

AndroidJNI module allows you to call Java code.

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Class Description
AndroidApplicationUse this class to access the runtime data of your Android application.
AndroidAssetPackInfoRepresents the download progress of a single Android asset pack.
AndroidAssetPacksProvides methods for handling Android asset packs.
AndroidAssetPackStateRepresents the state of a single Android asset pack.
AndroidAssetPackUseMobileDataRequestResultRepresents the choice of an end user that indicates if your application can use mobile data to download Android asset packs.
AndroidConfigurationUse this class to retrieve device specific configuration information.
AndroidDeviceInterface into Android specific functionality.
AndroidGameProvides methods and properties for accessing different Android game APIs.
AndroidJavaClassAndroidJavaClass is the Unity representation of a generic instance of java.lang.Class.
AndroidJavaObjectAndroidJavaObject is the Unity representation of a generic instance of java.lang.Object.
AndroidJavaProxyThis class can be used to implement any java interface. Any java vm method invocation matching the interface on the proxy object will automatically be passed to the c# implementation.
AndroidJNI'Raw' JNI interface to Android Java VM from Unity scripting (C#).Note: Using raw JNI functions requires advanced knowledge of the Android Java Native Interface (JNI). Please take note.
AndroidJNIHelperHelper interface for JNI interaction; signature creation and method lookups.Note: Using raw JNI functions requires advanced knowledge of the Android Java Native Interface (JNI). Please take note.
AndroidLocaleUse this class to retrieve the language and region preferences set on the device.
ApplicationExitInfoProviderAccess point to get the list of ApplicationExitInfo records with the reasons for the most recent application terminations.
DiagnosticsReportingClass with options for reporting diagnostics information to the Android system.
DownloadAssetPackAsyncOperationRepresents an asynchronous Android asset pack download operation. AndroidAssetPacks.DownloadAssetPackAsync returns an instance of this class.
GetAssetPackStateAsyncOperationRepresents an asynchronous Android asset pack state request operation. AndroidAssetPacks.GetAssetPackStateAsync returns an instance of this class.
PermissionCallbacksContains callbacks invoked when permission request is executed using Permission.RequestUserPermission.
RequestToUseMobileDataAsyncOperationRepresents an asynchronous operation that requests to use mobile data to download Android asset packs.


Struct Description
JNINativeMethodDefines a single method to beregistered using AndroidJNI.RegisterNatives.
PermissionStructure describing a permission that requires user authorization.


Enumeration Description
AndroidAssetPackErrorValues that indicate the type of Android asset pack error when the status is either AndroidAssetPackStatus.Failed or AndroidAssetPackStatus.Unknown.
AndroidAssetPackStatusValues that indicate the status of an Android asset pack.
AndroidColorModeHdrOptions to indicate whether the screen can display a wide range brightness levels.
AndroidColorModeWideColorGamutOptions to indicate whether the screen can display wide range of color gamut or not.
AndroidGameModeOptions for the available game modes that AndroidGame.GameMode can return.
AndroidGameStateOptions for the available game states that you can pass to AndroidGame.SetGameState or you can set as a current game state mode to be used for Automated game state hinting in Unity using AndroidGame.Automatic.SetGameState method.
AndroidHardwareKeyboardHiddenOptions to indicate whether the physical keyboard is available.
AndroidHardwareTypeAndroidHardwareType describes the type of Android device on which the app is running.
AndroidKeyboardOptions to indicate the type of keyboard the device is using.
AndroidKeyboardHiddenOptions to indicate whether any keyboard is available for use on the device.
AndroidNavigationOptions to indicate the type of navigation methods used on the device.
AndroidNavigationHiddenOptions to indicate whether the 5-way or DPAD navigation methods are available on the device.
AndroidOrientationOptions to indicate the orientation of the screen.
AndroidScreenLayoutDirectionOptions to indicate the screen layout direction.
AndroidScreenLayoutLongOptions to indicate whether the aspect ratio of the screen is taller or wider than normal.
AndroidScreenLayoutRoundOptions to indicate whether the screen shape is rounded or not.
AndroidScreenLayoutSizeOptions to indicate the size of the device screen.
AndroidTouchScreenOptions to indicate whether the device supports touchscreen.
AndroidUIModeNightOptions to indicate whether the device screen is in a special mode, such as a night mode.
AndroidUIModeTypeOptions to indicate the user interface mode of the device.
ExitReasonThe reason code for termination of the process.
ProcessImportanceIndicates the relative importance level that the system assigns to the process. These levels are represented by constants. The constants are numbered in such a way that more important values are always smaller than the less important values.

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