Show modal editor window.
Other windows will not be accessible and any script recompilation will not happen until this window is closed.
using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; public class ShowModalExample : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Examples/Modal Window")] public static void ShowExample() { ShowModalExample wnd = GetWindow<ShowModalExample>(); wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("Must Read Before Continuing"); wnd.ShowModal(); } public void OnEnable() { Label recommendationLabel = new Label("We recommend you activate this custom setting before you continue."); rootVisualElement.Add(recommendationLabel); Label instructionLabel = new Label("To continue using the Editor, you can either activate the setting, or choose to ignore it by closing the window."); rootVisualElement.Add(instructionLabel); Button customSettingButton = new Button(() => { Debug.Log("Custom Setting Activated"); Close(); }); customSettingButton.text = "Activate Custom Setting"; rootVisualElement.Add(customSettingButton); } }