Specifies the target platform for a Player or AssetBundle build.
Pass a platform property to BuildTarget
to specify the target platform to build a Player for. For example, use BuildTarget.Android to target the Android platform. At runtime, use BuildTarget
to identify the currently selected build target. Only actively supported platforms are documented in this list.
Important: When targeting Windows, it's recommended to use the StandaloneWindow64
target unless you specifically need to target devices that use a 32-bit CPU.
Additional resources: BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer, EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget, BuildAssetBundlesParameters.targetPlatform.
using UnityEditor;
// Build your project on multiple platforms in a single action public static class BuildAll { [MenuItem("Build/Build All Platforms")] public static void BuildAllPlatforms() { string[] buildScenes = { "Assets/PathToYourScene.unity" }; string projectName = "MyGame";
// Build for Windows BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(buildScenes, $"Builds/Windows/{projectName}.exe", BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64, BuildOptions.None);
// Build for macOS BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(buildScenes, $"Builds/macOS/{projectName}.app", BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX, BuildOptions.None);
// Build for Android BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(buildScenes, $"Builds/Android/{projectName}.apk", BuildTarget.Android, BuildOptions.None); } }
Property | Description |
StandaloneOSX | Build a macOS standalone.To specify which architecture to use (Intel, ARM or Universal), please use PlayerSettings.SetArchitecture. |
StandaloneWindows | Build a Windows 32-bit standalone. |
iOS | Build an iOS player. |
Android | Build an Android .apk standalone app. |
StandaloneWindows64 | Build a Windows 64-bit standalone. |
WebGL | Build to WebGL platform. |
WSAPlayer | Build an Windows Store Apps player. |
StandaloneLinux64 | Build a Linux 64-bit standalone. |
PS4 | Build a PS4 Standalone. |
XboxOne | Build a Xbox One Standalone. |
tvOS | Build to Apple's tvOS platform. |
Switch | Build a Nintendo Switch player. |
LinuxHeadlessSimulation | Build a LinuxHeadlessSimulation standalone. |
GameCoreXboxSeries | Build an Xbox Series player. |
GameCoreXboxOne | Build an Xbox one player. |
PS5 | Build to PlayStation 5 platform. |
VisionOS | Build a visionOS player. |