
class in UnityEngine.UIElements


Inherits from:UIElements.DropdownMenuItem


Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule


Represents a menu action item.

A DropdownMenu contains one or more DropdownMenuAction instances. Each DropdownMenuAction instance can have its own status and callback.

The following example shows how to create a dropdown menu with actions, sub-menu actions, and conditional actions.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class DropdownMenuExample: EditorWindow
    public string[] playerNames = new string[] { "Alex", "Carol", "Ethan", "Jen" };

[MenuItem("Window/UI Toolkit/DropdownMenu Example")] public static void ShowExample() { DropdownMenuExample wnd = GetWindow<DropdownMenuExample>(); wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("DropdownMenu Example"); }

public void CreateGUI() { var window = EditorWindow.GetWindow<EditorWindow>(); var root = window.rootVisualElement;

// Create a new dropdown menu var playersContainer = new VisualElement(); var instructionLabel = new Label("Right Click on the player to edit their details"); root.Add(instructionLabel); root.Add(playersContainer); for(int i = 0; i < playerNames.Length; i++) { var playerName = playerNames[i]; // Set an ID for each player label var id = i+1; var playerLabel = new Label { text = playerName, name = $"label{playerName}"}; playerLabel.AddManipulator(CreateDropdownMenu()); playersContainer.Add(playerLabel); } }

public IManipulator CreateDropdownMenu() { ContextualMenuManipulator menuManipulator = new ContextualMenuManipulator( menuEvent => { if (menuEvent.target is not Label playerLabel) return;

// Player Name Actions menuEvent.menu.AppendAction("Retire Player", a => { playerLabel.text = $"[RETIRED] {playerLabel.text}"; playerLabel.style.backgroundColor = Color.gray; playerLabel.style.color = Color.red; playerLabel.userData = "retired"; }, DropdownMenuAction.AlwaysEnabled, playerLabel.userData);

menuEvent.menu.AppendAction("Set Player To Gold Status", a => { playerLabel.style.color = Color.yellow; });

// Separate Team Actions from Player Name Actions menuEvent.menu.AppendSeparator();

// Create a sub menu containing both teams menuEvent.menu.AppendAction("Change Team/Lizards", a => { playerLabel.style.backgroundColor = Color.green; }, ChangeTeamActionStatus, playerLabel.userData); menuEvent.menu.AppendAction("Change Team/Sharks", a => { playerLabel.style.backgroundColor = Color.cyan; }, ChangeTeamActionStatus, playerLabel.userData); }); return menuManipulator; }

public DropdownMenuAction.Status ChangeTeamActionStatus(DropdownMenuAction a) { // If a player is retired, hide the team change options return a.userData is string and "retired" ? DropdownMenuAction.Status.Hidden : DropdownMenuAction.Status.Normal; } }


eventInfo Provides information about the event that triggered the dropdown menu.
name The name of the item.
status The status of the item.
userData The userData object stored by the constructor. You can use AppendAction to set it and use it in the status callbacks.


DropdownMenuAction Initializes a menu action with specified parameters.

Public Methods

Execute Executes the callback associated with this item.
UpdateActionStatus Updates the status flag of this item by calling the item status callback.

Static Methods

AlwaysDisabled Creates a status callback that always returns Status.Disabled status.
AlwaysEnabled Creates a status callback that always returns Status.Normal.

Inherited Members

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