
class in UnityEngine.Rendering


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule


Describes the rendering features supported by a given render pipeline.

Set the active supported rendering features when enabling a render pipeline. This will change the state of the editor UI to reflect the changes.

Static Properties

Property Description
activeGet / Set a SupportedRenderingFeatures.


Property Description
ambientProbeBakingDetermines if this renderer supports ambient probe baking.
defaultMixedLightingModesThis is the fallback mode if the mode the user had previously selected is no longer available. See SupportedRenderingFeatures.mixedLightingModes.
defaultReflectionProbeBakingSpecifies whether this renderer bakes a default Reflection Probe.
editableMaterialRenderQueueDetermines whether the Scriptable Render Pipeline will override the default Material’s Render Queue settings and, if true, hides the Render Queue property in the Inspector.
enlightenDetermines if Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination lightmapper is supported by the currently selected pipeline. If it is not supported, Enlighten-specific settings do not appear in the Editor, which then defaults to the CPU Lightmapper.
lightmapBakeTypesWhat baking types are supported. The unsupported ones will be hidden from the UI. See LightmapBakeType.
lightmapsModesSpecifies what modes are supported. Has to be at least one. See LightmapsMode.
lightProbeProxyVolumesAre light probe proxy volumes supported?
mixedLightingModesSpecifies what LightmapMixedBakeModes that are supported. Please define a SupportedRenderingFeatures.defaultMixedLightingModes in case multiple modes are supported.
motionVectorsAre motion vectors supported?
overridesEnableLODCrossFadeSpecifies whether the renderer overrides the Enable LOD Cross Fade settings in the Quality Settings Panel. If It does, the renderer does not need the built-in UI for Enable LOD Cross Fade settings.
overridesEnvironmentLightingDetermines if the renderer will override the Environment Lighting and will no longer need the built-in UI for it.
overridesFogDetermines if the renderer will override the fog settings in the Lighting Panel and will no longer need the built-in UI for it.
overridesLightProbeSystemDetermines if the renderer will override the light probe system with a different one.
overridesLightProbeSystemWarningMessageThe message to display in the LightProbeGroup editor if the light probe system is overridden by the renderer.
overridesLODBiasSpecifies whether the renderer overrides the LOD bias settings in the Quality Settings Panel. If It does, the renderer does not need the built-in UI for LOD bias settings.
overridesMaximumLODLevelSpecifies whether the renderer overrides the maximum LOD level settings in the Quality Settings Panel. If It does, the renderer does not need the built-in UI for maximum LOD level settings.
overridesOtherLightingSettingsDetermines if the renderer will override halo and flare settings in the Lighting Panel and will no longer need the built-in UI for it.
overridesRealtimeReflectionProbesSpecifies whether the render pipeline overrides the real-time Reflection Probes settings in the Quality settings. If It does, the render pipeline does not need the built-in UI for real-time Reflection Probes settings.
overridesShadowmaskSpecifies whether the render pipeline overrides the Shadowmask settings in the Quality settings.
particleSystemInstancingDetermines if the renderer supports Particle System GPU instancing.
receiveShadowsCan renderers support receiving shadows?
reflectionProbeModesFlags for supported reflection probes.
reflectionProbesAre reflection probes supported?
reflectionProbesBlendDistanceIf this property is true, the blend distance field in the Reflection Probe Inspector window is editable.
rendererPriorityDetermines if the renderer supports renderer priority sorting.
rendererProbesDetermines whether the Renderer supports probe lighting.
rendersUIOverlayDetermines whether the function to render UI overlays is called by SRP and not by the engine.
skyOcclusionIf True, the renderer supports sky occlusion in Probe Volumes.
supportsCloudsIf True, the renderer supports cloud layers or volumetric clouds.
supportsHDRIf True, the renderer supports HDR display output.

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