Buoyancy Effector 2D
Platform Effector 2D

Point Effector 2D

The Point Effector 2D applies forces to attract/repulse against a source point which can be defined as the position of the rigid-body or the center of a collider used by the effector. When another (target) collider comes into contact with the effector then a force is applied to the target. Where the force is applied and how it is calculated can be controlled.

Colliders that you use with the effector would typically be set as triggers so that other colliders can overlap with it to have forces applied however, non-triggers will still work but forces will only be applied when colliders come into contact with it.

El Inspector Point Effector 2D
El Inspector Point Effector 2D


Propiedad: Función:
Use Collider Mask Should the ‘Collider Mask’ property be used? If not then the global collision matrix will be used as is the default for all colliders.
Collider Mask La mask utilizada para seleccionar capas (layers) especificas permitidas para interactuar con el effector.
Force Magnitude La magnitud de la fuerza en ser aplicada.
Force Variation La variación de la magnitud de la fuerza en ser aplicada.
Distance Scale The scale applied to the distance between the source and target. When calculating the distance, it is scaled by this amount allowing the effective distance to be changed which controls the magnitude of the force applied.
Drag La fricción lineal (linear drag) en ser aplicada a los Rigidbodies.
Angular Drag La fricción angular (angular drag) en ser aplicada a Rigidbodies.
Force Source La fuente que es utilizada para calcular el punto centroide del effector. La distancia desde el objetivo está definida desde este punto.
        Collider The source point is defined as the current position of the collider.
        Rigidbody The source point is defined as the current position of the rigidbody.
Force Target La fuente que es utilizada para calcular el punto centroide del effector. La distancia desde el objetivo está definida desde este punto.
        Collider The target point is defined as the current position of the collider. Applying force here can generate torque (cause the target to rotate) if the collider isn’t positioned at the center-of-mass.
        Rigidbody The target point is defined as the current center-of-mass of the rigidbody. Applying force here will never generate torque (cause the target to rotate).
Force Mode How the force is calculated.
        Constant La escala aplicada a la distancia entre la fuente y el objetivo.
        Inverse Linear The force is applied as a function of the inverse-linear distance between the source and target. When the source and target are in the same position then the full force is applied but it falls-off linearly as they move apart.
        Inverse Squared The force is applied as a function of the inverse-squred distance between the source and target. When the source and target are in the same position then the full force is applied but it falls-off squared as they move apart. This is similar to real-world gravity.
Buoyancy Effector 2D
Platform Effector 2D