Contains information about a range of bytes in a file in the build output.
A Packed Asset contains either the serialized binary representation of a Unity Object,
or the binary data of a texture, mesh, audio or video that belongs to a Unity object.
Note: the "Packed Asset" name is somewhat misleading because the data is associated with a specific object within an Asset, not an entire Asset.
Some Assets contain just a single object, but in many cases it may contain an entire hierarchy of objects, each with its own PackedAssetInfo entry.
Additional resources: BuildReport, PackedAssets.contents
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting; using UnityEngine;
public struct ContentEntry { public ulong size; // Bytes public int objectCount; // Number of objects from the same source }
public class BuildReportPackedAssetInfoExample { [MenuItem("Example/Build and Analyze AssetBundle")] static public void Build() { string buildOutputDirectory = "BuildOutput"; if (!Directory.Exists(buildOutputDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(buildOutputDirectory);
var bundleDefinitions = new AssetBundleBuild[] { new AssetBundleBuild() { assetBundleName = "MyBundle",
// Tip: Adjust this list to builds scenes or assets from your project assetNames = new string[] { "Assets/Scenes/TestScene.unity" } } };
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles( buildOutputDirectory, bundleDefinitions, BuildAssetBundleOptions.ForceRebuildAssetBundle, EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget);
BuildReport report = BuildReport.GetLatestReport(); if (report != null) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Build result : " + report.summary.result); sb.AppendLine("Build size : " + report.summary.totalSize + " bytes"); sb.Append(ClassifyBuildOutputBySourceAsset(report)); Debug.Log(sb.ToString()); } else { Debug.Log("AssetBundle build failed"); } }
public static string ClassifyBuildOutputBySourceAsset(BuildReport buildReport) { var sb = new StringBuilder();
var sourceAssetSize = new Dictionary<string, ContentEntry>();
var packedAssets = buildReport.packedAssets; foreach(var packedAsset in packedAssets) { sb.AppendLine("Analyzing " + packedAsset.shortPath + "....");
var contents = packedAsset.contents; foreach(var packedAssetInfo in contents) { // Path of the asset that contains this object var path = packedAssetInfo.sourceAssetPath;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) path = "Internal";
if (sourceAssetSize.ContainsKey(path)) { var existingEntry = sourceAssetSize[path]; existingEntry.size += packedAssetInfo.packedSize; existingEntry.objectCount++; sourceAssetSize[path] = existingEntry; } else { sourceAssetSize[path] = new ContentEntry { size = packedAssetInfo.packedSize, objectCount = 1 }; } } }
sb.AppendLine("The Build contains the content from the following source assets:\n");
// Sort biggest to smallest var sortedSourceAssetSize = sourceAssetSize.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.size);
// Note: for large builds there could be thousands or more different source assets, // in which case it could be prudent to only show the top 10 or top 100 results. for (int i = 0; i < sortedSourceAssetSize.Count(); i++) { var entry = sortedSourceAssetSize.ElementAt(i); sb.AppendLine(" Asset: \"" + entry.Key + "\" Object Count: " + entry.Value.objectCount + " Size of Objects: " + entry.Value.size); }
return sb.ToString(); } }
Property | Description |
id | Local file id of the object |
offset | The offset from the start of the file to the first byte of the range belonging to the Packed Asset. |
packedSize | The size in bytes of the Packed Asset. |
sourceAssetGUID | The Global Unique Identifier (GUID) of the source Asset that the build process used to generate the packed Asset. |
sourceAssetPath | The file path to the source Asset that the build process used to generate the Packed Asset, relative to the Project directory. |
type | The type of the object whose serialized data is represented by the Packed Asset, such as GameObject, Mesh or AudioClip. |