuildWhether you can append an existing build using BuildOptions.AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayer.
CapabilitiesCapabilities used by Manipulators to easily determine valid actions on a GraphElement.
CheckoutModeWhat to checkout when starting the Checkout task through the version control Provider.
ClipAnimationMaskTypeAnimationClip mask options for ModelImporterClipAnimation.
CodeOptimizationCode optimization mode defines whether UnityEditor compiles scripts in Debug or Release mode.
CompilerMessageTypeCompiler message type.
CompletionActionDifferent actions a version control task can do upon completion.
ContentBuildFlagsBuild options for content.
CoppaComplianceThe enumerated states of the project's Coppa compliance setting.
D3D11FullscreenModeDirect3D 11 fullscreen mode.
DataModeOptions for the different DataModes of an EditorWindow.
DependencyTypeDependency calculation flags to control what is returned, and how it operates.
DialogOptOutDecisionTypeThe type of opt-out decision a user can make.
DirectionPort direction (in or out).
DisplayModeOptions for setting the display mode to use for a search view.
DockPositionDockPosition describes the alignment of an Overlay within a DockZone.
DockZoneDockZone describes the area of the screen that an Overlay is displayed in.
DragAndDropVisualModeVisual indication mode for Drag & Drop operation.
DrawCameraModeDrawing modes for Handles.DrawCamera.
EditorActionResultThe state that the EditorAction was completed in.
EditorAssembliesCompatibilityLevel.NET API compatibility level.
EditorSelectedRenderStateThe editor selected render mode for Scene View selection.
EditorSkinEnum that selects which skin to return from EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin.
EnterPlayModeOptionsDetermines the flags for the Enter Play Mode Options in the Unity Editor.
ErrorCodePackage operation Error.
EventDataSerializationThe Serialization type for sending a message, with arguments, using the EventService. For more information about argument serialization, see ChannelService.Broadcast and ChannelService.Emit.
EventPropagationValue that determines if a event handler stops propagation of events or allows it to continue.
ExportPackageOptionsExport package option. Multiple options can be combined together using the | operator.
FetchPreviewOptionsOptions for the search provider on how the preview should be fetched.
FileModeMode of the file.
FileTypeEnum description of the type of file an object comes from.
FilterActionWhether shader keyword filter attributes include the keywords, remove the keywords or do nothing, based on the attribute condition evaluation.
FoliageIndexThe index at which you should place the foliage tools in the Terrain Tools overlay.
FontRenderingModeFont rendering mode constants for TrueTypeFontImporter.
FontTextureCaseTexture case constants for TrueTypeFontImporter.
ForceReserializeAssetsOptionsOptions for AssetDatabase.ForceReserializeAssets.
GfxThreadingModeEnum used to specify the threading mode to use.
GizmoTypeDetermines how a gizmo is drawn or picked in the Unity editor.
GpuBvhBuildQualityBVH build quality.
GraphicsJobModeEnum used to specify the graphics jobs mode to use.
HierarchyDropFlagsDefine how dragged objects should be dropped relative to already existing Hierarchy items.
HighlightSearchModeUsed to specify how to find a given element in the editor to highlight.
IconKindIcon kind.
IconOverlayTypeType of icon overlay.
Il2CppCodeGenerationOptions to control code generation for IL2CPP compiler.
Il2CppCompilerConfigurationC++ compiler configuration used when compiling IL2CPP generated code.
Il2CppStacktraceInformationStack trace information options to choose how much information to include in IL2CPP generated stack traces.
ImportAssetOptionsAsset importing options.
ImportLogFlagsA value indicating the severity of an import log.
IndexingOptionsUse Indexing options to specify the contents of your search index.
InsecureHttpOptionOptions for allowing plain text HTTP connections for UnityWebRequest.
InteractionModeThe mode of interaction, user or automated, that an API method is called with.
iOSAppInBackgroundBehaviorApplication behavior when entering background.
iOSBackgroundModeBackground modes supported by the application corresponding to project settings in Xcode.
iOSLaunchScreenImageTypeiOS launch screen settings.
iOSLaunchScreenTypeiOS launch screen settings.
iOSSdkVersionSupported iOS SDK versions.
iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoadingActivity Indicator on loading.
iOSStatusBarStyleiOS status bar style.
iOSTargetDeviceTarget iOS device.
LaunchResultDescribes the outcome of the application launch process.
LayoutPossible layouts for an overlay.
LineEndingsModeDefines the type of line endings used when creating new C# files from within the editor.
LogLevelOptions for different levels of log information supported by the Package Manager.
MacFullscreenModeMac fullscreen mode.
ManagedStrippingLevelDefines how aggressively Unity strips unused managed (C#) code.
MaterialIndexThe index at which you should place the material tools in the Terrain Tools overlay.
MeshDeformationSpecifies which method Unity uses to process mesh deformations for skinning.
MeshOptimizationFlagsOptions to control the optimization of mesh data during asset import.
MessageTypeUser message types.
MobileTextureSubtargetCompressed texture format for target build platform.
ModelImporterAnimationCompressionAnimation compression options for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterAnimationTypeAnimation mode for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterAvatarSetupSet the Avatar generation mode for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterGenerateAnimationsAnimation generation options for ModelImporter. These options relate to the legacy Animation system, they should only be used when ModelImporter.animationType==ModelImporterAnimationType.Legacy.
ModelImporterHumanoidOversamplingHumanoid Oversampling available multipliers.
ModelImporterIndexFormatFormat of the imported mesh index buffer data.
ModelImporterMaterialImportModeMaterial import options for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterMaterialLocationMaterial import options for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterMaterialNameMaterial naming options for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterMaterialSearchMaterial search options for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterMeshCompressionMesh compression options for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterNormalCalculationModeNormal generation options for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterNormalsNormal generation options for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterNormalSmoothingSourceSource of smoothing information for calculation of normals in ModelImporter.
ModelImporterSecondaryUVMarginMethodMethods for handling margins during lightmap UV generation in ModelImporter.
ModelImporterSkinWeightsSkin weights options for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterTangentsVertex tangent generation options for ModelImporter.
ModelImporterTangentSpaceModeTangent space generation options for ModelImporter.
MouseCursorCustom mouse cursor shapes used with EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect.
NeighborTerrainsIndexThe index at which you should place the neighbor terrain tools in the Terrain Tools overlay.
NewSceneModeUsed when creating a new Scene in the Editor.
NewSceneSetupUsed when creating a new Scene in the Editor.
NormalMapEncodingDescribes the encoding of normal maps.
ObjectChangeKindThis enumeration describes the different kind of changes that can be tracked in an ObjectChangeEventStream. Each event has a corresponding type in ObjectChangeEvents.
ObjectMatchModeEnum for controlling how e.g. GameObjects and Components are matched.
ObjectSelectorSearchEndSessionModesA bit field that contains the different modes to end an Object Selector Search session.
OnlineStateRepresent the connection state of the version control provider.
OnOpenAssetAttributeModeIndicates whether OnOpenAssetAttribute decorated method is a validation function that checks if asset opening is handled by Unity or a custom script.
OpenSceneModeUsed when opening a Scene in the Editor to specify how a Scene should be opened.
OrientationGraph element orientation.
OSArchitectureEnum representing processor architectures that are supported by certain operating systems.
OverrideTextureCompressionSets which texture compression override to use when importing assets.
PackageSourceSource of packages.
PauseStateEnumeration specifying the current pause state of the Editor.Additional resources: PlayModeStateChange, EditorApplication.pauseStateChanged, EditorApplication.isPaused.
PivotModeWhere is the tool handle placed.
PivotRotationHow is the tool handle oriented.
PlayerConnectionInitiateModeDescribes how the player connects to the Editor.
PlayModeStateChangeEnumeration specifying a change in the Editor's play mode state.Additional resources: PauseState, EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged, EditorApplication.isPlaying.
PrefabAssetTypeEnum indicating the type of Prefab Asset, such as Regular, Model and Variant.
PrefabInstanceStatusEnum with status about whether a Prefab instance is properly connected to its asset.
PrefabOverridesOptionsFlags that can be used to control which overrides shoud be kept or cleared when using ReplacePrefabAssetOfPrefabInstance.
PrefabUnpackModeEnum used to determine how a Prefab should be unpacked.
PreprocessorOverrideThis enum is now obsolete. Unity always uses the Caching Shader Preprocessor.
ProcessEventEnum that represents the events a RoleProvider can receive.
ProcessLevelThe type of the current process. It can be a Unity master instance, or a secondary instance connected to the master.
ProcessStateDescribes the state of a specifc UnityEditor process.
ProfileCaptureOptionsOptions for filtering captured profile events using the ContentBuildInterface.BeginProfileCapture and ContentBuildInterface.EndProfileCapture APIs.
ProfileEventTypeOptions for labelling captured profile events using the ContentBuildInterface.BeginProfileCapture and ContentBuildInterface.EndProfileCapture APIs.
ProfilerModuleChartTypeOptions for a Profiler module’s chart type.
PropertyDatabaseTypeAn enum representing the type of data stored in a record.
ProvisioningProfileTypeThe type of the iOS provisioning profile if manual signing is used.
QueryNodeTypeOptions for representing the query node types.
ReferencesOptionsOptions to control the Unity References to other assembly definition files that Unity uses during compilation.
RefreshFlagsRefresh flags are used to indicate why search view needs to be refreshed or updated.
RemoveAssetOptionsOptions for removing assets
RenderPickingTypeSpecifies the type of a render picking callback.
RepaintFlagsFlags that indicate what to repaint on the Terrain tools.
RequestScriptCompilationOptionsOptions for specifying the behavior of CompilationPipeline.RequestScriptCompilation.
ResizerDirectionEnum that specifies in which direction to resize the element.
ResolveMethodHow assets should be resolved.
RevertModeDefines the behaviour of the version control revert methods.
ScriptCallOptimizationLevelScript call optimization level.
ScriptCompilationOptionsScript compilation options.
ScriptingImplementationScripting implementation (backend).
SculptIndexThe index at which you should place the sculpt tools in the Terrain Tools overlay.
SearchColumnFlagsSearch column flags are used to set multiple states.
SearchDocumentFlagsSearch document flags are used by the indexing system to provide additional information of an indexed document, like its source.
SearchEngineScopeAn enumeration that contains the available search engine scopes.
SearchExpressionEvaluationHintsHints provided to the SearchExpression runtime to specify how a certain SearchExpressionEvaluatorAttribute should be executed.
SearchExpressionKeywordEnum contaning all keywords used as configuration parameter in builtin evaluator of SearchExpression.
SearchExpressionTypeType used to characterize an expression. An expression might have multiple types. For example a Set is also an iterable. A keyword is also considered a string value. SearchExpressionType can be used with SearchExpressionEvaluatorAttribute to describe the parameter list of an evaluator.
SearchFlagsSearch options used to fetch items. Mostly with SearchContext to specify how a search should be handled.
SearchItemOptionsIndicates how the search item description needs to be formatted when presented to the user.
SearchPropositionFlagsThe search proposition flags are used to give additional context to the search proposition.
SearchQueryErrorTypeEnum representing the possible types of query errors.
SelectionModeSelectionMode can be used to tweak the selection returned by Selection.GetTransforms.
SemanticMergeModeBehavior of semantic merge.
SerializedPropertyNumericTypeReturns the precise type for Integer or Floating point properties.
SerializedPropertyTypeRepresents the type of a SerializedProperty.
SettingsScopeSets the scope of a SettingsProvider. The Scope determines where it appears in the UI. For example, whether it appears with the Project settings in the Settings window, or in the Preferences window, or in both windows.
ShaderCompilerMessageSeverityIndicates the severity of a message returned by the Unity Shader Compiler.
ShaderCompilerPlatformShader compiler used to generate player data shader variants.
ShaderPrecisionModelOptions for the shader precision model.
ShaderQualityShader quality preset.
ShaderRequirementsShader features required by a specific shader. Features are bit flags.
ShaderTypeIdentifies the stage in the rendering pipeline.
ShortcutModifiersRepresents modifier keys for use in a shortcut binding.
ShortcutStageRepresents the stage at which a shortcut action was invoked.
ShowDetailsOptionsDefines what details are shown in the preview inspector panel for the search view.
SpriteImportModeTexture importer modes for Sprite import.
SpritePackerModeSprite Packer mode for the current project.
StandaloneBuildSubtargetDesktop platform subtarget type.
StaticEditorFlagsDescribes which Unity systems consider the GameObject as static, and include the GameObject in their precomputations in the Unity Editor.
StatusCodeUnity Package Manager operation status.
StatusQueryOptionsOptions for querying the version control system status of a file.
StereoRenderingPathEnum used to specify what stereo rendering path to use.
StickyNoteChangeEnum that specifies the type of change to the [StickyNote].
StickyNoteFontSizeEnum used to describe the font size used by the [StickyNote].
StickyNoteThemeEnum used to describe the visual theme used by the [StickyNote].
StrippingLevelManaged code stripping level.
SubmitResultThe status of an operation returned by the VCS.
TemplateInstantiationModeAn enumeration of options for handling a Scene dependency Asset when you instantiate a SceneTemplateAsset.
TerrainBrushPreviewModeEnum to specify whether DrawBrushPreview previews the source render texture or the destination render texture of a PaintContext.
TerrainCategoryA category with which to define tools that inherit from the ITerrainPaintToolWithOverlays interface.
TerrainDetailMeshRenderModeOptions for determining the render mode of the mesh detail.
TextCursorPlacementWhere to place the cursor in the text. (see ISearchView.SetSearchText).
TextureCompressionFormatOptions for the compressed texture formats that are available on the target build platform.
TextureCompressionQualityCompression Quality.
TextureImporterAlphaSourceSelect how the alpha of the imported texture is generated.
TextureImporterCompressionSelect the kind of compression you want for your texture.
TextureImporterCubemapConvolutionDefines Cubemap convolution mode.
TextureImporterFormatImported texture format for TextureImporter.
TextureImporterGenerateCubemapCubemap generation mode for TextureImporter.
TextureImporterMipFilterMip map filter for TextureImporter.
TextureImporterNormalFilterNormal map filtering mode for TextureImporter.
TextureImporterNPOTScaleScaling mode for non power of two textures in TextureImporter.
TextureImporterRGBMModeRGBM encoding mode for HDR textures in TextureImporter.
TextureImporterShapeThe shape of the imported texture.
TextureImporterSingleChannelComponentSelects which Color/Alpha channel Single Channel Textures uses.
TextureImporterSwizzleOptions for where texture color channel data comes from in the TextureImporter.
TextureImporterTypeSelect this to set basic parameters depending on the purpose of your texture.
TextureResizeAlgorithmFor Texture to be scaled down choose resize algorithm. ( Applyed only when Texture dimension is bigger than Max Size ).
ToolWhich tool is active in the editor.
TouchPhaseIndicates where in its lifecycle a given touch is.
TransitionInterruptionSourceWhich AnimatorState transitions can interrupt the Transition.
TreeViewSelectionOptionsEnum used by the TreeView.SetSelection method.
tvOSSdkVersionSupported tvOS SDK versions.
UIOrientationDefault mobile device orientation.
VertexChannelCompressionFlagsUse these enum flags to specify which elements of a vertex to compress.
VideoBitrateModeBit rate after the clip is transcoded.
VideoCodecVideo codec to use when importing video clips.
VideoDeinterlaceModeDescribes how the fields in the image, if any, should be interpreted.
VideoEncodeAspectRatioMethods to compensate for aspect ratio discrepancies between the source resolution and the wanted encoding size.
VideoEncodingProfileOptions for the encoder profile.
VideoResizeModeHow the video clip's images will be resized during transcoding.
VideoSpatialQualityControls the imported clip's internal resize to save space at the cost of blurrier images.
ViewToolEnum for Tools.viewTool.
VisibleObjectsA bit field that contains the different categories of object that the object selector window can display.
VisionOSSdkVersionSupported VisionOS SDK versions.
WebGLClientBrowserTypeAn enum containing the supported client web browsers.
WebGLCompressionFormatAn enum containing different compression types.
WebGLDebugSymbolModeAn enum containing different modes for debug symbols.
WebGLExceptionSupportOptions for Exception support in WebGL.
WebGLLinkerTargetThe build format options available when building to WebGL.
WebGLMemoryGrowthModeAn enum containing different memory growth modes.
WebGLPowerPreferenceAn enum containing different power preference hints for the WebGL context.
WebGLTextureSubtargetCompressed texture format for target build platform.
WebGLWasmArithmeticExceptionsAn enum containing different trapping modes for WebAssembly code.
WindowsBuildAndRunDeployTargetSpecifies which Windows device to deploy and launch the Windows app on when using Build and Run from the Editor.
WindowsGamepadBackendHintSpecifies the desired Windows API to be used for input.
WSABuildAndRunDeployTargetSpecifies the Windows device to deploy and launch the UWP app on when using Build and Run from the Editor.
WSABuildTypeBuild configurations for Windows Store Visual Studio solutions.
WSAUWPBuildTypeDetermines the output build type when building to Universal Windows Platform.
XboxBuildSubtargetTarget Xbox build type.
XcodeBuildConfigBuild configurations for the Xcode project Unity generates.