Unity Remote 4
Scripting de iOS

Unity Remote 3 (DEPRECATED)

Unity Remote 3 (referido como Unity de aquí en adelante) es una aplicación que le permite a usted utilizar su dispositivo iOS como un control remoto para su proyecto en Unity. Esto es útil durante el desarrollo ya que es más rápido probar su proyecto en el editor con el control remoto que construirlo y desplegarlo en su dispositivo después de cada cambio.


Nosotros estamos remplazando Unity Remote 3 con el nuevo Unity Remote 4.

¿Dónde puedo encontrar Unity Remote?

Unity Remote está disponible para descargarlo desde la AppStore sin costo adicional. Si usted prefiere construir y desplegar la aplicación usted mismo, usted puede descargar la fuente desde la sección Learn de Unity Learn en la página de Unity.

Cómo construyo Unity Remote?

Primero, descargue el código fuente del proyecto aquí y descomprima este en su ubicación preferida. El archivo zip contiene un proyecto de XCode para construir e instalar Unity Remote en su dispositivo.

Assuming you have already created the provisioning profile and successfully installed iOS builds on your device, you just need to open the Xcode project file UnityRemote.xcodeproj. Once XCode is launched, you should click “Build and Go” to install the app on your iOS device. If you have never built and run applications before, we recommend that you try building some of the Apple examples first to familiarize yourself with XCode and iOS.

Once Unity Remote is installed, make sure your device is connected via Wi-Fi to the same network as your development machine or else connected to the machine directly via USB. Launch Unity Remote on your iPhone/iPad while Unity is running on your computer and select your computer from the list that appears. Now, whenever you enter Play mode in the Editor, your device will act as a remote control that you can use for developing and testing your game. You can control the application with the device wirelessly and you will also see a low-res version of the app on the device’s screen.

Note: The Unity iOS editor cannot emulate the device’s hardware perfectly, so you may not get the exact behavior (graphics performance, touch responsiveness, sounds playback, etc) that you would on a real device.

Xcode shows strange errors while deploying Unity Remote to my device. What should I do?

This indicates that the default Identifier in the Unity Remote project is not compatible with your provisioning profile. You will have to alter this Identifier manually in your XCode project. The Identifier must match your provisioning profile.

You will need to create an AppID with an trailing asterisk if you have not already done so; you can do this in the Program Portal on Apple’s iPhone Developer Program. First, go to the Program Portal and choose the AppIDs tab. Then, click the Add ID button in the top right corner and type your usual bundle identifier followed by dot and asterisk (eg, com.mycompany.*) in the App ID Bundle Seed ID and Bundle Identifier field. Add the new AppID to your provisioning profile, then download and reinstall it. Don’t forget to restart Xcode afterwards. If you have any problems creating the AppID, consult the Provisioning How-to section on Apple’s website.

Dont forget to change the Identifier before you install Unity Remote on your device.
Don’t forget to change the Identifier before you install Unity Remote on your device.

Open the Unity Remote project with XCode. From the menu, select Project->Edit Active Target “Unity Remote”. This will open a new window entitled Target “Unity Remote” Info. Select the Properties tab. Change the Identifier property field from com.unity3d.UnityRemote to the bundle identifier in your AppID followed by “.” (dot) followed by “UnityRemote”. For example, if your provisioning profile contains ######.com.mycompany.* AppID, then change the Identifier field to com.mycompany.UnityRemote.

Next, select Build->Clean all targets from the menu, and compile and install Unity Remote again. You may also need to change the active SDK from Simulator to Device - 2.0 | Release. There is no problem using SDK 2.0 even if your device runs a newer version of the OS.

Estoy obteniendo una muy mala calidad en las gráficas cuando corro mi juego en Unity Remote. Qué puedo hacer para mejorarlo?

When you use Unity Remote, the game actually runs on your Mac while its visual content is heavily compressed and streamed to the device. As a result, what you see on the device screen is just a low-res version of what the app would really look like. You should check how the game runs on the device occasionally by building and deploying the app (select File->Build & Run in the Unity editor).

Unity Remote tiene lag. Lo puedo mejorar?

The performance of Unity Remote depends heavily on the speed of the Wi-Fi network, the quality of the networking hardware and other factors. For the best experience, create an ad-hoc network between your Mac and iOS device. Click the Airport icon on your Mac and choose “Create Network”. Then, enter a name and password and click OK. On the device, choose Settings->Wi-Fi and select the new Wi-Fi network you have just created. Remember that an ad-hoc network is really a wireless connection that does not involve a wireless access point. Therefore, you will usually not have internet access while using ad-hoc networking.

Turning Bluetooth off on both on your iPhone/iPad and on Mac should also improve connection quality.

If you do not need to see the game view on the device, you can turn image synchronization off in the Remote machine list. This will reduce the network traffic needed for the Remote to work.

La conexión a Unity Remote fácilmente se pierde

This can be due to a problem with the installation or other factors that prevent Unity Remote from functioning properly. Try the following steps in sequence, checking if the performance improves at each step before moving on to the next:-

  1. Primero que todo, revise si el Bluetooth está prendido. Ambos su dispositivo Mac y iOS deben tener Bluetooth desactivado para un mejor rendimiento.
  2. Borre el archivo de ajustes ubicado en ~/Library/Preferences/com.unity3d.UnityEditoriPhone.plist
  3. Re-instale el juego en su iPhone/iPad.
  4. Re-instale Unity en su Mac.
  5. Como último recurso, realizar un rest obligado en el dispositivo a veces puede mejorar el rendimiento de Unity Remote.

If you still experience problems then try installing Unity Remote on another device (in another location if possible) and see if it gives you better results. There could be problems with RF interference or other software influencing the performance of the wireless adapter on your Mac or iOS device.

Unity Remote no ve mi Mac. Qué debería hacer?

  • Revise si Unity Remote y su Mac están conectados a la misma red inalámbrica.
  • Revise sus ajustes firewall, ajustes de seguridad de router, y cualquier otro hardware/software que puede filtrar paquetes en su red.
  • Deje Unity Remote corriendo, apague el Airport de Mac por un minuto o dos, y vuelva a prenderlo.
  • Re-inicie ambos Unity y Unity Remote. A veces usted también necesitar re-iniciar su iPhone/iPad (mantenga presionado el menú y los botones de power al mismo tiempo).
  • Unity Remote utiliza el servicio Apple Bonjour, por lo que revise que su Mac lo tiene prendido.
  • Re-instale Unity Remote del último paquete de Unity iOS.
Unity Remote 4
Scripting de iOS