The results of a slide movement performed with Rigidbody2D.Slide.
These results can be used to both tune movement configuration and to implement further logic to react to the specific surfaces encountered when a slide occurs.
NOTE: This struct can be used in the Unity Inspector for display purposes.
Additional resources: Rigidbody2D.Slide and SlideMovement.
Property | Description |
iterationsUsed | Returns the number of iterations used when performing a Rigidbody2D.Slide. |
position | The position that was calculate as a target position to move to when performing a Rigidbody2D.Slide. |
remainingVelocity | Returns the remaining velocity that couldn't be used when performing a Rigidbody2D.Slide. |
slideHit | The specific contact found when a slide movement is performed with Rigidbody2D.Slide. |
surfaceHit | The specific contact found when a slide movement is performed with Rigidbody2D.Slide. |