
struct in UnityEngine.Android


Implemented in:UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule


Structure describing a permission that requires user authorization.

Static Properties

Property Description
CameraUsed when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to use the camera.
CoarseLocationUsed when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to use the users location with coarse granularity.
ExternalStorageReadUsed when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to read from external storage such as a SD card.
ExternalStorageWriteUsed when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to write to external storage such as a SD card.
FineLocationUsed when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to use the users location with high precision.
MicrophoneUsed when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to use the microphone.

Static Methods

Method Description
HasUserAuthorizedPermissionCheck if the user has granted access to a device resource or information that requires authorization.
RequestUserPermissionRequest the user to grant access to a device resource or information that requires authorization.
RequestUserPermissionsRequest the user to grant access to multiple device resources or information that requires authorization.
ShouldShowRequestPermissionRationaleCheck whether to display the UI explaining the reason for permission before requesting it.

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