Registers an EditorTool as either a Global tool or a Component tool for a specific target type.
A Global tool works on any selection. A Global tool is also always available from the top toolbar. A Component tool, like a CustomEditor, is only available for selections that match a target type.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.EditorTools; using UnityEngine.Rendering; // By passing `typeof(MeshFilter)` as the second argument, we register VertexTool as a CustomEditor tool to be presented // when the current selection contains a MeshFilter component. [EditorTool("Show Vertices", typeof(MeshFilter))] class VertexTool : EditorTool, IDrawSelectedHandles { struct TransformAndPositions { public Transform transform; public Vector3[] positions; } IEnumerable<TransformAndPositions> m_Vertices; GUIContent m_ToolbarIcon; public override GUIContent toolbarIcon { get { if (m_ToolbarIcon == null) m_ToolbarIcon = new GUIContent( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/Examples/Icons/VertexTool.png"), "Vertex Visualization Tool"); return m_ToolbarIcon; } } void OnEnable() { m_Vertices = targets.Select(x => { return new TransformAndPositions() { transform = ((MeshFilter)x).transform, positions = ((MeshFilter)x).sharedMesh.vertices }; }).ToArray(); } public override void OnToolGUI(EditorWindow window) { foreach (var entry in m_Vertices) { var matrix = entry.transform.localToWorldMatrix; Drawing.DrawHandleCaps(matrix, entry.positions, Color.cyan * .3f, .05f, CompareFunction.Greater); Drawing.DrawHandleCaps(matrix, entry.positions, Color.cyan, .05f, CompareFunction.LessEqual); } } public void OnDrawHandles() { if(!ToolManager.IsActiveTool(this)) return; foreach (var entry in m_Vertices) { var matrix = entry.transform.localToWorldMatrix; Drawing.DrawHandleCaps(matrix, entry.positions, Color.cyan * .3f, .03f, CompareFunction.Greater); Drawing.DrawHandleCaps(matrix, entry.positions, Color.cyan, .03f, CompareFunction.LessEqual); } } }
You can also use tool variants to group similar tools into a single button in the Tools overlay. Refer to ToolAttribute.variantGroup.
using System; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.EditorTools; using UnityEngine; namespace GlobalToolVariants { // Define 3 tools that should be shown as a single button in the Tools Overlay. struct ShapeVariantGroup {} [EditorTool("Line (Custom Global)", variantGroup = typeof(ShapeVariantGroup), variantPriority = 2)] [Icon("Assets/Examples/Icons/Variant-Line.png")] class Line : EditorTool {} [EditorTool("Circle (Custom Global)", variantGroup = typeof(ShapeVariantGroup), variantPriority = 1)] [Icon("Assets/Examples/Icons/Variant-Circle.png")] class Circle : EditorTool {} [EditorTool("Square (Custom Global)", variantGroup = typeof(ShapeVariantGroup), variantPriority = 0)] [Icon("Assets/Examples/Icons/Variant-Square.png")] class Square : EditorTool {} }
EditorToolAttribute | Registers an EditorTool as either a Global tool or a CustomEditor tool. |
defaultPriority | The default value for ToolAttribute.toolPriority and ToolAttribute.variantPriority. Specify a priority lower than this value to display a tool before the default entries, or specify a higher value to display it after the default entries. |
displayName | The name that displays in menus. |
targetContext | If provided, the EditorTool will only be made available when the ToolManager.activeContextType is equal to targetContext. |
targetType | Set to the type that this EditorTool or EditorToolContext can edit. Set to null if the tool is not specific to a Component and should be available at any time. |
toolPriority | Tool priority defines the order that tools are displayed in within the Tools Overlay. |
variantGroup | Tool variants are used to group logically similar tools into a single button in the Tools Overlay. |
variantPriority | The variant priority defines the order that tools are displayed in when they are displayed in a ToolAttribute.variantGroup dropdown. |