Property | Description |
label |
The string representing the label that will appear beside the field.
If the string is empty, the label element is removed from the hierarchy.
If the string is not empty, the label element is added to the hierarchy.
labelElement |
This is the Label object that appears beside the input for the field.
mixedValueLabel |
Read-only label used to give the appearance of editing multiple different values.
rawValue |
The value of the element.
showMixedValue |
When set to true, gives the field the appearance of editing multiple different values.
value |
The value associated with the field.
binding |
Binding object that will be updated.
bindingPath |
Path of the target property to be bound.
canGrabFocus |
Return true if the element can be focused.
delegatesFocus |
Whether the element should delegate the focus to its children.
focusable |
If false, this prevents the element from being focused.
focusController |
Return the focus controller for this element.
tabIndex |
An integer used to sort focusable elements in the focus ring. Must be greater than or equal to zero.
autoCorrection |
Determines if the touch screen keyboard auto correction is turned on or off.
cursorColor |
Color of the cursor.
cursorIndex |
This is the cursor index in the text presented.
cursorPosition |
The position of the text cursor inside the element.
doubleClickSelectsWord |
Controls whether double clicking selects the word under the mouse pointer or not.
emojiFallbackSupport |
Specifies the order in which the system should look for Emoji characters when rendering text.
If this setting is enabled, the global Emoji Fallback list will be searched first for characters defined as
Emoji in the Unicode 14.0 standard.
hideMobileInput |
Hides or shows the mobile input field.
isDelayed |
If set to true, the value property isn't updated until either the user presses Enter or the text field loses focus.
isPasswordField |
Returns true if the field is used to edit a password.
isReadOnly |
Returns true if the field is read only.
keyboardType |
The type of mobile keyboard that will be used.
maskChar |
The character used for masking in a password field.
maxLength |
Maximum number of characters for the field.
onIsReadOnlyChanged |
Calls the methods in its invocation list when isReadOnly changes.
selectAllOnFocus |
Controls whether the element's content is selected upon receiving focus.
selectAllOnMouseUp |
Controls whether the element's content is selected when you mouse up for the first time.
selectIndex |
This is the selection index in the text presented.
selectionColor |
Background color of selected text.
text |
The value of the input field.
textEdition |
Retrieves this Field's TextElement ITextEdition
textSelection |
Retrieves this Field's TextElement ITextSelection
touchScreenKeyboard |
The active touch keyboard being displayed.
tripleClickSelectsLine |
Controls whether triple clicking selects the entire line under the mouse pointer or not.
verticalScrollerVisibility |
Option for controlling the visibility of the vertical scroll bar in the TextInputBaseField_1.
formatString |
The format string used to define how numeric values are displayed.
The string follows standard .NET formatting conventions.
childCount |
Number of child elements in this object's contentContainer. |
contentContainer |
Logical container where child elements are added.
If a child is added to this element, the child is added to this element's content container instead.
contentRect |
The rectangle of the content area of the element, in the local space of the element. (Read Only)
customStyle |
The custom style properties accessor of a VisualElement (Read Only).
dataSource |
Assigns a data source to this VisualElement which overrides any inherited data source. This data source is
inherited by all children.
dataSourcePath |
Path from the data source to the value.
dataSourceType |
The possible type of data source assignable to this VisualElement.
This information is only used by the UI Builder as a hint to provide some completion to the data source path field when the effective data source cannot be specified at design time.
disablePlayModeTint |
Play-mode tint is applied by default unless this is set to true. It's applied hierarchically to this VisualElement and to all its children that exist on an editor panel.
enabledInHierarchy |
Returns true if the VisualElement is enabled in its own hierarchy.
enabledSelf |
Returns true if the VisualElement is enabled locally.
experimental |
Returns the UIElements experimental interfaces.
generateVisualContent |
Delegate function to generate the visual content of a visual element.
hierarchy |
Access to this element physical hierarchy |
languageDirection |
Indicates the directionality of the element's text. The value will propagate to the element's children.
layout |
The position and size of the VisualElement relative to its parent, as computed by the layout system. (Read Only)
localBound |
Returns a Rect representing the Axis-aligned Bounding Box (AABB) after applying the transform, but before applying the layout translation.
name |
The name of this VisualElement.
paddingRect |
The rectangle of the padding area of the element, in the local space of the element.
panel |
The panel onto which this VisualElement is attached.
parent |
The parent of this VisualElement.
pickingMode |
Determines if this element can be the target of pointer events or
picked by IPanel.Pick queries.
resolvedStyle |
The final rendered style values of a visual element, as it's rendered in the current frame.(Read Only)
scaledPixelsPerPoint |
Return the resulting scaling from the panel that considers the screen DPI and the customizable scaling factor, but not the transform scale of the element and its ancestors.
See Panel.scaledPixelsPerPoint.
This should only be called on elements that are part of a panel.
schedule |
Retrieves the IVisualElementScheduler associated to this VisualElement. Use it to enqueue actions.
style |
Sets the style values on a VisualElement.
styleSheets |
Returns a VisualElementStyleSheetSet that manipulates style sheets attached to this element.
this[int] |
Retrieves the child element at a specific index.
tooltip |
Text to display inside an information box after the user hovers the element for a small amount of time. This is only supported in the Editor UI.
transform |
Returns a transform styles object for this VisualElement.
ITransform |
usageHints |
A combination of hint values that specify high-level intended usage patterns for the VisualElement.
This property can only be set when the VisualElement is not yet part of a Panel. Once part of a Panel, this property becomes effectively read-only, and attempts to change it will throw an exception.
The specification of proper UsageHints drives the system to make better decisions on how to process or accelerate certain operations based on the anticipated usage pattern.
Note that those hints do not affect behavioral or visual results, but only affect the overall performance of the panel and the elements within.
It's advised to always consider specifying the proper UsageHints, but keep in mind that some UsageHints might be internally ignored under certain conditions (e.g. due to hardware limitations on the target platform).
userData |
This property can be used to associate application-specific user data with this VisualElement.
viewDataKey |
Used for view data persistence, such as tree expanded states, scroll position, or zoom level.
visible |
Indicates whether or not this element should be rendered.
visualTreeAssetSource |
Stores the asset reference, if the generated element is cloned from a VisualTreeAsset.
worldBound |
Returns a Rect representing the Axis-aligned Bounding Box (AABB) after applying the world transform.
worldTransform |
Returns a matrix that cumulates the following operations (in order):
-Local Scaling
-Local Rotation
-Local Translation
-Layout Translation
-Parent worldTransform (recursive definition - consider identity when there is no parent)