La ventana de Jerarquía (Hierarchy)
Editando Propiedades(Properties)

Usando el Inspector

The inspector in its default position in Unity
The inspector in its default position in Unity

Inspecting Game Objects

The showing a typical Game Object and its components
The showing a typical Game Object and its components

El Inspector es usado para ver y editar propiedades de objeto y también preferencias y otros ajustes dentro de Unity.

Cuando usted selecciona un GameObject en la Jerarquía o Scene View, el Inspector va a mostrar las Properties de todos los Components y Materials en el objeto y permitirle editarlos. Para un Script component personalizado, las variables públicas de ese script son mostradas en el Inspector y pueden ser vistas y editas como las propiedades de los components integrados de Unity. Esto le permite establecer parámetros y valores por defecto en su scripts fácilmente sin modificar el código.

Inspecting Script Variables

Inspector showing a GameObject several custom scripts attached, and their public properties available to edit.
Inspector showing a GameObject several custom scripts attached, and their public properties available to edit.

Cuando usted selecciona un GameObject en la Jerarquía o Scene View, el Inspector va a mostrar las Properties de todos los Components y Materials en el objeto y permitirle editarlos. Para un Script component personalizado, las variables públicas de ese script son mostradas en el Inspector y pueden ser vistas y editas como las propiedades de los components integrados de Unity. Esto le permite establecer parámetros y valores por defecto en su scripts fácilmente sin modificar el código.

Inspecting Assets

Inspector showing the import settings for a texture
Inspector showing the import settings for a texture

When an Asset is selected in your Project Window, the Inspector will show you the settings related to how that asset is imported and used at runtime. Each type of asset will have a different arrangement of settings. Below are some examples of the inspector showing the import settings for other asset types:

Inspector showing the import settings for an FBX file containing 3D models
Inspector showing the import settings for an FBX file containing 3D models
Inspector showing the import settings for an audio file
Inspector showing the import settings for an audio file
Inspector showing the import settings for a Material Asset
Inspector showing the import settings for a Material Asset

Project Settings

Inspector showing the Tags and Layers Project Settings panel
Inspector showing the “Tags and Layers” Project Settings panel

When you select any of the Project Settings categories (found under: Editor -> Project Settings), those settings will be displayed in the inspector. Find out more about these on the Settings Managers page.

La ventana de Jerarquía (Hierarchy)
Editando Propiedades(Properties)