AddedComponent | Class with information about a component that has been added to a Prefab instance. |
AddedGameObject | Class with information about a GameObject that has been added as a child under a Prefab instance. |
AddRequest | Represents an asynchronous request to add a package to the project. |
AdvancedDropdown | Inherit from this class to implement your own drop-down control. |
AdvancedDropdownItem | Items that build the drop-down list. |
AdvancedDropdownState | The state of the drop-down. This Object can be serialized. |
AdvertisementSettings | Editor API for the Unity Services editor feature. Normally UnityAds is enabled from the Services window, but if writing your own editor extension, this API can be used. |
AnalyticsSettings | Editor API for the Unity Services editor feature. Normally Analytics is enabled from the Services window, but if writing your own editor extension, this API can be used. |
AndroidAssetPackImporter | Represents an Android asset pack directory in a project. |
AnimationClipCurveData | An AnimationClipCurveData object contains all the information needed to identify a specific curve in an AnimationClip. The curve animates a specific property of a component / material attached to a game object / animated bone. |
AnimationMode |
AnimationMode is used by the AnimationWindow to store properties modified
by the AnimationClip playback. |
AnimationModeDriver |
AnimationMode uses AnimationModeDriver to identify the animation driver. |
AnimationUtility | Editor utility functions for modifying animation clips. |
AnimationWindow | Use the AnimationWindow class to select and edit Animation clips. |
AnimatorController | The Animator Controller controls animation through layers with state machines, controlled by parameters. |
AnimatorControllerLayer | The Animation Layer contains a state machine that controls animations of a model or part of it. |
AnimatorState | States are the basic building blocks of a state machine. Each state contains a Motion ( AnimationClip or BlendTree) which will play while the character is in that state. When an event in the game triggers a state transition, the character will be left in a new state whose animation sequence will then take over. |
AnimatorStateMachine | A graph controlling the interaction of states. Each state references a motion. |
AnimatorStateTransition | Transitions define when and how the state machine switch from one state to another. AnimatorStateTransition always originate from an Animator State (or AnyState) and have timing parameters. |
AnimatorTransition | Transitions define when and how the state machine switch from on state to another. AnimatorTransition always originate from a StateMachine or a StateMachine entry. They do not define timing parameters. |
AnimatorTransitionBase | Base class for animator transitions. Transitions define when and how the state machine switches from one state to another. |
AnimBool | Lerp from 0 - 1. |
AnimFloat | An animated float value. |
AnimQuaternion | An animated Quaternion value. |
AnimVector3 | An animated Vector3 value. |
ArcHandle | A class for a compound handle to edit an angle and a radius in the Scene view. |
ArrayEntries<T0> | An abstract helper class that provides methods to retrieve arrays of data elements of a generic type. |
ArrayUtility | Helpers for builtin arrays. |
Assembly | Class that represents an assembly compiled by Unity. |
AssemblyBuilder | Compiles scripts outside the Assets folder into a managed assembly that can be used inside the Assets folder. |
AssemblyDefinitionException | An exception throw for Assembly Definition Files errors. |
AssemblyReloadEvents | This class has event dispatchers for assembly reload events. |
Asset | This class containes information about the version control state of an asset. |
AssetBundleInfo | Container for holding asset loading information for an AssetBundle to be built. |
AssetDatabase | An Interface for accessing assets and performing operations on assets. |
AssetImportContext | Defines the import context for scripted importers during an import event. |
AssetImporter | Base class from which asset importers for specific asset types derive. |
AssetImporterEditor | Default editor for all asset importer settings. |
AssetList | A list of version control information about assets. |
AssetLoadInfo | Container for holding preload information for a given serialized Asset. |
AssetModificationProcessor | AssetModificationProcessor lets you hook into saving of serialized assets and
scenes which are edited inside Unity. |
AssetPostprocessor | AssetPostprocessor lets you hook into the import pipeline and run scripts prior or after importing assets. |
AssetPreview | Utility for fetching asset previews by instance ID of assets, See AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview. Since previews are loaded asynchronously methods are provided for requesting if all previews have been fully loaded, see AssetPreview.IsLoadingAssetPreviews. Loaded previews are stored in a cache, the size of the cache can be controlled by calling [AssetPreview.SetPreviewTextureCacheSize]. |
AssetSettingsProvider | AssetSettingsProvider is a specialization of the SettingsProvider class that converts legacy settings to Unified Settings. Legacy settings include any settings that used the Inspector to modify themselves, such as the *.asset files under the ProjectSettings folder. Under the hood, AssetSettingsProvider creates an Editor for specific Assets and builds the UI for the Settings window by wrapping the Editor.OnInspectorGUI function.Internally we use this class to wrap our existing settings. |
Attacher | Helper object that attaches a visual element next to its target, regarless of their respective location in the visual tree hierarchy. |
AudioCurveRendering | Antialiased curve rendering functionality used by audio tools in the editor. |
AudioImporter | Audio importer lets you modify AudioClip import settings from editor scripts. |
AuthorInfo | Identifies the author of a package. |
BaseAnimValue<T0> | Abstract base class for Animated Values. |
BaseAnimValueNonAlloc<T0> | Abstract base class that provides an allocation free version of BaseAnimValue. |
BaseCompositeField<T0,T1,T2> | This is the base class for the composite fields. |
BaseFieldMouseDragger | Provides the base class for field mouse draggers. |
BaseMaskField<T0> | Base class implementing the shared functionality for editing bit mask values. |
BasePopupField<T0,T1> | This is the base class for the popup fields. |
BindingExtensions | Provides VisualElement extension methods that implement data binding between INotivyValueChanged fields and SerializedObjects. |
Blackboard | GraphElement that enables user to dynamically define members of a Graph (such as fields/properties) grouped by sections (BlackboardSection). |
BlackboardField | GraphElement that represents a field of a Graph. |
BlackboardRow | Collapsible GraphElement that represents a row in a BlackboardSection. |
BlackboardSection | GraphElement that represents a section of members in a Blackboard. |
BlendTree | Blend trees are used to blend continuously animation between their children. They can either be 1D or 2D. |
BoundsField | A Bounds editor field. |
BoundsIntField | A BoundsInt editor field. |
BoxBoundsHandle | A compound handle to edit a box-shaped bounding volume in the Scene view. |
BuildFailedException | An exception class that represents a failed build. |
BuildPipeline | Lets you programmatically build players or AssetBundles which can be loaded from the web. |
BuildPlayerWindow | The default build settings window. |
BuildReferenceMap | Container for holding information about where objects will be serialized in a build. |
BuildReport | The BuildReport API gives you information about the Unity build process. |
BuildUsageCache | Caching object for the Scriptable Build Pipeline. |
BuildUsageTagSet | Container for holding information about how objects are being used in a build. |
BuildUtilities | Utility class that allows packages to register build callbacks with the Unity Package Manager. |
CallbackOrderAttribute | Base class for Attributes that require a callback index. |
CameraEditor | Unity Camera Editor. |
CameraEditorUtils | Utilities for cameras. |
CanEditMultipleObjects | Attribute used to make a custom editor support multi-object editing. |
CapsuleBoundsHandle | A compound handle to edit a capsule-shaped bounding volume in the Scene view. |
ChangeSet | Wrapper around a changeset description and ID. |
ChangeSets | A list of the ChangeSet class. |
ChannelClient | ChannelClient is a WebSocket client that connects to Unity's ChannelService, which is a WebSocket server. |
ChannelService | The ChannelService encapsulates a WebSocket server running in Unity. |
ClickSelector | Selects element on single click. |
Client | Use the Unity Package Manager Client class to manage the packages used in a project. |
CloudProjectSettings | Use this class to retrieve information about the currently selected project and the current Unity ID that is logged in. |
ClutchShortcutAttribute | Attribute used to register a static method as the action for a clutch shortcut. |
CodeEditor | Handles interaction with the code editor. |
CollectImportedDependenciesAttribute | Use this method attribute to specify which methods declare dependancies on imported assets. The methods are called by AssetDatabase during import. |
ColorField | Makes a field for selecting a color. |
ColorPickerHDRConfig | Used as input to ColorField to configure the HDR color ranges in the ColorPicker. |
CommonRoles | This class provides constant values for some of the common roles used by files in the build. The role of each file in the build is available in BuildFile.role. |
CompilationPipeline | Methods and properties for script compilation pipeline. |
ComputeShaderImporter | Define compute shader import settings in the Unity Editor. |
ConfigField | Describes the configuration fields of the version control that the user has selected in the Unity Editor. |
ConnectedPlayer | Information of the connected player. |
ConnectionEntries | A class that houses data entries related to Connection data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.connections. |
ContentBuildInterface | Low level interface for building content for Unity. |
ContentDragger | Manipulator that allows mouse-dragging of one or more elements. |
ContentZoomer | Manipulator that allows zooming in GraphView. |
CrashReportingSettings | Editor API for the Unity Services editor feature. Normally CrashReporting is enabled from the Services window, but if writing your own editor extension, this API can be used. |
CurveField | Makes a field for editing an AnimationCurve. |
CustomEditor | Tells an Editor class which run-time type it's an editor for. |
CustomEditorForRenderPipelineAttribute | Tells an Editor class which run-time type it's an editor for when the given RenderPipeline is activated. |
CustomPreviewAttribute | Adds an extra preview in the Inspector for the specified type. |
CustomPropertyDrawer | Tells a custom PropertyDrawer or DecoratorDrawer which run-time Serializable class or PropertyAttribute it's a drawer for. |
DecoratorDrawer | Base class to derive custom decorator drawers from. |
DefaultAsset | DefaultAsset is used for assets that do not have a specific type (yet). |
DefaultLightingExplorerExtension | Default definition for the Lighting Explorer. Can be overridden completely or partially. |
DefaultPresetSelectorReceiver | Basic implementation of the PresetSelectorReceiver. |
DependencyInfo | A descriptor that stores one of a template Scene's dependency Assets, and specifies whether to clone or reference it when the template is instantiated. |
DidReloadScripts | Add this attribute to a method to get a notification after scripts have been reloaded. |
DoubleField | Makes a text field for entering doubles. |
DragAndDrop | Editor drag & drop operations. |
Dragger | Base manipulator for mouse-dragging elements. |
DrawGizmo | The DrawGizmo attribute allows you to supply a gizmo renderer for any Component. |
Edge | The GraphView edge element. |
EdgeConnector | Manipulator for creating new edges. |
EdgeConnector<T0> | Manipulator for creating new edges. |
EdgeControl | VisualElement that draws the edge lines and detects if mouse is on top of edge. |
EdgeDragHelper | EdgeDragHelper's constructor. |
EdgeDragHelper<T0> | Edge drag helper class. |
EdgeManipulator | Edge manipulator used to drag edges off ports and reconnect them elsewhere. |
Editor | Derive from this base class to create a custom inspector or editor for your custom object. |
EditorAnalytics | Editor API for the EditorAnalytics feature. |
EditorAnalyticsSessionInfo | Provides access to Editor Analytics session information. |
EditorApplication | Main Application class. |
EditorBuildSettings | This class allows you to modify the Editor Build Settings via script. See EditorBuildSettings.scenes for an example of how to use this class.See Also: EditorBuildSettingsScene, EditorBuildSettings.scenes. |
EditorBuildSettingsScene | Represents entries in the Scenes list, as displayed in the Build Settings window. This class contains the Scene path of a Scene and an enabled flag that indicates whether the Scene is enabled in the Build Settings window or not.You can use this class in combination with EditorBuildSettings.scenes to populate the list of Scenes included in the build via script. This is useful when you create custom editor scripts to automate your build pipeline.See EditorBuildSettings.scenes for an example script. |
EditorCameraUtils | Utilities for Camera rendering in the Editor. |
EditorConnection | Handles the connection from the Editor to the Player. |
EditorGraphicsSettings | Editor-specific script interface for Graphics Settings. |
EditorGUI | These work pretty much like the normal GUI functions - and also have matching implementations in EditorGUILayout. |
EditorGUILayout | Auto laid out version of EditorGUI. |
EditorGUIUtility | Miscellaneous helper stuff for EditorGUI. |
EditorJsonUtility | Utility functions for working with JSON data and engine objects. |
EditorPrefs | Stores and accesses Unity Editor preferences. |
EditorSceneManager | Scene management in the Editor. |
EditorSettings | User settings for Unity Editor. |
EditorSnapSettings | Control the behavior of handle snapping in the editor. |
EditorStyles | Common GUIStyles used for EditorGUI controls. |
EditorTool | Use this class to implement custom editor tools. This is the base class from which all editor tools are inherited. |
EditorToolAttribute | Registers an EditorTool as either a global tool or a CustomEditor for a specific target type. |
EditorToolContext | Use this class to implement specialized versions of the built-in transform tools. Built-in transform tools include Move, Rotate, Scale, Rect, and Transform. |
EditorUserBuildSettings | User build settings for the Editor |
EditorUtility | Editor utility functions. |
EditorWindow | Derive from this class to create an editor window. |
EditorWindowTitleAttribute | Use this class to set title text and icon for an Editor window. |
EmbedRequest | Represents an asynchronous request to embed a package inside a project. |
EnumField | Makes a dropdown for switching between enum values. |
EnumFlagsField | Makes a dropdown for switching between enum flag values that are marked with the Flags attribute. |
Error | Structure describing the error of a package operation. |
Events | An Interface for accessing the package manager events. |
EventService | The EventService is a singleton implementation of a ChannelClient that runs on all instances of Unity. It is connected to the "events" channel and allows a Unity instance to send JSON messages to other EventServices in external process, or other instances of Unity. |
ExpressionEvaluator | Evaluates simple math expressions; supports int / float and operators: + - * / % ^ ( ). |
FBXMaterialDescriptionPreprocessor | This is a default implementation for AssetPostProcessor.OnPreprocessMaterialDescription, this implementation converts material descriptions imported from FBX assets into materials for the internal rendering pipeline. |
FieldDescriptionEntries | A class that houses Field Description entry data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.fieldDescriptions. |
FieldMouseDragger<T0> | Allows dragging on a numeric field's label to change the value. |
FilePathAttribute | An attribute that specifies a file location relative to the Project folder or Unity's preferences folder. See Also: Location. |
FileUtil | Lets you do move, copy, delete operations over files or directories. |
FloatField | Makes a text field for entering a float. |
FrameDataView | Base funtionality for accessing the Profiler data. |
FreehandSelector | Freehand selection tool. |
GameObjectRecorder | Records the changing properties of a GameObject as the Scene runs and saves the information into an AnimationClip. |
GameObjectToolContext | This class represents the default context for manipulation tools. When GameObjectToolContext is active, manipulation tools affect the transform property of GameObjects in the SceneView Selection. |
GameObjectUtility | GameObject utility functions. |
GCHandleEntries | A class that houses GCHandle data. Returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.gcHandles. |
GenericMenu | GenericMenu lets you create custom context menus and dropdown menus. |
GitInfo | Identifies a specific revision for a Git package using a Git commit hash. |
GradientField | Makes a field for editing an Gradient. |
GraphElement | Base class for main GraphView VisualElements. |
GraphElementScopeExtensions | Set of extension methods useful for Scope. |
GraphView | Main GraphView class. |
GraphViewBlackboardWindow | The base class for a floating window that contains a Blackboard. |
GraphViewEditorWindow | Abstract base class for an editor window that contains a GraphView. |
GraphViewMinimapWindow | A floating window containing a MiniMap. |
GraphViewToolWindow | Abstract base class for a GraphView tool window. |
GridBackground | Default GraphView background. |
GridPalette | GridPalette stores settings for Palette assets when shown in the Palette window. |
Group | Allows interactive insertion of elements in a named scope. |
GUIDrawer | Base class for PropertyDrawer and DecoratorDrawer. |
Handles | Custom 3D GUI controls and drawing in the Scene view. |
HandleUtility | Helper functions for Scene View style 3D GUI. |
Help | Helper class to access Unity documentation. |
HierarchyFrameDataView | Provides access to the Profiler data for a specific frame and thread. |
Highlighter | Use this class to highlight elements in the editor for use in in-editor tutorials and similar. |
IconBadge | A rectangular badge, usually attached to another visual element. |
IHVImageFormatImporter | Use IHVImageFormatImporter to modify Texture2D import settings for Textures in IHV (Independent Hardware Vendor) formats such as .DDS and .PVR from Editor scripts. |
Il2CppBuildPipelineData | Contains information for various IIl2CppProcessor callbacks. |
InitializeOnEnterPlayModeAttribute | Allow an editor class method to be initialized when Unity enters Play Mode. |
InitializeOnLoadAttribute | Allows you to initialize an Editor class when Unity loads, and when your scripts are recompiled. |
InitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute | Allow an editor class method to be initialized when Unity loads without action from the user. |
InspectorElement | Create a VisualElement inspector from a SerializedObject. |
InstantiationResult | A class that holds the data created when a SceneTemplateAsset is instantiated. |
IntegerField | Makes a text field for entering an integer. |
iOSDeviceRequirement | A device requirement description used for configuration of App Slicing. |
JointAngularLimitHandle | A class for a compound handle to edit multiaxial angular motion limits in the Scene view. |
L10n | Class for text localization. |
LayerField | A LayerField editor. |
LayerMaskField | Make a field for layer as masks. |
LicensingUtility | Use the Licensing Utility class to request user permissions. User permissions are referred to as entitlements. Entitlements are simple strings. For example, "com.unity.editor.ui". |
LightEditor | The class used to render the Light Editor when a Light is selected in the Unity Editor. |
LightingDataAsset | The lighting data asset used by the active Scene. |
LightingExplorerExtensionAttribute | An attribute to mark an extension class for the Lighting Explorer. Supports one extension per render pipeline. |
LightingExplorerTab | Create custom tabs for the Lighting Explorer. |
LightingExplorerTableColumn | This is used when defining how a column should look and behave in the Lighting Explorer. |
LightingWindowEnvironmentSection | Base class for the Inspector that overrides the Environment section of the Lighting window. |
LightmapEditorSettings | This class is now obsolete. Use LightingSettings. |
LightmapParameters | Configures how Unity bakes lighting and can be assigned to a LightingSettings instance or asset. |
Lightmapping | Allows to control the lightmapping job. |
Lightmapping | Experimental lightmapping features. |
ListRequest | Represents an asynchronous request to list the packages in the project. |
LocalizationAttribute | Attribute of the assembly for localization. |
LocalizationGroup | This provides an auto dispose Localization system. This can be called recursively. |
LODUtility | LOD Utility Helpers. |
LongField | Makes a text field for entering long integers. |
MainStage | The Main Stage contains all the currently open regular Scenes and is always available. |
ManagedDebugger | Representation of managed debugger in UnityEditor. |
ManagedMemorySectionEntries | A class that houses MemorySection data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.managedHeapSections and PackedMemorySnapshot.managedStacks. |
MaskField | Make a field for masks. |
MaterialDescription | Contains a set of typed properties for describing a texture input of a MaterialDescription. |
MaterialEditor | The Unity Material Editor. |
MaterialEditorExtensions | Extension methods for the Material asset type in the editor. |
MaterialProperty | Describes information and value of a single shader property. |
MaterialPropertyDrawer | Base class to derive custom material property drawers from. |
MediaEncoder | Encodes images and audio samples into an audio or movie file. |
MemorySnapshot | MemorySnapshot is a profiling tool to help diagnose memory usage. |
Menu | Menu class to manipulate the menu item. |
MenuCommand | Used to extract the context for a MenuItem. |
MenuItem | The MenuItem attribute allows you to add menu items to the main menu and inspector context menus. |
MeshUtility | Various utilities for mesh manipulation. |
Message | Messages from the version control system. |
MiniMap | MiniMap. |
ModelImporter | Model importer lets you modify model import settings from editor scripts. |
ModelImporterClipAnimation | Animation clips to split animation into. |
MonoScript | Representation of Script assets. |
MultiColumnHeader | The MultiColumnHeader is a general purpose class that e.g can be used with the TreeView to create multi-column tree views and list views. |
MultiColumnHeaderState | State used by the MultiColumnHeader. |
NativeAllocationEntries | A class that houses native allocation entry data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeAllocations. |
NativeAllocationSiteEntries | A class that houses native allocation site entries, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeAllocationSites. |
NativeCallstackSymbolEntries | A class housing native callstack symbol data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeCallstackSymbols. |
NativeMemoryLabelEntries | A class that houses native memory label data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeMemoryLabels. |
NativeMemoryRegionEntries | A class housing native memory region data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeMemoryRegions. |
NativeObjectEntries | A class that houses native object data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeObjects. |
NativeRootReferenceEntries | A class that houses native root reference data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.rootReferences. |
NativeTypeEntries | A class that houses native type entries, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeTypes. |
NavMeshBuilder | Navigation mesh builder interface. |
NavMeshEditorHelpers | NavMesh utility functionality effective only in the Editor. |
NavMeshVisualizationSettings | Represents the visualization state of the navigation debug graphics. |
Node | Main GraphView node class. |
ObjectChangeEvents | Exposes events that allow you to track undoable changes to objects in the editor. |
ObjectFactory | Use the DefaultObject to create a new UnityEngine.Object in the editor. |
ObjectField | Makes a field to receive any object type. |
ObjectFlagsExtensions | An extension class that contains member functions to ObjectFlags. |
ObjectNames | Helper class for constructing displayable names for objects. |
ObjectOverride | Class with information about an object on a Prefab instance with overridden properties. |
ObjectPreview | Base Class to derive from when creating Custom Previews. |
ObjectSelector | Use this API to select objects. Engines for this type of search implement the IObjectSelectorEngine interface. |
ObjectSelectorEngineAttribute | Use this class attribute to register ObjectSelector search engines automatically. Search engines with this attribute must implement the IObjectSelectorEngine interface. |
ObjectSelectorHandlerAttribute | A class attribute that allows you to define dynamic constraint on a MonoBehavior or ScriptableObject's field for the object selector. |
ObjectSelectorSearchContext | A search context implementation for ObjectSelector search engines. All methods that are called on an ObjectSelector search engine, and expect a ISearchContext, receive an object of this type. |
OnOpenAssetAttribute | Callback attribute for opening an asset in Unity (e.g the callback is fired when double clicking an asset in the Project Browser). |
PackageCollection | A collection of PackageInfo objects that you can iterate over. |
PackageInfo | Structure describing a Unity Package. |
PackageManagerExtensions | Package Manager UI Extensions. |
PackageRegistrationEventArgs | Structure describing the PackageInfo entries to register or unregister during the Package Manager registration process. |
PackedAssets | An extension to the BuildReport class that tracks how Assets contribute to the size of the build. |
PackedMemorySnapshot | PackedMemorySnapshot is a compact representation of a memory snapshot. |
PackedMemorySnapshot | PackedMemorySnapshot is a compact representation of a memory snapshot that a player has sent through the profiler connection. |
Packer | Sprite Packer helpers. |
PackerJob | Current Sprite Packer job definition. |
PackOperationResult | Structure describing the result of a Client.Pack operation. |
PackRequest | Represents an asynchronous request to pack a package folder. |
PerformanceReportingSettings | Normally performance reporting is enabled from the Services window, but if writing your own editor extension, this API can be used. |
PhysicsDebugWindow | Displays the Physics Debug Visualization options.The Physics Debug Visualization is only displayed if this window is visible.See Also: PhysicsVisualizationSettings. |
PhysicsVisualizationSettings | This class contains the settings controlling the Physics Debug Visualization. |
Pill | The Pill class includes methods for creating and managing a VisualElement that resembles a capsule. The Pill class includes text, an icon, and two optional child VisualElements: one to the left of the pill, and one to the right of the pill. |
Placemat | Allows interactive manipulation of elements (drag, hide) over a virtual placemat. |
PlacematContainer | The GraphView layer for placemats. |
PlatformIcon | Icon slot container. |
PlatformIconKind | Icon kind wrapper. |
PlayableOutputEditorExtensions | Editor extensions for all types that implement IPlayableOutput. |
PlayerBuildInterface | Low level interface for building scripts for Unity. |
PlayerConnectionGUI | This class contains methods to draw IMGUI Editor UI that relates to the Player Connection. |
PlayerConnectionGUILayout | This class contains methods to draw and automatically layout IMGUI Editor UI that relates to the Player Connection. |
PlayerConnectionGUIUtility | Miscellaneous helper methods for PlayerConnectionGUI. |
PlayerSettings | Player Settings is where you define various parameters for the final game that you will build in Unity. Some of these values are used in the Resolution Dialog that launches when you open a standalone game. |
Plugin | The plug-in class describes the currently active version control plug-in and its configuration options. |
PluginImporter | Represents plugin importer. |
PopupField<T0> | Generic popup selection field. |
PopupWindow | Class used to display popup windows that inherit from PopupWindowContent. |
PopupWindowContent | Class used to implement content for a popup window. |
Port | GraphView Port class. |
PortSource<T0> | Port source. |
PostProcessBuildAttribute | Add this attribute to a method to get a notification just after building the player. |
PostProcessSceneAttribute | Add this attribute to a method to get a notification just after building the Scene. |
PrecompiledAssemblyException | An exception throw for Precompiled Assembly errors. |
PrefabOverride | Class with information about a given override on a Prefab instance. |
PrefabStage | The PrefabStage class represents an editing context for Prefab Assets. |
PrefabStageUtility | Utility methods related to Prefab stages. |
PrefabUtility | Utility class for any Prefab related operations. |
PreloadInfo | Container for holding a list of preload objects for a Scene to be built. |
Preset | A Preset contains default values for an Object. |
PresetSelector | This class implements a modal window that selects a Preset asset from the Project. |
PresetSelectorReceiver | Implement this class to control the selection change when selecting a Preset in the PresetSelector. |
PreviewSceneStage | The PreviewSceneStage class represents an editing context based on a single preview Scene. |
PrimitiveBoundsHandle | Base class for a compound handle to edit a bounding volume in the Scene view. |
ProcessService | *This is an experimental feature.* The ProcessService allows you to start slave instance of UnityEditor, opened to the same Project as the master instance, with a specific RoleProviderAttribute. |
Progress | The Progress utility class reports the progress of asynchronous tasks to Unity. |
ProgressBar | ProgressBar control using UIElements. Supports binding to float and int values. |
Project | Use this API to perform searches in the Project. Engines for this type of search implement the IProjectSearchEngine interface. |
ProjectSearchContext | A search context implementation for Project search engines. All methods that are called on a Project search engine, and expect a ISearchContext, receive an object of this type. |
ProjectSearchEngineAttribute | A class attribute that registers Project search engines automatically. Search engines with this attribute must implement the IProjectSearchEngine interface. |
PropertyDrawer | Base class to derive custom property drawers from. Use this to create custom drawers for your own Serializable classes or for script variables with custom PropertyAttributes. |
PropertyField | A SerializedProperty wrapper VisualElement that, on Bind(), will generate the correct field elements with the correct bindingPaths. |
PropertyModification | Defines a single modified property. |
Provider | This class provides access to the version control API. |
PurchasingSettings | Editor API for the Unity Services editor feature. Normally Purchasing is enabled from the Services window, but if writing your own editor extension, this API can be used. |
RawFrameDataView | Provides access to the Profiler data for a specific frame and thread. |
RectangleSelector | Rectangle selection box manipulator. |
RectField | A Rect editor field. |
RectIntField | A RectInt editor field. |
RectUtils | Utilities for rectangle selections. |
RegistryInfo | Provides information about a package registry. |
RemovedComponent | Class with information about a component that has been removed from a Prefab instance. |
RemoveRequest | Represents an asynchronous request to remove a package from the project. |
RenderPipelineEditorUtility | Helper class that contains a utility function on ScriptableRenderPipeline for Editor. |
RepositoryInfo | Includes information about the repository that hosts the package. |
Request | Tracks the state of an asynchronous Unity Package Manager (Upm) server operation. |
Request<T0> | Tracks the state of an asynchronous Unity Package Manager (Upm) server operation that returns a non-empty response. |
ResetToEditorDefaultsRequest | Represents an asynchronous request to reset the project packages to the current Editor default configuration. |
ResizableElement | Instantiates a [ResizableElement] that you add as a child of the [VisualElement] that you want to resize. |
Resizer | Resizer manipulator element. |
ResponseFileData | Data class used for storing parsed response file data. |
RoleProviderAttribute | An attribute used to decorate function that defines how a slave process can interact with a main instance of Unity. |
Scene | Use this API to perform searches in the Scene. Engines for this type of search implement the ISceneSearchEngine interface. |
SceneAsset | SceneAsset is used to reference Scene objects in the Editor. |
SceneBundleInfo | Container for holding asset loading information for a streamed Scene AssetBundle to be built. |
SceneCullingMasks | Masks that control what kind of Scene views and Game views Unity should render a GameObject in. |
SceneLoadInfo | Container for holding preload information for a given serialized Scene in an AssetBundle. |
SceneSearchContext | A search context implementation for Scene search engines. All methods that are called on a Scene search engine, and expect a ISearchContext, receive an object of this type. |
SceneSearchEngineAttribute | A class attribute that registers Scene search engines automatically. Search engines with this attribute must implement the ISceneSearchEngine interface. |
SceneSetup | The setup information for a Scene in the SceneManager. This cannot be used in Play Mode. |
ScenesUsingAssets | An extension to the BuildReport class that tracks which scenes in the build have references to a specific asset in the build. |
SceneTemplateAsset | An Asset that stores everything required to instantiate a new Scene from a templated Scene. |
SceneTemplatePipelineAdapter | An adapter that implements all the functions of ISceneTemplatePipeline for easier usage. Use it to partially override a ISceneTemplatePipeline. |
SceneTemplateService | A utility class that manages SceneTemplateAsset instantiation. |
SceneView | Use this class to manage SceneView settings, change the SceneView camera properties, subscribe to events, call SceneView methods, and render open scenes. |
SceneViewCameraWindow | Use this class to instantiate a SceneViewCameraWindow window. |
SceneVisibilityManager | Manages Scene Visibility in the editor. |
Scope | This class allows for nodes to be grouped into a common area, or Scope. This class includes methods that automatically resize and position the Scope to encompass the group of nodes. |
ScriptableBakedReflectionSystem | Empty implementation of IScriptableBakedReflectionSystem. |
ScriptableBakedReflectionSystemSettings | Global settings for the scriptable baked reflection system. |
ScriptableRenderPipelineExtensionAttribute | Use this attribute to apply a condition to a filter that finds the class based on which ScriptableRenderPipeline you are currently using. |
ScriptableSingleton<T0> | Generic class for storing Editor state. |
ScriptableWizard | Derive from this class to create an editor wizard. |
ScriptCompilerOptions | Compiler options passed to the script compiler. |
ScriptedImporter | Abstract base class for custom Asset importers. |
ScriptedImporterAttribute | Class attribute used to register a custom asset importer derived from ScriptedImporter with Unity's Asset import pipeline. |
ScriptedImporterEditor | Default editor for source assets handled by Scripted Importers. |
SearchField | The SearchField control creates a text field for a user to input text that can be used for searching. |
SearchFieldBase<T0,T1> | The base class for a search field. |
SearchRequest | Represents an asynchronous request to find a package. |
SearchTreeEntry | This class describes a search tree entry. The search window displays search tree entries in the GraphView. |
SearchTreeGroupEntry | This class describes group entries in the search tree. The search tree is displayed in the search window. |
SearchWindow | This subclass displays a searchable menu of available graph nodes. |
Selection | Access to the selection in the editor. |
SelectionDragger | Selection dragger manipulator. |
SelectionDropper | Selection drag&drop manipulator. |
SerializationInfo | Container for holding object serialization order information for a build. |
SerializedObject | SerializedObject and SerializedProperty are classes for editing serialized fields on Unity objects in a completely generic way. These classes automatically handle dirtying individual serialized fields so they will be processed by the Undo system and styled correctly for Prefab overrides when drawn in the Inspector. |
SerializedProperty | SerializedProperty and SerializedObject are classes for editing properties on objects in a completely generic way that automatically handles undo and styling UI for Prefabs. |
SerializedPropertyChangeEvent | An event sent when a value in a PropertyField changes. |
SessionState | SessionState is a Key-Value Store intended for storing and retrieving Editor session state that should survive assembly reloading. |
SettingsProvider | SettingsProvider is the configuration class that specifies how a Project setting or a preference should appear in the Settings or Preferences window. |
SettingsProviderAttribute | Attribute used to register a new SettingsProvider. Use this attribute to decorate a function that returns an instance of a SettingsProvider. If the function returns null, no SettingsProvider appears in the Settings window. |
SettingsProviderGroupAttribute | Attribute used to register multiple SettingsProvider items. Use this attribute to decorate a function that returns an array of SettingsProvider instances. If the function returns null, no SettingsProvider appears in the Settings window. |
SettingsService | This class provides global APIs to interact with the Settings window. |
ShaderData | This class describes a shader. |
ShaderGUI | Abstract class to derive from for defining custom GUI for shader properties and for extending the material preview. |
ShaderImporter | Shader importer lets you modify shader import settings from Editor scripts. |
ShaderUtil | Utility functions to assist with working with shaders from the editor. |
ShortcutAttribute | Attribute used to register a static method as the action for an action shortcut. |
ShortcutBaseAttribute | Abstract base class for ShortcutAttribute and ClutchShortcutAttribute. |
ShortcutHandler | Shortcut handler. |
ShortcutManager | Provides access to an instance of IShortcutManager for managing shortcuts. |
SketchUpImporter | Derives from AssetImporter to handle importing of SketchUp files. |
SketchupMaterialDescriptionPreprocessor | This is a default implementation for AssetPostProcessor.OnPreprocessMaterialDescription, this implementation converts material descriptions imported from Sketchup assets into materials for the internal rendering pipeline. |
SourceTextureInformation | Original texture data information. |
SpeedTreeImporter | AssetImportor for importing SpeedTree model assets. |
SphereBoundsHandle | A compound handle to edit a sphere-shaped bounding volume in the Scene view. |
SpriteAtlasAsset | SpriteAtlasAsset stores inputs for generating SpriteAtlas and generates atlas textures on Import. |
SpriteAtlasExtensions | Method extensions for SpriteAtlas in Editor. |
SpriteAtlasImporter | SpriteAtlasImporter imports SpriteAtlasAsset and generates SpriteAtlas. |
SpriteAtlasUtility | Utility methods to pack atlases in the Project. |
SpriteEditorExtension |
Sprite extension methods that are accessible in Editor only. |
SpriteUtility | Helper utilities for accessing Sprite data. |
StackNode | Use this class to customize StackNodes and to manage dragging GraphElements over StackNodes. |
Stage | The Stage class represents an editing context which includes a collection of Scenes. |
StageUtility | Utility methods related to stages. |
StateMachineBehaviourContext | This class contains all the owner's information for this State Machine Behaviour. |
StaticOcclusionCulling | StaticOcclusionCulling lets you perform static occlusion culling operations. |
StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization | Used to visualize static occlusion culling at development time in Scene view. |
StickyNote | Instantiates a [GraphElement] used for comment text. |
StickyNoteChangeEvent | The event sent when a [StickyNote] was changed. |
StrippingInfo | The StrippingInfo object contains information about which native code modules in the engine are still present in the build, and the reasons why they are still present. |
Sysroot | Base class for implementing sysroots and toolchains for IL2CPP |
TagField | A TagField editor. |
Task | A Task describes an instance of a version control operation. |
TerrainLayerInspector | The default Inspector class for Terrain Layer. |
TerrainLayerUtility | A set of helper functions for using terrain layers. |
TerrainPaintTool<T0> | Base class for terrain painting tools. |
TerrainPaintUtilityEditor | Terrain paint utility editor helper functions. |
TerrainToolShortcutContext | The shortcut context that is active while editing Terrain. |
TextureGenerator | Experimental utilities for generating Texture2D. |
TextureImporter | Texture importer lets you modify Texture2D import settings from editor scripts. |
TextureImporterPlatformSettings | Stores platform specifics settings of a TextureImporter. |
TextureImporterSettings | Stores settings of a TextureImporter. |
TextValueField<T0> | Base class for text fields. |
TextValueFieldTraits<T0,T1> | Specifies the TextValueField's UxmlTraits. |
ThreeDSMaterialDescriptionPreprocessor | This is a default implementation for AssetPostProcessor.OnPreprocessMaterialDescription, this implementation converts material descriptions imported from .3DS assets into materials for the internal rendering pipeline. |
TokenNode | The TokenNode class includes methods for creating and managing a Node that resembles a capsule. The TokenNode class includes a title, an icon, one input Port, and one output Port. |
Toolbar | A toolbar for tool windows. |
ToolbarBreadcrumbs | Creates a breadcrumb UI element for the toolbar to help users navigate a hierarchy. For example, the visual scripting breadcrumb toolbar makes it easier to explore scripts because users can jump to any level of the script by clicking a breadcrumb item. |
ToolbarButton | A button for the toolbar. |
ToolbarMenu | A drop-down menu for the toolbar. |
ToolbarMenuElementExtensions | An extension class that handles menu management for elements that are implemented with the IToolbarMenuElement interface, but are identical to DropdownMenu. |
ToolbarPopupSearchField | The pop-up search field for the toolbar. The search field includes a menu button. |
ToolbarSearchField | A search field for the toolbar. |
ToolbarSpacer | A toolbar spacer of static size. |
ToolbarToggle | A toggle for the toolbar. |
ToolManager | This class manipulates editor tools in the Scene view. |
Tools | Class used to manipulate the tools used in Unity's Scene View. |
TransformUtils | Editor Transform Utility Class. |
TreeView | The TreeView is an IMGUI control that lets you create tree views, list views and multi-column tables for Editor tools. |
TreeViewItem | The TreeViewItem is used to build the tree representation of a tree data structure. |
TreeViewState | The TreeViewState contains serializable state information for the TreeView. |
TrueTypeFontImporter | AssetImporter for importing Fonts. |
TypeCache | Provides methods for fast type extraction from assemblies loaded into the Unity Domain. |
TypeDB | Container for holding information about script type and property data. |
TypeDescriptionEntries | A class that houses type description entries, returned from PackedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions. |
TypeFlagsExtensions | An extension class that contains member functions to TypeFlags. |
Undo | Lets you register undo operations on specific objects you are about to perform changes on. |
UnityEventTools | Editor tools for working with persistent UnityEvents. |
UnityLinkerBuildPipelineData | Contains information for various IUnityLinkerProcessor callbacks. |
Unwrapping | This class holds everything you may need in regard to uv-unwrapping. |
Utility | Editor utility functions for the Playable graph and its nodes. |
UxmlNamespacePrefixAttribute | Attribute that can be used on an assembly to define an XML namespace prefix for a namespace. |
Vector2Field | A Vector2 editor field. |
Vector2IntField | A Vector2Int editor field. |
Vector3Field | A Vector3 editor field. |
Vector3IntField | A Vector3Int editor field. |
Vector4Field | A Vector4 editor field. |
VersionsInfo | Identifies the available versions of a package and which are the compatible, latest, and recommended versions. |
VideoClipImporter | VideoClipImporter lets you modify VideoClip import settings from Editor scripts. |
VideoImporterTargetSettings | Importer settings that can have platform-specific values. |
WriteCommand | Container for holding information about a serialized file to be written. |