Compiler options passed to the script compiler.
AdditionalCompilerArguments | Additional compiler arguments. |
AllowUnsafeCode | Allow 'unsafe' code when compiling scripts. |
AnalyzerConfigPath | Stores the path to the Roslyn global config file. |
ApiCompatibilityLevel | ApiCompatibilityLevel for a given Assembly. |
CodeOptimization | Indicates whether performance optimization is enabled for the assembly |
EditorAssembliesCompatibilityLevel | EditorAssembliesCompatibilityLevel for Editor Assemblies. |
LanguageVersion | String representation of the language version being used to compile the current Assembly. |
ResponseFiles | Array of path to the response files that affects the current compilation. |
RoslynAdditionalFilePaths | Array of strings representing the paths of any additional files defined for Roslyn analyzers in the current assembly. |
RoslynAnalyzerDllPaths | Stores the paths to the .dll files. |
RoslynAnalyzerRulesetPath | Stores the path to the Roslyn ruleset file. |
ScriptCompilerOptions | Creates ScriptCompilerOptions with default values used for script compilation. |