class in UnityEngine
Inherits from:AndroidJavaObject
Implemented in:UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule
AndroidJavaClass is the Unity representation of a generic instance of java.lang.Class.
Note: this API can be used from custom thread, but requires that thread to be attached to JVM first, see AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread.
Constructor | Description |
AndroidJavaClass | Construct an AndroidJavaClass from the class name. |
Method | Description |
Call | Calls a Java method on an object (non-static). |
CallStatic | Call a static Java method on a class. |
CloneReference | Creates a clone of the C# object that references the same Java object. |
Dispose | IDisposable callback. |
Get | Get the value of a field in an object (non-static). |
GetRawClass | Retrieves the raw jclass pointer to the Java class.Note: Using raw JNI functions requires advanced knowledge of the Android Java Native Interface (JNI). |
GetRawObject | Retrieves the raw jobject pointer to the Java object.Note: Using raw JNI functions requires advanced knowledge of the Android Java Native Interface (JNI). |
GetStatic | Get the value of a static field in an object type. |
Set | Set the value of a field in an object (non-static). |
SetStatic | Set the value of a static field in an object type. |