Administrador de Física en 2D(Physics 2D Manager)
Usted puede acceder el Physics 2D Manager desde el menú seleccionando .
Propiedad: | Función: |
Gravity | La cantidad de gravedad aplicada a todos los objetos Rigidbody2D . Generalmente, la gravedad es solamente establecida en la dirección negativa del eje Y. |
Default Material | Los Physics Material 2D predeterminados que serán usados si ninguno ha sido asignado a un collider individual. |
Velocity Iterations | El número de iteraciones hechas por el motor de física para resolver efectos de velocidad. Números mayores resultan en una física más precisa pero por el precio de tiempo de CPU. |
Position Iterations | El número de iteraciones hechas por el motor de física para resolver cambios de posición. Números mayores resultan en una física más precisa pero por el precio de tiempo de CPU. |
Velocity Threshold | Collisions with a relative velocity lower than this value will be treated as inelastic collisions (ie, the colliding objects will not bounce off each other). |
Max Linear Correction | The maximum linear position correction used when solving constraints (range, 0.0001 to 1000000). This helps to prevent overshoot. |
Max Angular Correction | The maximum angular correction used when solving constraints (range, 0.0001 to 1000000). This helps to prevent overshoot. |
Max Translation Speed | The maximum linear speed of a rigidbody object during any physics update. |
Max Rotation Speed | The maximum linear speed of a rigidbody object during any physics update. |
Min Penetration For Penalty | The minimum contact penetration radius allowed before any separation impulse force is applied. |
Baumgarte Scale | Scale factor that determines how fast collision overlaps are resolved. |
Baumgarte Time of Impact Scale | Scale factor that determines how fast time-of-impact overlaps are resolved. |
Time to Sleep | The time (in seconds) that must pass after a rigidbody stops moving before it goes to sleep. |
Linear Sleep Tolerance | The linear speed below which a rigidbody will go to sleep after the “time to sleep” elapses. |
Angular Sleep Tolerance | The rotational speed below which a rigidbody will go to sleep after the “time to sleep” elapses. |
Queries Hit Triggers | Si habilitado, cualquier Raycast que interseccione con un Collider marcado como Trigger va a devolver un golpe(hit). Si deshabilitado, estas intersecciones no van a devolver un golper(hit). |
Queries Start In Colliders | Will any physics queries (Linecasts, Raycasts, etc) that start inside a collider detect the collider they start in? Check the box for yes. |
Change Stops Callbacks | Whether or not to stop reporting collision callbacks immediately if any of the objects involved in the collision are deleted or moved. |
Layer Collision Matrix | Define cómo el sistema de detección layer-based collision se va a comportar. |
The settings of the physics manager define limits on the accuracy of the physical simulation. Generally speaking, a more accurate simulation requires more processing overhead, so these settings offer a way to trade off accuracy against performance. See the Physics section of the manual for further information.