
interface in UnityEditor.Search


Table view interface.


Property Description
contextReturns the search context driving the table view.
readOnlyInvoked to check if the table view is read-only.

Public Methods

Method Description
AddColumnInvoked when the table view need to add a new column at a specific location.
AddColumnsInvoked when a set of columns are inserted.
GetColumnsInvoked when the table needs to get the list of columns to be displayed.
GetElementsInvoked when the property table needs all view elements not necessarily sorted.
GetRowsInvoked when the property table needs all search items sorted.
GetSearchTableInvoked to get the table configuration.
OnItemExecutedInvoked when the user double click on a search item row.
OpenContextualMenuInvoked when the user opens a contextual menu on the selected search item row.
RemoveColumnInvoked when a column gets removed.
SetDirtyInvoked when the table view gets dirty.
SetSelectionInvoked when the table view selection has changed.
SetupColumnsInvoked when columns are being intialized.
SwapColumnsInvoked when two columns are being swapped.

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